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  • Users: Mutchi
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Mutchi

    Dog birth thread! *warning, puppy photos*

    Our dogs is giving birth and me and my brother are the only ones home! One pup already! Thankfully I called mom and she's on her way!
  2. Mutchi

    Bantam chick breed?

    It has white on the tip of her wings, and is starting to get a necklace olout of feathers.
  3. Mutchi

    Solved Alert bug.

    I found d a bug, buy it soon corrected its self. I opened up my alerts and I saw says tomorrow instead of today?
  4. Mutchi

    Sex of this polish? I will keep her either way.

    I don't remember her age. sorry about the other chickens. And if yall are wondering, it has a start of a V comb.
  5. Mutchi

    My coop build!

    Hi! I'm building a coop out of a shed that wasn't used for 20 years. It is going to be the last coop I will ever need. Yall can join me on the chicken roller-coaster! I will post pics in the next post.
  6. Mutchi

    AHHH his poo!

    What could be wrong!?
  7. Mutchi

    Worst fears?

    What's your worst fears, and tell how they came to be? One of my fears is large boats like arks, it happened when I was watching a movie called 2012. Near the end of the movie a ark was filling with water and multiple people drowned, ever since I was afraid of large boats.
  8. Mutchi

    How to tell if a egg is fertile without cracking it open?

    Can someone tell me if any of my eggs are fertile by these candling pics? And pls tell me how?
  9. Mutchi

    Solved Veiws-- help.

    How do I tell how much views my threads are getting. I'm mobile 📱.
  10. Mutchi

    My story.

    This is the story of how my life has been soo far, It started the earliest I remember, I was 3 years old and we were just getting chickens, (I lived my first two years without chickens) and I was interested from the start. My brother live at the end of the hall with my parents in the room across...
  11. Mutchi

    Is this a large breed or do they get this large rarely?

    I've seen these chickens all over the internet. I would kill for 3 hens and a rooster of this size! Is it just a large breed or do they need to be well bred or do they rarely get this big? I NEED answers!
  12. Mutchi

    Breed Science-- making a new breed.

    I have been thinking of a new breed. It's a breed were mostly all roosters are the muscular, brave ones we all like. I want to hear your opinions. I'm hoping good opinions.... I have only so much breeds to start with. I will first need a large rooster to start. I currently don't have. I want to...
  13. Mutchi

    How!? What is the formula?!

    I love roos that are huge and strong, the ones that will do anything to protect the flock. I have had one before but he died after 4 fox attacks (died on the 5th) he was My baby. I NEED to know how to get one of these roos out of a chick. I mean what do I have to do to Raise one of these awesome...
  14. Mutchi

    i just lost two

    i lost two chicks to a fox, my parents ay that they will die but they dont understand what its like to loose a very valued pet. all pets should die happy, not torn apart peace by peace then soon found by the owners. we think the fox figured out how to open the coop gate, but i cant help but...
  15. Mutchi

    Solved I have a suggestion 😌!

    What if you guys were to add a video adder. So you can add videos without uploading to YouTube or any other video app.
  16. Mutchi

    Happy 4th of July !

    Hi! I hope you are having a wonderful day! What are your plans for today? Gonna light some fireworks?! I'll have to ask my parents about what we are doing today! But for now, what's going on in you 4th of July?
  17. Mutchi

    Two threads in one! Why is she bleeding and what breed is this chick!

    I need to know what made this bleeding happen and how to prevent it from happening again. and what breed is this chick? You may also tell the gender. Leghorn perhaps?
  18. Mutchi

    They did nothing and was tired!

    The dogs had a busy day of doing nothing! All they did today was standing around the house, not wanting to go outside since it's like 96 degrees outside 😐. Now their acting lazy and laying on the bed.
  19. Mutchi

    Pls sex my turkey! (Remake)

    Please sex my turkey, Breast feathers 👇
  20. Mutchi

    Horse thread!

    Hi! This is the thread we're I tell you about my 38-39 year old horse! We used to have 4 horses, we sold one we found out she soondied of brain cancer afterwards. Then we sold the rest toy uncle. They are fine still. That soon left us with one horse. Her name is Rainy. Se looks great even tho...
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