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  1. S

    Please help: Chicken having trouble walking

    Hi everyone. I have a three year old chicken who has started having difficulty walking. She will start to walk and then become wobbly and fall over. She also appears to be very lethargic and is incredibly thirsty/drinking water more than she usually does. This behavior began today, April 21st...
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    Can chickens eat bamboo shoots?

    Just wondering if bamboo shoots are safe for chickens? I have some leftover papaya salad that contains bamboo shoots and I thought it would be a nice treat for them if it's safe..
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    Chickens sleeping in nesting boxes

    Hi all, The Autumn season is upon us here in Oregon and with that, egg production has slowed. We have four young hens that we raised as chicks back in February of this year, and all but one has stopped laying. Since production has stopped, my hens have now decided that their favorite place to...
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    Possible rat problem?

    Hey all. Tonight I went to check on my chickens just before their automatic door closed and I saw a rat running up their ladder to try and go in, but as soon as it saw me, it ran away. I opened the coop to see if there were any rats inside but did not find any signs (we have a small coop that...
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    How to isolate a chicken with sour crop from the rest of the flock?

    Hello. I have a chicken who very recently developed sour crop. I need to isolate her from the rest of the flock but am wondering what is the best way to do this? We have a dog crate placed towards the back of the yard that she is in right now, but I fear she doesn't have enough space and that...
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    How to administer calcium citrate to chickens?

    Hello there. I need to start giving one of my hens some calcium citrate to help with her egg laying issues. Does anyone know how to properly administer this to a hen?
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    Hen not laying eggs

    Hi there. I'm wondering if anyone can give me some advice and insight. I have a hen that doesn't seem to be laying eggs. She will spend a half hour in the nesting box, come out, and no egg is to be found. When she does lay, which is very infrequently, her eggs are soft and sometimes broken. I am...
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    Chicken limping on left foot, no other abnormal symptoms

    Hi there. I'm new to this site and am hoping I can get some helpful information. Yesterday morning I noticed one of my chickens limping on her left foot. I checked for signs of infection and swelling, but everything looks and feels normal. She is eating, drinking, and laying eggs as usual...
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