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  1. L

    new babies... :) *pic added*

    My button quail momma just hatched out 8 babies out of 9 eggs. I now have 11 babies from this pair. Momma is the wild color and dad is a red breasted but we have 3 light colored babies the rest are dark. So cute! Can they breed together...hows that work?
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    more button questions

    I've been told buttons don't do good in winters outside? So how do you all house them? Looking for a nice looking set-up for inside my home. And can you house boys together without females with no fighting??
  3. L

    Hen with baby, laying eggs?

    My hen hatched a baby 2 weeks ago. Apparently they are not like chickens and will start laying again. I have gotten 6 eggs from her since the baby hatched. How long can I hold the eggs to add them to incubator?
  4. L


    Many years ago I had a pair of buttons and had them in with my finches. Never had babies but she layed lots of eggs. About 2 months ago I had the chance to get another proven pair. Then shortly after another pair. We fixed them seperate pens up with nesting area. The first pair mated and momma...
  5. L

    New to ducks * Picture Added *

    I received a duck today and was looking for information. I don't even know what kind of duck this baby is. I will need to upload a picture later but quick description is that it is brown and white with white/tan feet. Has blue eyes and a white beak?? I need lots of education.
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    Falling hard for this guy...

    Have had caged house birds on and off for many years but the other day stopped by a pet store looking for quails and this guy caught my eye. The owner got him out and handed him right to hubby and then I had to take him. Climbed to my shoulder and played with my hair and 'snuggled'. He then gave...
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    What color?

    I know this is a roo and he is a leghorn/silkie cross but my question is what color is he? And does anyone have pictures? This young boy hatched on 7/23 so about 4 weeks. Thanks everyone...I love BYC!
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    We R getting close....

    My white leghorns are about 16 weeks old and have started to get red and this morning one even squatted in front of me... Couple questions... Should I give them oyster shells?? Why do there feathers seem to be turning yellow??
  9. L

    I know she's a hen...

    So why did she mount another hen. I have seen her lay a egg but while sitting with the girls last night Shadow mounted another hen. I wonder is it dominance? Some mornings all my hens get going and now I wonder if she is a crowing hen. What does one sound like?
  10. L

    Whats your guess?

    I have my idea but wondered what u all thought... About 11 week old Silkies from Tractor Supply, beardless... 1- white... 2 - purple... 3 - green... 4 - Blue with purple... 5 - Yellow... 6 - Pink... Thanks for giving me your guess
  11. L

    Is she a he

    I am pretty sure this is a EE. Around 10 weeks old. I thought it was a girl but now have second thoughts....whats yours?? THANKS
  12. L

    I'm a happy and excited chick...LOL

    O... so much happy stuff for me...... First... I know I got ONE egg that's good at day 18, can't wait to see who/what hatches Second...I get to meet another BYC member Saturday Third...I am getting eggs and a incubator Saturday WOO HOO...I'm so eggcited...LOL See U Saturday Lisa
  13. L

    Broody hen quit

    So my BR broody hen gave up on me. Had got eggs and she ups and quit's. She is still clucking but does not sit so I put her back with the flock...was that hard to watch, went right after her but alls good now. So my question is do U think her eggs may still hatch? Not sure how long she was off...
  14. L

    Roo? MY Babies :)

    I sat out with MY babies tonight and think I can figure out who tried to crow this AM.... WHAT YA THINK? 8 week old silkie. Pic of all MY babies... Pic of Little Gray...I just adore her (is a her right and a silver penciled wyandotte bantam) And one of HUBBY's Babies, white leghorn...
  15. L

    Still wondering what breed

    I thought I had a RIR. But lately we have noticed puffy a EE get but I don't think she is a EE cus she has yellow legs???? It is a she right?? About 8 weeks and do U think she is a Bantam?
  16. L

    People complain bout roosters...

    Every now and then my hens...all 14 of them...will start 'bawking' very earlie in the morning. They wake me and I go out in fear the neighbors will also hear them and complain. When I do go out they R all still on the perch and instantly stop when I walk in. And people complain bout...
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    I have lived in this home for 12 1/2 years and today we found a fairly big snake right by my silkie coop. I have never seen a snake this close or this big since living here. We seen this snake last week in the creek behind our house so I think he was thinking of a chicken dinner... We just had...
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    Bantam eggs

    Have a broody and having a hard time finding bantam eggs...interested in cochins, silkies, showgirls...but will consider others. North Central PA
  19. L

    What to feed broody hen

    I have a broody hen...moved her to her own coop/spot last night and she hasn't to get eggs under her...there coming. My question is what do I feed her...the laying crumbles shes been eating or chick crumbles??? She didn't get off to eat or drink all day.
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    Broody hen

    I have a BR who is going broody. My question is that she don't stay on the nest alot...she gets off or we take her off and she will eat and go outside for a few hours but then will go back to the nesting box. She fights with the others who go to lay and in the 'struggle' has broke some eggs. I...
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