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  • Users: PoppySeedy
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  1. P

    Hen has runny vent, unsure what it is

    Hello all! Recently I've noticed my hen has a runny vent, I at first thought it was just a dirty bottom so I cleaned it up and trimmed her feathers but every day it keeps happening so I assume it's more than just that. I don't know if it is vent gleet but I am treating it as such. I will attach...
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    Concerned my hen has an impacted crop

    So it's definitely an impacted crop. I woke up this morning and checked in her, felt her crop and it's like a hard golf ball and it's gone quite hot. However she's not drinking that much which is concerning me considering she needs water to help break it up. I'll continue to give her oil and...
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    Concerned that my hen has been acting weird today, but she's not drinking

    if you check my other threads it'll describe more of her behaviours today, but the one I'm most concerned about is that she's not drinking willingly. Like usually I can hold up the waters and my chickens will run over to it and drink, but this hen hasn't been drinking today, and I've been trying...
  4. P

    Hen tipping forward while trying to poop, what is wrong. Is she constipated?

    She struggled to lay her egg this morning and ever since she's been sleepy, lying down and not drinking (but happy to eat) her crop is quite hard and her body runs hot, I have her a soak but idk what it is
  5. P


    My hen took ages to lay this morning, she did but since then all she's done is sleep. She likes to eat snacks but she isn't drinking much and keeps making high pitch calling noises, her crop is quite hard and I haven't seen her poop yet, I'm really worried what should I do?
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    Hen laying down and tired after spending ages trying to lay an egg

    I'd love an answer as soon as possible but one of my hens spent all morning trying to lay an egg, and I think she's laid one now (I've pressed around her bum and I can't feel an egg in there so I don't think she's egg bound) but now she's very tired and lying down a lot. Could this be something...
  7. P

    How can I stop obsessive feather pecking?

    My hens obsessively peck at my roosters feathers and one of my other hens just obsessively pecks everyone else. It gets on our nerves bc we've given them a lot of fun distractions but the behaviour still persists. We don't have the space to seperate our chickens rn so I'm a bit clueless on what...
  8. P

    Ideal run flooring for British weather

    So, this coming summer we want to expand our chickens area and build them a proper run, with wooden framework and better metal etc. Currently my hens live on wooden flooring, like decking, and it works pretty good in regards to drainage and being easy to clean as I can just spray it. However I...
  9. P

    Rooster broke off his spur

    Hello y'all, my rooster broke off his spur today, I don't know how and I don't know at what time since I wasn't home most of today, it looks like it bled quite a bit but I think it's clotted itself now. I put some purple spray and antibacterial powder on it. He is limping tho and I'm a bit...
  10. P

    Rooster spring crowing.

    This is more of a general question but, do Roosters crow more in the spring? My boy has been really quiet all winter, only crowing about 1 to 0 times a day, but as of recent he has been crowing much more frequently, like 2 to 3 times a day. Is this because its spring and his testosterone has...
  11. P

    Separating an injured hen so she can grow all her plucked feathers back. Advice?

    Hello! I've decided im going to seperate one of my hens from the rest of the flock so she can grow her feathers back. Her bum and back are completely baked, I put a saddle on her to try and grow her back feathers back but I think the girls are still eating her blood feathers even with the coat...
  12. P

    Soft shelled egg found today, hens dont eat oyster shells.

    I went to get my eggs i today and found a soft-shelled egg one of my girls must've laid, it had a bit of shell on it but not much. I leave oyster shells out for my girls and recently put them on pigeon grit (that I mix in with my old oyster shells) since pigeon grit is smaller. Weirdly my...
  13. P

    Rooster spur wound

    I think my roosters spur may have got me when he jumped on me earlier. My skin wasn't punctured it just feels like I've had a jab and its bruising, got a bit of a bump too. Is there anything I should do to the wound or will it be fine since no skin was punctured? (Picture attached)
  14. P

    Hens are fighting. Any help?

    My hens have been squabbling for a little while now. My cuckoo maran pecks out feathers for fun (not in an aggressive way), my copper maran sometimes pecks at the cuckoo maran and recently my bluebell has gotten pretty agro with my copper maran. Today I noticed my copper maran must've been...
  15. P

    Hens fighting, got bloody. What to do.

    My hens have been squabbling for a little while now. My cuckoo maran pecks out feathers for fun (not in an aggressive way), my copper maran sometimes pecks at the cuckoo maran and recently my bluebell has gotten pretty agro with my copper maran. Today I noticed my copper maran must've been...
  16. P

    Hen has a bare bum

    One of my hen's bum is a bit bare. I think one of my other hens has been plucking out the feathers and eating them (i have oyster shells in the run but I don't think this hen knows that she can eat them). What can I do to help my girls bum grow some feathers and stop the other hen from pecking...
  17. P

    Happy hen, milky white poo

    I've recently noticed a few milky white poos around my chickens run. On the first day I saw them I wasn't too concerned since weird poo is normal but I saw a lot again today and decided to ask here. All the girls look physically healthy with bright red combs and they're all acting normal. I got...
  18. P

    Black spots on roosters comb, not sure uf injury or other

    I'll attach a picture but I basically said all I know in the title. Just went out to see my boy and he has some black spots on his comb, im not sure if its injury or not since its all in the same area? I might just be overreacting-
  19. P

    Heb feels like she has something spiky in crop. Should i be worried?

    I was just checking my hens when I noticed one of them has something pointing out of her crop. I can imagine its the end of a feather she may have eaten since my hens dont have stuff like long grass or hay. She's acting fine and her comb is red, should I be worried?
  20. P

    Black on hens combs?

    Im trying again to post this since i didn't get any answers last time but at first I thought this might just be a bluebell thing bc my girl has had the crust since she was a young adult hen but after seeing other bluebells I don't think it is. Does anyone know what this black crust is and how to...
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