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    Need help dosing meloxicam

    I have 1.5mg/ml meloxicam. I have a 3ish lb hen. I need to know how much to give her in ML. I’m so very confused and horrible at math.
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    Emergency crop surgery question

    I have a hen I rescued. She was the sole survivor after being locked in a coop when the owners moved and left them behind. She was almost dead when she got to me. I didn’t think she would make it. I did tube refeeding, and she perked up, and started getting stronger. Poor thing is skin and...
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    Help!!! Need to know how long eggs can survive

    Had someone accidentally take the eggs from the hatching mom. They were on the table in the house for around 8 hours. The house was around 70. They are on day 19. Did my babies freeze to death? How can I know if they are alive?
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    Alliance to end chickens as kaporos

    The rescue will be happening soon, and there will be thousands of Cornish crosses rescued from a horrible death. They need homes where they can be cared for properly (not for meat only for pets) so if you want to help either by donating to this amazing organization, or by adopting any of these...
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    Limping chicken

    My 20 week old pullet (thought it was a rooster till yesterday when it laid its first egg) was limping yesterday, it was only slight, I couldn’t really find anything wrong when I noticed it at roost time. I roosted them in a cage to avoid jumping and allow for more comfortable space to lay...
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    Medistatin dose

    Anyone know the standard dosage in tsp for a hen? I’ve seen different things on here but can’t find a concrete answer. And I have no access to a scale nor am I good at basic math even lol.
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    Repost with pictures instead of video of EE/maran/naked neck 8/9 week old has me stumped

    I couldn’t get the video to work nor can I delete the post for some reason. There is just no option to do so. So I just abandoned it and am posting the pics I took today. They aren’t the best, but this chick is super flighty lol the roosters treat it like a hen, but she foot spared with one...
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    EE/maran/naked neck mix has me stumped

    EDIT THIS WAS A VIDEO BUT POSTED AS A STILL I KNOW YOU CANT TWLL FROM A STILL THEIR BUTT LOL I CANT DELETE THE POST/AM TRYING TO FIX THE VIDEO NOW THANK YOU 😂 8 week old light comb, roosters treat them like a hen, they are super flighty but got into a spar with a roo that tried to mate them and...
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    Sudden foamy eyes/sudden no foamy eyes

    My hen last night was fine one min, literally just prior I had seen her and she was absolutely fine. Then she came up to me for a treat with both eyes foaming. I swooped her up isolated her in a cool dark place (it’s very hot very suddenly here) and put some doxycycline in her water. By then...
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    IM FREAKING OUT hen with sudden foamy eyes

    My 10 year old (almost 11) partridge Plymouth Rock hen was fine just hours ago. I came out to throw some cold melon, and she had foamy eyes. It’s been cool and rainy up until just a few days ago when the temp shot up and now it’s 93/95 degrees out. I isolated her instantly. Sanitized the...
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    7ish week old thoughts on sex

    This is fawkes. They have an EE hen and a copper Marian/Naked neck roo lineage. what do you think. Don’t mind em standing on my pile of dirty laundry lol.
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    Beer 🐌 snails

    My mom asked me. Question I do not know know how to answer. She uses beer in her garden to catch snails. (I love snails this makes me very sad 😂) she wants to know if snails that have drown in beer will hurt her chickens? Any ideas?
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    Non infectious causes for honky/wheeze in throat, PLEASE HELP IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEA I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO GET ANY REPLIES

    I posted about my roo around a week ago. One min fine, the next was wheezy honk breathing. It seems to be coming from the throat, no rattling in the lungs. And ZERO other symptoms. Can’t see any gapeworms , eyes clear and bright, no runny nose, poop normal, energy normal, appetite normal...
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    Possible gapeworm

    So my roo I posted about, a few days back who started wheeze/honk breathing out of nowhere, is still doing so. He is about 4 days into a course of doxycycline. And it seems to not be helping yet. There is still ZERO other symptoms. Just his wheeze/honk and raspy crow. Is it possible this is...
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    Still think it’s a pulley? 13 week old bantam Cochin/(possibly red sexlink or cream legbar) mix.

    Sometimes I’m like yea that’s a hen, others I’m like “oh man is it?” 😂
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    Rooster with loud wheezy breathing

    Noticed just now, a little too breathing loud with a poppy honky wheeze. No nasal or oral discharge. Eating and drinking. Eyes clear comb red. Terrified it’s the HPAI. Have him isolated and don’t know what to do.
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    Need to know if this chick is having trouble hatching

    This is the last egg to hatch. It is day 23 and I came out at 8am to her pipped. It’s now 5pm and the hole is not any bigger and she is chirping very loudly. The pip is at the small end of the egg. This is a hen hatch, and mamma has taken the other babies off the nest for now to eat and...
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    Clean legged Cochin bantam

    Had one of my golden laced Cochin bantam chicks hatch this am but it has clean legs. The only chickens in the enclosure are the pair of bantams and two sapphire gem hens. Is this something that happens sometimes?
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    Making troughs chicken safe

    I lost a baby Cochin bantam, 8 weeks to a trough. This trough was outside of their yard, and they had tons of water. I didn’t think they could get to it. But as we know baby chickens can find holes and sneak out. I’m utterly devastated. Is there anything made by trough companies for this...
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    Neighbor attracting geese

    My neighbor has a pond that he fills with fish to fish for. This pond is attracting geese to my property, as the pond is literally right on the other side of my fence. and I’m terrified they are going to make my flock sick. Does anyone have any ideas how I can discourage them from landing on...
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