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  1. WIchickMama

    Boy or girl?

    11 week old EE- I can't tell. No crowing....yet
  2. WIchickMama

    4 week old mixed breed chicks gender guesses

    I have 3 babies that will be 4 weeks tomorrow. All come from a mixed flock of EE, OE, Barred Rocks, Orpington, Silke and Turken. So mutts ;) 2 hatched from mint eggs (#1 and 2) and 1 hatched from a brown egg (#3). I know it is early but ready for some guesses. I am thinking pullets as my last...
  3. WIchickMama

    Scaly Leg Mites, treatment and clean legs

    Ok-so treat the SLM with vaseline or coconut oil or similar but how do you keep the legs from getting covered with dirt, straw, pine shavings, etc? OR it rubbing off while they are dust bathing? Is it best to do at night-but then I fear their tummy feathers will get coated and tonight it gets...
  4. WIchickMama

    Easter Egger questions

    I did some searching but didn't find exact answers to my questions, so I apologize if the answers are embedded in a thread somewhere. I have chicks that hatched almost 3 weeks ago, no idea on what breed/mix of breeds they are. They were not from a hatchery, eggs came from a neighbor who has...
  5. WIchickMama

    Feather sexing- not sure if possible

    5 and 6 day old broody hatched chicks, 4 EE and 1 barnyard mix. Not sure what parents are, so not sure if feather sexing is possible- woman I got the eggs from has EE as well and not sure of breeds. But if anyone wants to try, thanks (am thinking the grey one is a boy for sure- again only if...
  6. WIchickMama

    New Babies

    We got 6 new babies over the last 2 days. My Leghorn played surrogate for some eggs from a friend of our neighbor. Our neighbor said she has a barnyard mix, we hatched 4 mint green, one muted grassy green and one brown. Now because we used a broody and they hatched overnight I wasn't able to...
  7. WIchickMama

    Lockdown? Does it happen in the wild?

    We are at day 18 with my broody! 6 live and active eggs. My question is, do broody hens go into a lockdown? I am needing to add a slight lip to the nesting box she is in (there is one there but it isn't super high) and didn't know if I should do it today on day 18 or not? I am not sure if she...
  8. WIchickMama

    Best place for a broody cage/nest

    Ok, first time brood hen mom. Actually, super excited as bird flu, though it has slowed down is still something in the back of my mind, and other integration concerns are real. I read through the thousands of broody hen threads, thank you everyone for posting your questions and replies-very...
  9. WIchickMama

    Bumblefoot and roosts

    Took my best hen to the vet today for bumblefoot, I just couldn't hold her and take care of it on my own. Pretty cheap visit with a removal procedure and antibiotics (less than $65). But he mentioned that my 2x4s were too big for roosting? I thought this was an ideal size for a mixed flock...
  10. WIchickMama


    I listen to Farmish Girl Amy A Farmish Kind of Life and she had one on chickens--good listen if anyone wants.
  11. WIchickMama

    Look but don't touch cage size

    Alright will be introducing 2 4 month old pullets to my 7 1 yr old in a couple weeks, what size cage (going to use a wire dog-ish style crate) should I use? I can find a lot for 24x19x17(h) inches but not sure that is big enough. They will be staying in this most of the day and all night, but...
  12. WIchickMama

    Looking for new additions--WI/MN border

    Looking for 3-5 new additions for my flock of 7. Covered and secure run, lots of love from my daughter and visits a few times a day from me :) I am on the border of MN/WI and would be willing to travel no more than 2 hrs in any direction.
  13. WIchickMama

    All girls?

    Found these for sale by me, wanting a couple extra sets of eyes to double check they are girls. Says they are all Legbar crosses Thanks!
  14. WIchickMama

    Best chance of being broody

    I have 7 chickens and was wondering which breed might be the best chance of becoming broody, they are 11 months old. I have a leghorn (highly unlikely I think), barred rock, 3 brahmas and 2 polish. I am hoping to have one incubate some eggs for me this spring but if there isn't a high chance of...
  15. WIchickMama

    extra fermented feed

    If I made too much for 1 day's feeding can I put the leftovers in the fridge and feed until it is gone? I don't want it to go bad or get to the point of no return. Also, can I heat it up? thanks (I fermented all flock pellet feed)
  16. WIchickMama

    Silver Laced Wyandotte 3/24/21 hatch

    Looking to sell our SLW. Not sure if she is laying yet or not, checked her and she seemed under 2 inches still. Very timid and not a snuggler. She is bottom of the pecking order and all the other ladies are starting to pick our her neck feathers. We have been trying to get her integrated better...
  17. WIchickMama

    Best blanket

    Anyone have a suggestion for a blanket to hang over a chicken coop or barn door to protect against drafts?
  18. WIchickMama

    Best wood stove for price?

    We are looking to replace our wood pellet stove with a wood burning stove. Would need to heat 2400 sq ft. Any suggestions? Prices? Thanks
  19. WIchickMama


    Looking for advice with the upcoming winter and since everyone here is amazing at giving advice I thought I would post. We have a 6x6 coop that is 8 feet high. Currently we have the ceiling open and then vented to the side (covered with overhang and hardware cloth). DH thinks we need to insulate...
  20. WIchickMama

    Straw bales

    Best straw bales for the run? We have wheat, barley, rye and oat available in my area. Any significant differences? Will they bring in any pests/diseases?
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