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  1. S

    Nail Observation

    Hi. I just noticed our 23-ish week old Sapphire Gem hen has one different colored nail on each foot. In other words, each middle toe is white, and the others are black. She acts perfectly healthy, but I haven’t seen this before in our years of have multiple flocks. Anyone else? I was just curious.
  2. S

    Successful surgery for Salpingitis or cyst?

    We have a very sweet 3-yr old Barred Rock hen that has the symptoms of severe salpingitis or an abdominal cyst. We found a lash egg a while back, and through the process of elimination with the rest of the flock, we believe it’s her. We’ve had chickens over the last 10 or so years. She stopped...
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    Rock hard abdomen + Previous crop protrusion/nodule (not impaction) that disappeared

    Hi. Hopefully I can add pictures further down in this thread via my phone. This will be a little long for the sake of being thorough. Some basic background on our girl with the issue: - 3 year old Barred Rock - Great layer until this year - Purchased from TS (only purchasing from breeders...
  4. S

    Hyper Hen

    Hi. I’m wondering if anyone else has a hen that became noticeably hyper all of a sudden. Our girl is a 3 yr old Rhode Island Red. She’s always acted like she’s a toddler - fast, agile, curious, obedient, independent, but still likes to be close to us. Never had any health issues. Our flock...
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