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  1. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    Hi everyone! My almost 3 year old runner duck Hannibal was making a weird sneezing sound today when I let the flock out. They were foraging together and I kept noticing she was making this weird sneezing sound. I picked her up and gave her a check over. She had nothing in her nostrils, nothing...
  2. MolliMonster99

    Advice for a disabled duck

    Hi everyone! A few years back I posted about a runner duck of mine called Frances. He was born with a limp, which after a vet appointment we discovered was caused by hip dysplasia. His vet said it was the first time she had seen it in a duck. If it was a cat or a dog they would perform a hip...
  3. MolliMonster99

    Bump on ducks cheek?

  4. MolliMonster99

    Creaking runner?

    Hey all! So I think I may have asked this question before, but what does this weird creaking sound mean?! I finally caught a video of Frances while he was grooming and you can clearly hear the sound. However, my other runners make the same sound when they're just standing in the coop! Any ideas?
  5. MolliMonster99

    Ducks and Chickens stopped laying?

    Hi all! So, my runners and chickens started to lay again back in late January/early February, but it's been a week now with no eggs and I'm worried in case there's something wrong. They are all eating well, drinking fine and acting perfectly normal. We have had some snow this week and I thought...
  6. MolliMonster99

    Duck flooring

    Hi all! I have a flock of 6 runners, 2 cayugas and 2 ISA browns. We are currently working on their run in an attempt to keep it as dry as possible but we're having some issues. We are covering the run in concrete slabs but they keep sinking into the mud and pooling water in the centre. On one...
  7. MolliMonster99

    My hen died and I don't know why.

    My family had 3 hens: Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. I named them all and welcomed them into our flock with open arms. They are 17 months old and we believe they are ISA Browns, although we aren't sure as we got them from a school hatching programme. Last night I went to put everyone to bed...
  8. MolliMonster99

    My ducks don't like their pond

    Hi all! Our ducks have a small pond in their run, along with a tub of water to drink from. We clean the pond once or twice a week and give them clean drinking water daily. The pond isn't too long, but it is quite deep. However, my ducks prefer to sit in the small tub and clean themselves/splash...
  9. MolliMonster99

    Runner duck molting?

    Hi everyone! My Runner duck Frances seems to be molting? He has a couple of bald spots on his wings and I can see he's got some new feathers starting to grow on the tips of his wings (you can see the feathers growing outwards). He seems to be losing more feathers than the others, but they all...
  10. MolliMonster99

    Prolapsed phallus in Runner duck

    Hi all! One of my runners seems to have a slight problem. On Sunday I noticed his member sticking out and so I cleaned the area, popped it back in and let him be. However, yesterday it had popped back out again so I cleaned it and tried again. Today it was still out and I'm really worried. I'd...
  11. MolliMonster99

    Duck aggression

    Hi gang! My 1 year old runner drake Cleopatra is an absolute delight in my flock. All my drakes and hens get along with each other, no violent incidents have occurred and everyone is happy! However... Cleo has started showing aggression towards us humans. He bit me the other day for the first...
  12. MolliMonster99

    Can ducks eat squirty cream?

    I've seen a lot of tiktoks of people taking their pets to Starbucks for a "pup cup" (it's just a small cup of squirty cream) and I was wondering if that was safe for ducks and chickens? It looks like a fun treat for the flock, but obviously I don't want to make them sick!
  13. MolliMonster99

    Runner duck not pooping

    Hi everyone! Yesterday while I was at work my partner said that my Runner duck Storm (11 month old female) was a bit wobbly and slow walking around. I checked on her last night and she seemed fine, so I let her get some rest. This morning I came up to feed them all and she was super happy! Head...
  14. MolliMonster99

    My girls aren't laying?

    Hi everyone! I have 5 ISA brown hens, 6 runner ducks and 2 cayuga ducks. 2 of my chickens no longer lay eggs due to old age, but my younger 3 turn 1 this month and I've noticed for the last week or so they haven't been laying? I have also noticed their chests are looking a little patchy? It does...
  15. MolliMonster99

    Runner duck with funny leg?

    My boy Frances is almost 10 months old. He struggled to hatch alone due to humidity problems in the incubator, so we helped him out. He was born with a slight limp, which at first we thought was just due to him struggling to hatch, but as he grew it never changed. I did so much research online...
  16. MolliMonster99

    Protein treats for ducks?

    I have 6 runner ducks and 5 ISA brown hens, who I spoil very much with small amounts of fresh fruit and veg almost every day. I always check online to make sure that anything I'm planning on letting my flock try is safe for them. Giving them their treats has actually improved my mental health...
  17. MolliMonster99

    Growing cress for ducks?

    I bought some cress seeds today that I plan on growing for my ducks and chickens, but I was wondering if it's actually safe for them to eat? I've seen a lot on watercress but not normal cress, so if anyone can offer advice I'd really appreciate it!
  18. MolliMonster99

    Runner duck bald patch?

    My Runner duck Storm is 6 months old and I noticed this bald patch around her eyes and down her neck. She's the only one with the bald patch, my other girls and boys are fine. I have also noticed my ducks are molting their feathers, along with my chickens, which I suppose is down to it coming up...
  19. MolliMonster99

    Duck Head Bobbing?

    So, I have noticed my male Runner ducks head bob quite often, which I read is a sign of them being flirty/happy. However, in the videos I've seen of ducks head bobbing, it's repetitive. My guys only do it once, then go back to normal? I've noticed they sometimes do it in sync too. Is this normal...
  20. MolliMonster99

    Duck bites: playful or aggressive?

    Hi guys! I have previously posted about my lovely 6 runner ducks, who are now 4 months old! We have been working on handling the ducks more as they have started to show more interest in us. The other day,my partner filled a dog bowl with some water for the ducks to drink from. He was splashing...
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