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  1. Samantha Stevens

    Trying to work out why my Emu is not laying

    Hi all, can you help? Last year my young pair of emu laid for the first time, we got eggs every 2-4 days between the end of Jan and the beginning of April. This year she laid one egg mid Jan, but nothing since. Has anyone else had this problem? They both seem perfectly healthy otherwise...
  2. Samantha Stevens

    What colour are these Barnevelder chicks?

    I had 2 chicks hatch under my broody! They're barnevelder chicks, but the eggs came from either a double silver laced hen or a blue laced hen who are in with a double silver laced roo. So, experts, are these black, blue or splash? 2 pics of each attached
  3. Samantha Stevens

    At what age are Emu chicks fox-proof?

    I have 3 emu chicks., they're 3 months old now, and live outside. But at the moment we're putting them in the large* chicken run overnight to protect them from foxes. I live in the south of the UK, so foxes are the only predators that we have to worry about. At what age are they safe from...
  4. Samantha Stevens

    New emu parents, and current peacock and chicken owners say Hi

    Hello everyone, nice to meet you Our animals (so far!) include 5 chickens, 3 Peafowl, 3 emu chicks, 7 white doves, 1 cat (Maine Coon), and 10 fish. Hopefully I can not only receive your very kind help and advice, but possibly also give some of my own :) Hope to make friends here very soon...
  5. Samantha Stevens

    At what age can you 'wean' emu chicks?

    We have 3 emu chicks 2 are a month old, one is 3 weeks We're keeping them in our lounge at the moment, but if they're left in the room alone they get very distressed (apart from overnight, where they sleep through just fine) It would be nice if we could both leave the room for short periods of...
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