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  • Users: FuzzyDuck
  • Content: Threads
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  1. F

    Rescue chickens in Canada

    Hi everyone! Is anyone aware of ways to rescue chickens in Canada? I’m in Ontario, but would be interested in any organizations or efforts anywhere in the country. I’ve joined a few rehoming Facebook groups, but figured I’d ask here as well. I’m particularly interested in rescuing hens from...
  2. F

    Mixing ducks of different sizes

    Hi everyone! Maybe a dumb question, but should I be concerned about mixing ducks of different sizes? I currently have a flock of mostly Cayuga ducks and drakes, and I’m planning to add more females to even out the sex ratio. Should I avoid smaller ducks? I like runner ducks, for example, but...
  3. F

    Adult goat castration - risks?

    Hi all, I have an adult male goat who I am considering castrating. It’s probably either that, or full-time separation from my female goat and their new kid (also female). That would involve new fencing, getting him a friend, etc. If we go the castration route, it’ll be done by a vet surgically...
  4. F

    Hen - purple comb and swollen belly, but eating and not overly lethargic

    Hi everyone, another sick hen here. She was sick earlier in the year and bounced back completely, but for the last two weeks she hasn’t been well. Started as being a bit ruffled and standing away from everyone, and put herself to bed early. So I took her inside to monitor and treat. Overview...
  5. F

    Prolapse - passed squishy red mass??

    One of my hens came out of the coop with a prolapsed vent this morning, a bit bloody. This happened to another hen of mine last year, so I kind of know how to handle it. I isolated her, gave her a bath and set her up in a small cage with a blanket over top to keep her in the dark. I have pushed...
  6. F

    Rooster - possible canker?

    We just got a rooster from a friend and have him in quarantine from our flock until we’re sure he’s healthy and he can integrate. I noticed that sometimes he’s shaking his head and clicking his beak or moving it as if he’s swallowing. I didn’t think too much of it, but then I noticed a bit of...
  7. F

    Missing duck overnight

    On Monday morning, I went to feed the ducks and chickens, and one of my ducks is missing. :( No real signs of a struggle, the other ducks didn’t seem worked up, no pile of feathers or anything, just gone. The ducks refuse to sleep inside now that it’s spring, and all last summer they slept in...
  8. F

    Persistent white discharge/poopy feathers after prolapse

    My hen Minerva had a vent prolapse last fall (I posted at the time) which she recovered from, thankfully. But basically since that time, she consistently has a messy bottom. Mostly white/crusty and I suppose poopy. We regularly clean her up, but I’m sure it’s very uncomfortable for her. She’s...
  9. F

    ANOTHER one of my hens is sick - lethargic, full crop, diarrhea

    Since July, we have had three hens die with very similar but not 100% the same symptoms. Now I have another hen showing the exact same signs as the second one who died. I’m so upset and at a loss and hoping someone can help figure this out! I've included all the details I can think of below...
  10. F

    Sick hen with crop issue?

    I’m having back luck lately! This weekend when I was checking the chickens at bedtime, one of the hens hadn’t put herself inside, and instead was sleeping under the coop. I put her in, but the next morning she wouldn’t come out, so I separated her to keep an eye. She is relatively alert but...
  11. F

    Keeping hen happy during isolation?

    One of my hens, Minerva, is dealing with a prolapse. We’re keeping her isolated in a large dog kennel with a roost, water, some food, and antibiotics that the vet gave us. She’s generally behaving normally and is NOT happy to be on her own in a small space. Any suggestions on keeping her happy...
  12. F

    Switching from free range to a run

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but: currently the chickens I have are 100% free range, no fence or anything. For various reasons, we’ll be enclosing them, likely using an electric fence/poultry netting. I’m wondering if there are any tips or concerns I should be aware of when...
  13. F

    Flock dynamics

    Hi everyone! I’m new to ducks, and just bought a property that came with 10 ducks (and some chickens too!). There are 9 Cayuga and 1 white duck (not sure of the breed). As far as I can tell, it’s an even split of boys and girls, and they hang out in two groups: Group A is 3 males and 1 female...
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