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  • Users: MamaLynn23
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  1. MamaLynn23

    Feed suggestions

    I have two 6 month old Rhea chicks. We have been giving them a small amount of cat food in the evenings to get them into their enclosure. But during the day on days when it is not too cool or raining they free range just like our chickens and ducks. We have 2.5 acres so there is plenty of room...
  2. MamaLynn23

    Wound care

    One of my young duck hens was roughed up a bit by our puppies. She has some small scrapes and cuts where they pulled her feathers off. What is something I can put on her to help heal and keep from getting infected? I have bathed her and have her in isolation at the moment because I don't want...
  3. MamaLynn23

    Duck sounds like a squeak toy

    I have an adult female Cayuga mix that I just witnessed making an unusal sound. Instead of a normal quack she is squeaking! It really truely sounds like a squeaky dog toy. I don't know what in the world could be causing it. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
  4. MamaLynn23

    What breed are these babies?

    Hi there! I finally broke down and bought two ducklings from Tractor Supply even though I only need hens and knew it was a toss-up that actually picked girls. I am pleased to say I think they are both female! But I was wondering if anyone might be able to confirm this for me, as well as take a...
  5. MamaLynn23

    Turkey question

    I have 5 turkeys, one Tom and four hens. The tom and one of the hens are siblings and have recently become mature. They are from a clutch one of our hens hatched. I have observed the tom trying to perform the mating ritual, but have not seen yet if he has been successful. He's very good at...
  6. MamaLynn23

    Affordable incubator suggestions?

    I had a small incubator but did not have much success with it. I am looking to get a new one. My roosters seem to be doing an excellent job of "go forth and multiply". Every egg I have used lately has been fertilized, one even had a teeny tiny embryo in it! Or at least I think it was an embryo...
  7. MamaLynn23

    Mama problems

    I have a hen that went broody and ended up hatching three chicks and one duckling. The duckling unfortunately didn't make it, but the chicks were thriving very well. Frances, the mama hen was also very good, very attentive for the first several weeks. She kept them in the coop for a while but...
  8. MamaLynn23

    Meet the Frazzles

    A friend of my husband gave us some chickens he’d had since they were chicks but had no idea what breed they were, and neither do I! Can anyone tell me what these two are? I have named them Mr and Mrs Frazzle.
  9. MamaLynn23

    Eggs, eggs and more eggs

    I don’t know about anyone else, but my flock is doing ok this summer as far as egg production. I have 7 RIR that are laying, one Speckled Sussex, one Silkie, and 2 PR that also should all be laying. That’s 11. Plus I have several pullets that I think lay every other day or so. Plus I have 5...
  10. MamaLynn23

    Amateur hour

    Ok everybody, as much as it pains me to admit, I and my husband are almost complete amateurs. We both grew up around animals and considered ourselves "country folks". But when we got our 2.5 acre property and started with 6 sheep a couple of months after settling in and then 10 hens the next...
  11. MamaLynn23

    Pretty babies

    My husband’s friend found these five little buddies out in the middle of nowhere by his work. They had to have been someone’s discarded pets because they seem very friendly. But he couldn’t find any house they might have come from, so he brought them to us. They are so cute but we couldn’t...
  12. MamaLynn23

    Meet my flock

    I have 10 Production Reds, 1 rooster of undetermined breed, 3 PR, 1 Speckled Sussex, 3 Blue PR, 4 Silkies, 2 gold Cochins, 1gold laced Cochin, 1gold laced Tophat, and 1Gold star sexlink.
  13. MamaLynn23

    What breed is this chick?

    My daughter was given 4 chicks from Tractor Supply for her birthday. But her aunt failed to remember what kind they were. Two are brownish, the other two are all yellow and considerably bigger. Does anyone know what breed they might be? The brown ones have rather long multi-shaded wings, the...
  14. MamaLynn23


    What would possess a turkey hen to EAT an egg she just layed? I have been finding shells that looks like maybe she had been clumsy and poked them with her claw as she got out of her nest. That is what I assumed was happening. That is until I spotted her from across the yard carrying something...
  15. MamaLynn23

    Sheep questions

    After the big freeze Texas was hit with our pasture was basically a dust bowl and though we gave our sheep hay, corn, and small amounts of sweet feed some of them just weren't getting back to their healthy Spring weight. That is until we were then hit with storm after storm and when the rain...
  16. MamaLynn23

    Oodles of babies...hopefully!

    I have a very mixed flock. I have eight or nine RIRs, three PR, one Speckled Sussex, two Silkies(rooster and hen), one Rooster of probable game mix, two Khaki Campbells(drake and hen) three Rouens(1 drake and 2hens) one Pekin hen, one Pekin mix hen, four Cayuga mixes(1 drake and 3 hens, all of...
  17. MamaLynn23

    Brooding turkey

    I have a Spanish Black, or SB mix, not sure, who has been broody off and on since we got her several months ago. The only problem is I never saw our tom mate her and don't know for sure if the tom she was with before mated her either. About a week ago I noticed that she was staying out at night...
  18. MamaLynn23

    New duck

    We were gifted a young duck who is a Pekin mix. The previous owner was a high school senior who has now graduated. The duck, who she named Cheese, was a school project in which she had to raise the duck from hatchling to 10 weeks. I think the duck is female but being just 10 weeks I hesitate to...
  19. MamaLynn23

    Weird eggs

    I have been getting a lot of eggs like this lately... at least 1-2 a week. They are very gelatinous and blobby. The shell usually looks the right color but is not solid. I usually feed laying pellets mixed with a grain or two and some crushed oyster shell. All my fowl (chickens, ducks and...
  20. MamaLynn23

    Who’s Egg is this?!

    I have a majority of Production Reds, 3 Barred Rocks, one Speckled Sussex, and some pulleys that I’m pretty sure are still too young to be laying. They are 4 Blue Plymouth Rock and one Golden Star sexlink. I also have three golden Jersey Giant chicks, one Light Brahma chick and one Spitzhauben...
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