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  1. The_Chicken_Tender

    Many Bloody Eggshells from Different Hens

    I just collected some eggs, and I found about seven that have blood on the shell. I haven't collected in two-three days, and I know that these eggs are from at least four different hens. I have had the occasional bloody egg, but never from multiple hens at once. I am a little worried because I...
  2. The_Chicken_Tender

    Coop Ventilation Help (Lots of Pictures Included!)

    I have raised chickens for a long time, and I have always had a standard chicken coop (hardware cloth sides, upstairs area for roosts and nest boxes, etc). However, I decided to upgrade to something bigger now that I have a much larger flock (and the fact that the old coops were practically...
  3. The_Chicken_Tender

    Chicken with sudden paralysis and tremors (and brittle / broken feathers)!!

    Symptoms: extremely brittle feathers, paralysis in both legs, tremors I have a hen who has seemed slightly unwell for a while. Her feathers have been extremely brittle for months - at first I thought she was molting, but she's definitely not. I have checked for mites and don't see any. Lately...
  4. The_Chicken_Tender

    Can someone please help identify what's wrong with my tomatoes? Please help! (Picture attached)

    (I know about theeasygarden, but I can't figure out how to make a post and I am desperate right now!) This is my first time doing this, but I started a ton of different types of tomatoes inside with grow lights. They have been doing very well, but I just checked on them and I swear they all...
  5. The_Chicken_Tender

    What breed is this hen?

    I am trying to help someone figure out what breed this is, but I am not good at breed identification. Thanks in advance!
  6. The_Chicken_Tender

    Mushy chick disease - does it spread?

    I posted about one of my chicks who seemed to have something attached to her vent. I realized that it was actually the yolk sac attached to her navel. Now it is just looks like a stump of dried blood. We washed it with iodine a few times, and it looks a little better than yesterday. However, her...
  7. The_Chicken_Tender

    Chick attached to shell - prolapsed vent??

    My third chick just hatched, but it seems like there is a cord attaching it to the shell. I removed her from the incubator and put her, still in half the egg shell, into a cup under the heat lamp. I didn't get a picture because I am worried to move her too much. Also, she seemed to have some...
  8. The_Chicken_Tender

    Baby chick rolling other eggs around in incubator

    The first chick hatched in my new incubator but she keeps walking around all the unhatched eggs, which is causing them to roll around. I marked both sides so I would know which side to turn them to, and I stopped turning them two days ago. I read that if they are turned after that time period...
  9. The_Chicken_Tender

    What breed is this?

    I got her about nine years ago, and I think she was mislabeled as a maran or something. I have looked at so many pictures of different breeds, and nothing looks like her. Anyone have any ideas? Edit: I added a ton more pictures (probably too many) (Sorry for the bad pictures, they are old...
  10. The_Chicken_Tender

    Chickens roosting in tree every night

    In March, one of my hens hatched some babies. They don't want to be with her anymore, so they have their own coop at the moment. One day, one of the roosters decided he wanted to sleep in the tree, so we let him for that night. Then, he and one hen wanted to sleep in the tree, so we let them...
  11. The_Chicken_Tender

    Respiratory and reproductive problems

    In February I posted something about my chicken who was having a lot of issues. At first she was wheezing and panting, and then she laid a weird rubber egg after not laying for a long long time. She seemed to get better, so I thought she recovered, but now the exact, and I mean EXACT same thing...
  12. The_Chicken_Tender

    One eye closed - very worried

    My hen is hardly opening her left eye, and when she does it's very watery. She has also not been very active today. I'm very worried it's Marek's. Does anyone know anything about this?
  13. The_Chicken_Tender

    Hawk attack

    Today one of my hens got attacked by a hawk or something, but I scared it away. She lost feathers on her back, but only one area seems to be injured, and it's not even bleeding. I put her in a separate cage, but when she was walking earlier, it seemed like each step was extremely heavy. Then she...
  14. The_Chicken_Tender

    Worried about some eggs hatching before others

    So I know you are supposed to only give the broody marked eggs so others don't lay theirs in the same nest but ... It didn't exactly happen that way. I gave my hen 6 eggs all laid on the same day, and then I put some more in from the next day, but I forgot to mark them and there was some more...
  15. The_Chicken_Tender

    Can I put chicks from the store under my broody when her eggs hatch???

    I have a broody and her eggs should hatch in about eleven days (hopefully they are fertilized!) A farm supply store nearby is getting chicks a day before our eggs hatch, and I wanted to get a few new breeds. Can I put the chicks under my hen at night when the other ones start hatching? Would she...
  16. The_Chicken_Tender

    Hen wheezing panting sneezing watery poop

    I noticed yesterday that one of my hens was panting. Her neck expands very far when she breaths. She has also been sneezing a lot. She pooped and it was very stringy and white. She is eating and acting normal other than that. I just gave her some oatmeal with oregano and some water with...
  17. The_Chicken_Tender

    Permethrin and incubating eggs

    I was planning to give my broody hen some eggs tomorrow, because the hatch date would coincide with the date that the nearby co-op get chicks (I want to add some new breeds to my flock), but I have had two hens die in the last week. I think it was caused, or at least worsened, by a mite problem...
  18. The_Chicken_Tender

    Colloidal silver

    I think I have Marek's in my flock, and I want to give all my chickens colloidal silver in water, because I have heard that some people do that. Does anyone know anything about this? I have ionic colloidal silver which says it is 45 ppm, and I want to make sure that it is safe, and how much to...
  19. The_Chicken_Tender

    Rooster behavior

    Does anyone know what it means when a rooster drops his wing down and kind of shuffles to the side? I've seen many roosters do it, and today I saw one of my hens (who thinks she is a rooster) do it to another hen. I'm very curious, so answers would be appreciated!!
  20. The_Chicken_Tender

    Rooster wheezing - any advice???

    I posted something a couple days ago about how our rooster was vomiting. I haven't seen him do that recently, but a few days ago I noticed that, after running, he seemed to be wheezing. After a minute or two, it would stop, but he has been doing this for a few days and I'm wondering what it...
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