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  • Users: Stephoney
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Stephoney

    Overdose of Amoxicillin?

    I did something very foolish tonight. I gave my black Ameraucana, Hilde, 500 mg of amoxicillin instead of 250. She’s around 5 pounds so she should have gotten half of that over the day. I was starting her on a first dose and realized a few minutes afterwards that I had given her too much. Will...
  2. Stephoney

    5 week old chick with infected wound

    One of my 5 week old Double Laced Silver Barnevelders has a wound that I’ve been cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and treating with neosporin. Unfortunately it looks like it’s infected. It’s bulging a bit this afternoon, swollen. I pressed on it and it’s not hot, but it is definitely swollen...
  3. Stephoney

    Dying Chicken Care

    Yesterday I found Princess Buttercup, my 2 year old Buff Orpington, laying under the hydrangea in our backyard with one other hen sitting by her side. Buttercup has ascites and is prone to sour crop. She looked about like she usually does when she’s not feeling well. Her crop was very full of...
  4. Stephoney

    Rinsing Fermented Feed

    I feel like I’ve read a couple thousand threads and blogposts about fermenting feed lately looking for an answer to something that seems pretty simple. Background I started soaking grains this summer to help keep my ladies hydrated during the warm weather. I feed them Natural Farm Feed and...
  5. Stephoney

    Can I treat scaly leg mites with ivermectin while also worming with valbazen?

    I found what I think were roundworms in a poop on my deck and started treating my flock with Valbazen 10 days ago. I just gave them a second dose today and noticed that a few of my hens look like they may have scaly leg mites. Sheesh! I’ve treated it before successfully with Ivermectin pour on...
  6. Stephoney

    Not Broody, Not Laying

    I have a 1 1/2 year old black Americauna, Hilde, that I treated for sour crop a few months back (the larger of the two Ameraucanas in the photo). She only laid one or two eggs since. Her sour crop is cured and she’s eating fine, including consuming extra oyster shell. Her comb is bright red and...
  7. Stephoney

    Jumbo Oblong Buff Orpington Egg??

    My Buff Orpington, Princess Buttercup, has laid 2 of the largest eggs I think I’ve ever seen. This is her second year laying and she’s always laid larger eggs, but these are monsters. The dark brown eggs in the photo are from my two Wellsummers, Flash and Dash. They’re eggs are nice and large...
  8. Stephoney

    Should I Treat Sour Crop while also Treating Respiratory Infection?

    My lovely year and a half old Australorp, Betty, has come down with a respiratory infection. She’s got boogers, coughs, sneezes like a rooster crows- the whole nine yards. I started her on .5 Tylan 50 orally last night and brought her inside to the luxury hen suite next to our deck slider so the...
  9. Stephoney

    Is This a Case of the Worms?

    One of my hens left a deposit on my deck this morning while they were roaming around. It looked mostly white with a red tissue-like spot on it. I used my shoe to drag it out a bit and make sure it wasn’t something to be concerned about. I snapped this photo afterwards. I haven’t wormed my flock...
  10. Stephoney

    Blue Orpington or Blue English Marans?

    I’ve been trying to figure out my hen’s breed for months, but can’t seem to come to a conclusion. To me, she looks like a Blue English Marans or a Blue Orpington. I get hung up on the copper feathering around her neck area. I haven’t seen any Orpingtons like that. When she stands next to my...
  11. Stephoney

    Hen Interrupted Laying

    I opened a coop today to clean it and found my salmon faverolles, Phyllis, laying in the nesting area. I quickly apologized and closed the door. Normally, she would have just ignored me and kept laying, but for some reason she came out a minute later and started to squawk like she’d laid her...
  12. Stephoney

    Mystery Hen

    Thank you so much, in advance, for reading this over. I’ve searched all through the forum looking for something that would help explain my hen’s issue. I’ve found bits and pieces, but thought maybe someone had been through something similar. I got my first 4 hens last July. The one in question...
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