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  1. Kibademon666

    Pigeon band size

    I got two utility king pigeons recently, i was wondering the reccomended band size? Or an explanation on how to measure them
  2. Kibademon666

    Help with incubator humidity

    so, I just got a little giant incubator, temp and humidity are way off as expected, so i bought a thermometer and hygrometer just in case, im strugglimg, so hard to get the humidity below 72 :\ im not even fillin all the channels, only two. these eggs really need to be in the incubator Asap...
  3. Kibademon666

    Which one should i get?

    Ive seen alot of terrible reviews on little giant, however I am on a budget! Im stuck with either of these two incubators...
  4. Kibademon666

    Duck harnesses

    What kind and size of harness do you guys find suitable for adult mallards? I want a couple for my ducks for when they’re fully grown or even better an adjustable harness, they’re almost an adult size I think but I honestly wouldn’t know
  5. Kibademon666

    Anyone know what breed this could be?

    It was supposed to be. New Hampshire pullet but it looks nothing like one now that ive done more research on the breed. What could they be?
  6. Kibademon666

    Possibly avian flu?!

    So my whole dlock except one died yesterday- the remaining hen has black on her comb and wattles and is gaping.. what could it be? The rest of the flock never showed any symptoms we thought they could have died from heat- but its looking otherwise rn Here’s her comb and wattles These...
  7. Kibademon666

    Does this color difference mean anything/is it normal?

    I have two mallard ducklings, almost 6 weeks old. I don't know their genders Just wondering if the difference in appearance had anything to do with gender or if it was even a normal mallard thing?
  8. Kibademon666

    This look okay for angel wing wrap?

    Figured out my duckling has angel wing and couldn't get my hands on any kind of wrap. I hope this wrapping looks okay
  9. Kibademon666

    Are these markings on the webs normal for mallards?

    This duckling has had small pink patches on their webs/toes since they hatched. Sibling doesn't have them. They aren't raw skin or anything, that's just the color
  10. Kibademon666

    Can mallards fly?

    So I have a couple of mallard ducklings. And someone got sass with me and told me domestic mallards can't really fly. Everywhere I read said that they could fly, am I wrong? Can they only fly up to a certain age? Or can they fly their whole life?
  11. Kibademon666

    New duck parent help please!

    I just got two mallard ducklings and all day they have been non-stop screaming, they have food, water, a duck lovey and a heat lamp, I don't know what's wrong, did they imprint on someone or are they just getting used to their home? Some advice please?
  12. Kibademon666

    Help finding a store bought coop :)

    So I have 6 chickens and not long ago their coop got destroyed and one of my pullets was killed by a husky. Ihave about $400 to spend I need a decent sized coop for 6 pullets that's decently sturdy. It's hard to find I've been trying.
  13. Kibademon666

    Salmon faverolle chicks genders

    So I looked up pictures of it but it just didn't do the justice for one of my chicks... These are them, I feel like 2 are 100% pullets but then there's one confusing one. So this is first pullet This is the second pullet. And the weird... Like mix..? He's not black.. but dark brown? Is...
  14. Kibademon666

    Is this what breed they're supposed to be?

    So I bought chicks recently and one of them is supposed to be a spangled Russian orloff which is one of my dream chickens! But since it was from tractor supply.. and the first time I bought chicks when I was more uneducated and they sold me a Rhode island red instead of a gold laced...
  15. Kibademon666

    Hi! I'm Kiba.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens actually :) I managed to raise up some hens but the coop was raided by predators and most of my hens were eaten. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 8 one adult, a young fully feathered pullet, and 6...
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