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  1. Hannahnic14

    How much to pay someone to hatch goose eggs for me?

    Hi! So I have a friend that has been hatching goose eggs for me. (Sebastopol) and I have been offering her to keep a gosling from each hatch. I want to keep the next 2 hatches so how much should I offer to pay her? She's been amazing! She even does the whole taking them out and misting/cooling...
  2. Hannahnic14

    Serama breeding plans 2023!

    Hi! It's been awhile folks. Lol. I'm splitting up my seramas for breeding in a few months and wanted everyone's opinion on how I should split them up for unique color combos! Currently thinking of doing a blue/black/splash/white pen. Then a "fun" pen with the frizzles and silkied. Roosters...
  3. Hannahnic14

    Has this roosters comb been dubbed?

    Hi all, I haven't posted in awhile. I picked up this little guy and his girlfriend at a flea market (I know, not the greatest decision), they are in quarantine. Has his comb been dubbed? They were sold to me as BB red OEGB which I believe they are, (the hen I know for sure is bb red oegb)...
  4. Hannahnic14

    Are these geese eggs developing?

    The first 2 eggs were set on 3/18. I can't see any veins but they look different than the eggs I set a few days ago. (Last picture) Egg #1 Egg #2 Egg that hasn't started developing yet.
  5. Hannahnic14

    Cackle Hatchery bantam assortment

    Can anyone id these chicks? Roughly 4-6 weeks old. I bought them from someone who got a Cackle bantam assortment. I was thinking OEGB until I seen their combs. Maybe Cubalaya bantam? **only 2 chicks pictured, last 2 pictures are of nature stance if that helps🤷‍♀️** First chick, largest of the...
  6. Hannahnic14


    Asking for a friend, are these old ebglish game bantams? About 4 weeks old. Got them from an assortment mix they ordered from Cackle Hatchery. They look like it to me, the legs look like the right color.
  7. Hannahnic14


    Asking for a friend, are these old ebglish game bantams? About 4 weeks old. Got them from an assortment mix they ordered from Cackle hatchery.
  8. Hannahnic14

    Identify these white hens please!

    Any idea what they are? They don't look like typical leghorns to me.
  9. Hannahnic14

    Humidity dropped to 22% on hatch day, some chicks stuck(rescued) Outcome of other eggs is ????

    Question for the hatching experts. I've been out of town since Friday, hubby didn't know to check the humidity on the incubator. When I got home it was 22%, the hose got kinked and the water couldn't get to the reservoir. Here's issue #1 I had some eggs due to hatch yesterday, 3 had pipped and...
  10. Hannahnic14

    Tsc chick ID

    This little one was labeled as a mystic onyx? But I'm not convinced lol. The only other chicks in the bin were cochins. They also had some other breeds, none of which resembled this little one. The other mystic onyx I got. Black skin on face, 5 toes.
  11. Hannahnic14

    Incubating multiple species together

    Is it possible to incubate chicken, duck, and goose eggs together? I found this info in the sticky index. Geese - 37.3C/99.1F, Humidity 35 - 45% Ducks - 37.5C/99.5F, Humidity - 55% Chickens - 37.5C/99.5F, Humidity 45 - 50% Looks like everything is around the same temp, but what about...
  12. Hannahnic14

    Can my chicks go outside?

    All my chicks are roughly 6ish weeks old. Can they go outside? We usually don't raise them this early so I wasn't sure. They are mostly feathered. Here is our forecast for the next 10 days as well.
  13. Hannahnic14

    Can you sex my welsh harlequins?

    I'm really new to ducks (I've raised geese though) and I wondered if you can sex them at this age? One definitely looks darker on the chest than the other 2. I know they can be sexed at hatch by bill color but the person I got them from wasn't around when they hatched. They almost 2 months old...
  14. Hannahnic14

    Goose egg fertility

    How long are geese eggs fertile after mating? We lost our gander roughly a week ago and my goose just laid her first egg. I was wondering if it would be fertile so I can incubate it.
  15. Hannahnic14

    Found my OEGB roo dead this morning.

    My BB red old english game bantam roo was dead this morning. The only thing that looks odd is around his vent. It's green/bruised looking. There have been no cases of avian influenza in my state/area. All my other birds are fine. My 2 nieces came over Saturday and played with them. It is...
  16. Hannahnic14

    What kind of preditor am I dealing with??

    So I need opinions, I have a predator that is leaving minimum to no wounds but internal injuries. 2 weeks ago I had a standard cochin hen attacked, she had a small quarter size hole on her back, swelling in her right eye and a injury to her throat somehow. I brought her in and nursed her for a...
  17. Hannahnic14

    Gander just disappeared

    I need the geese experts!! This morning my 30lb toulouse gander, Cricket, has disappeared😔 No blood, no feathers, no nothing. He was bonded with my chickens and never went out of their sight. He was mating my Roman tufted female earlier this week so we thought maybe she had laid an egg and he...
  18. Hannahnic14

    Hannah's hatch along!

    I'm starting a hatch a long mainly for my own records but if anyone wants to follow have at it!! 48 of a friends eggs, 32 of mine and 6 from a local breeder. (They will be here tomorrow) I'm using my new GQF 1502 sportsman I am setting the following I have 6 more eggs coming tomorrow from...
  19. Hannahnic14

    Our favorite game! Sexing chicks!

    Here we go! All chicks are 8 weeks old. All pics are in natural sunlight via the window Black satin frizzle. Girl? Partridge frizzle cochin. Boy? Looking suspicious, but I had a pullet that had me convinced she was a roo until she laid an egg😂 She fought everyone and had a huge comb and...
  20. Hannahnic14

    Watch my brahma mix chick grow up!

    So this is the 2nd chick I have hatched from my own birds, (very exciting!) And I actually know who the parents are! The baby has feathered legs and my only feather legged roo is my brahma. The baby came from an olive egg which I only have 2 Olive layers. The black speck on the back has me...
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