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  1. H

    Odd Critter Appreciation Thread

    This thread is for discussion about critters who are mis-understood by many, but liked, loved, and appreciated by few. Some of these critters, in the right circumstance, are chicken predators. This thread is not about that, as there are already many threads about chicken predators. So please...
  2. H

    Do You Believe in ALIENS?

    Do you believe in aliens from other planet(s) that visit us regularly, observe us, or live right under our noses? I have read some books about the subject. What I find when I have read about the subject is there are more questions than answers. None of the books point out the obvious, such as...
  3. H


    Hello! New here, in the upper central U. S. I keep chickens, muscovies, have a dog and a cat. Vegetable and flower garden. Hoping for productive discussions with fellow members.
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