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  1. E

    Balding chick

    I have this chick that was born normal, but the more time has passed, the more it's lost it's feathers. What could this be? Not sure if our rooster fathered him, my husband thinks it might be some mutation from another race although there are no bald roosters near by, but there are in the...
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    Chicken swelling possibly bee sting

    Hello everyone, need some help. We've have chickens and bees for several years now and never had problems. But yesterday left the house and when we came back in the afternoon one of our chickens had her face swollen ( there are wasps and Rattlers since we live in the country side, but guessing...
  3. E

    Sick chicken pictures what does she have?

    Hi everyone I needed to consult, thought my chicken had canker, we removed the yellow masses about a week ago and gave her metronidazole (5 days), but they've come back they now look more grey. Don't think she has fowl pox... she doesn't have lesions anywhere, eats fine, hasn't lost weight...
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    News avian flu, what's really happening in the US? According to Reuters avian flu has wiped out 50.5 million animals in the USA this year. Just wondering if it's affected anyone in the forum? Are there avian flu...
  5. E

    Sick chicken, what should I do?

    Don't know what she might have, please help. For a couple of days she's been lethargic, fluffing her feathers, not eating much (although I grabbed her this morning and her crop was full even, felt like hard grains); the other day I saw her with some diarrhea; she seems dizzy too. It's been...
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    Urgent! Help sick rooster

    I have a friend that I gifted a rooster; he was completely healthy, had his shots; after a month I came to visit (he didn't have space so he caged him) and he's really sick I have no idea what he has and what to give him or if he could make it. Please help, I'm posting a pic.
  7. E

    Parallel roosts or ladder roost? What's best?

    So I was wondering which is best? Putting them all at the same level... Could it help reduce bullying when they go in for the night? Of course considering that they have enough space for each individual. We have about 30 individuals an they free range all day long, then they go in the coop at...
  8. E

    Chicken without balance

    So about a two weeks ago one of our chickens lost her balance, she was hatching eggs and when she went out she was flopping over everywhere, we thought maybe a rattler could have bitten her, we saw one close by where they hang out a day before, so we locked her up in a cage gave her food and...
  9. E

    Eating eggs from animals that have been treated for parasites?

    So our chickens were suffering from diarrhea, and seeing how we hadn't given them anything for parasites or ameobas or the like, we decided to give them something (the pills have albamectin and albendazol). Now they are defecating normally, but I do wonder the indication of not consuming the...
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    Open navel chick strong, what should I do?

    So I went into the hen house and found a new born chick far from the nest, still alive (I guess the other chickens got it out), didn't notice it's navel hadn't closed appropriately so I put it under a broody hen, went back after 20 minutes and saw she wasn't covering it well. I took it from her...
  11. E

    Broken chick leg

    Hello everyone yesterday two of my chickens fought and one grabbed the other's chick by his leg and broke it. We immobilized the chick's leg (hope it will mend) but just how long should we wait till we see results? The chick must be about 2 weeks old more or less.
  12. E

    Help sick chicken

    I have a chicken that constantly sneezes, she's teary eyed and I can tell she's congested. Haven't seen any weird droppings, or lack of appetite; she's very active. I'm guessing she has a cold? What treatment would be recommended here?
  13. E

    My chicken is 10 months old, but still doesn't lay, is this normal?

    So my favorite chicken (which I think was premature and we helped hatch and raised partly with her mom and sisters) is almost 10 months old and is still not laying, her sister has been laying for about two months, just wondering if it's normal. Maybe she still thinks she's a chick and that has...
  14. E

    Chicken wirh chicks, they wont eat much and don't want to go out of the pen to forrage

    Ok so one of my chickens hatched her eggs, they're about a week old (more or less) and although her mom tries to invite them to go out, they just won't, now I've tried to give them chick feed, they wont eat it (mom doesn't either because she's not used to it), I've been giving them cooked black...
  15. E

    Skinny chick, how should I help him?

    I know this in part is my fault, I have this young chick, when he was little his mom left him and all the others would bully him, so I decided to isolate him. Gave him chick feed and grains and would take him out once a day to roam free with supervision. Of course he hasn't grown up as well or...
  16. E

    How do you remove and dispose of lice egg masses?

    Hello everyone up until today I had no idea what live egg masses were. Just realized a rooster I have (that has been loosing weight and is weak) has them. I want to remove them and dispose of them in the most effective way, what do I do???
  17. E

    Is it normal or common?

    I have this hen that's laying rather large eggs. I hadn't been close to her after she layed, until today, and I was slightly worried by what I saw, it was like her oviduct was inside out... Some time after she seemed back to normal, nothing hanging out. Is this normal or common? Is there...
  18. E

    Self sufficient? What were the challenges?

    Hey everyone, looking at Rooster Chicken Gang's post on making decent money, it made me think. How many of the members here are really self sufficient (or at least partly)? Next question I 'd like to ask is, what were your biggest challenges? Do you make a living off of your farm/poultry set...
  19. E

    How many nests for the chickens?

    Ok so I'm now wondering if I should keep a nest per chicken. Most of our girls are first timers, turns out that they all have started to go broody one after the other, at the moment we have 5 chickens with chicks, 6 chickens sitting on eggs waiting for them to hatch (one of them decided that...
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