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  1. Chickeeaholic

    Anyone have experience using the Chanca Piedra herb for chickens?

    I have been managing my MG outbreaks in my small closed chicken flock. I use Tylan powder in their drinking water when we have flare ups. I understand they will build a tolerance to this? I have read Chanca Piedra can heal this? Does anyone have experience using it? If so did it heal...
  2. Chickeeaholic

    Does anyone have a good chicken feed spreadsheet they will please share?

    I can’t begin to express how frustrated I am at pre made chicken feeds ( pellets/crumbles). I’ve tried every feed out there over the past two years. Also my local feed store mash. I’m opting to make my own. I don’t want to, I’m finding it very scary and don’t want to hurt my chickens. They are...
  3. Chickeeaholic

    Shell less eggs and now this…Please help.

    My hen is 2 1/2 years old. She’s a midnight majestic maran so a hybrid high production hen. I didn’t understand all that meant when I got her. Knowing now I wouldn’t do it again though she’s a sweet girl. I have had ongoing crop problems with her which we have always worked through. I...
  4. Chickeeaholic

    Merry Christmas Chickens

    Merry Christmas Chickens! You made it through the worst storm in years and you deserve to celebrate! They got suet cake made after this thread: suet, sunflower seeds, raisins corn and seed. I think they are having a very merry Christmas...
  5. Chickeeaholic

    Chickens love pumpkins

    I thought it would be a good idea to grow pumpkins this year to feed the chickens. I planted eight fairytale pumpkins that were supposed to be Seminoles. They overtook a good portion of the 1/4 acre backyard. They are wonderful for reasons I never expected! Not only are they great food, the...
  6. Chickeeaholic

    In Memory of Tigger

    This is for Tigger. Sorry this is sad, and even if no one reads this, I guess it's for me too, to process the loss. I loved her. She was an olive egger cutie pie I got last February. She was a runt. I had to fight through pasty butt with her and spend time warming her against my chest and hands...
  7. Chickeeaholic

    12 Days of Christmas Flock Version

    'Tis the season! It makes me sentimental to think of the past year since the last Yuletide. Looking through my pictures of the flock this past year I decided to post some pictures in the spirit of the 12 days. Maybe others would care to join in their own way? No matter, I get to show off the...
  8. Chickeeaholic

    West Virginia

    I haven't seen posts from any Mountaineers in this thread so I'm starting... Hello from western West Virginia (Parkersburg). We got our first snow fall today, though it is really just a snow dusting.
  9. Chickeeaholic

    How my Brahma chick got her new name. (Lesson learned)

    How my chick got her new name...(long) Being a new chicken mama I have a lot to learn. I learned one lesson yesterday. Yesterday my husband brought home 4 cute ducklings. They went into the chicks brooder. The chicks were all in their new intermediate coop. A halfway house that has...
  10. Chickeeaholic

    Proud new chicks mama

    Hello, I’m new to BYC and so glad for the group. I have a lot to learn and feel blessed this site exists. Ive learned so much from this site already. I’ve wanted a flock for years. I am posting my chicks two weeks ago and now. They sure do grow fast!
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