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  1. CalebtheChicken

    A choice between two chickens...

    I'm getting ready to do a scholarship for my 4-H poultry club and I'm deciding between 2 breeds. These chickens are going to be shown, and not put with my home flock, if that makes a difference. The two breeds I've narrowed it down to are Buff Brahma Bantams and Bearded d'Anvers Bantams (not...
  2. CalebtheChicken

    Chickens feet have frostbit and died!

    My White cochin hen's feet have basically died. She can't move her toes or roost. I originally thought she was just sick and put her with my old roo. She was doing great and today I moved the two into my extra coop, but when I was showing them the roosts I noticed her feet were... black. I...
  3. CalebtheChicken

    Sick droopy Buff roo. UPDATE!!! GOOD NEWS!!!

    One of my BO roos is not in very good shape. He keeps his tail very low (almost dragging the ground). He can hardly keep his eyes open and he keeps his head held tight against his shoulders. He seems to be very weak and can't keep his wings up against his body or walk very much. He does have his...
  4. CalebtheChicken

    Anyone else have any Pea Puffers?

    You know the little puffer fish that are less than an inch long.
  5. CalebtheChicken

    Any Rucka Rucka Ali fans out there? Or do you hate him?

    I think his videos are funny, but I know alot of people find them awful. What do you think?
  6. CalebtheChicken

    Mutt rooster, breeds in him, unknown. UPDATE, pics.

    Now I have pics! His name is Silver Head, because when he was younger he had, well, a silverish head. But now his head and hackles has more yellow colored feathers with spots of brownish red, and he has a kinda rose comb I guess (I never really understood the whole comb idea). His body is...
  7. CalebtheChicken

    Cochin roo is making odd girgling noise...

    My large Cochin rooster makes an odd girgling noise pretty much everywhere he goes and the only times he doesn't make the noise is when he eats and when he runs full speed (that's right he even makes it when he sleeps). My other cochins don't make this noise at all. So is this normal? Should I...
  8. CalebtheChicken

    HERMIT CRAB EXPERTS UNITE!!! I have questions.

    I'm planing on getting some Hermit Crabs to put in my 10 gallon glass tank. The tank has a wire lid/roof. Now the questions: 1.How many crabs can I put in the tank? 2.How big of a water dish should I use? 3.How many sponges should I put in the water? 4.How big of a food dish should I use...
  9. CalebtheChicken

    Are pin feathers usually blue?

    One of my over bred hens is getting back her feathers, and they're blue! She's really balck and blue! They're more blackish on her body, but on her wings they're straight blue. Is this normal?
  10. CalebtheChicken

    My First egg!!!! Update! 3rd egg! I KNOW who laid all 3!!!

    WOOT!!! My first egg from my pullets!!! It's about an inch and a half long, very light brown (Almost white), and I don't know who laid it. I have mostly brown egg layers (Buff Orps, Barred Rocks, a Red Star, etc.), a white egg layer (White Leghorn), about 10 mutts, and 3 Easter Eggers. I'm...
  11. CalebtheChicken

    My first time showing chickens... went awsome!

    I showed Star(Red Star), Gertrude(BR), and Peaches(BO). Star won 2nd in breed and 2nd in variety. Gertrude won 1st in breed, 1st in variety, and champion in breed. Peaches won the same as Gertrude. Star was against a top quality Red Star hen sooo she lost, but they were the only two of that...
  12. CalebtheChicken

    First time showing chickens. I have questions.

    Are there judges? (if they have judges) Do judges look over your bird? Or just look into the cage? Can you have different breeds of birds in one cage? What's the best bedding for the birds? What's the best way to prepare a bird for show? Answers please.
  13. CalebtheChicken


    Yes a game I just made up... CalebTheChicken: WhoWouldLikeA-cookie? Someone: ME!!! WhoWouldLikeA-monkey? SomeoneElse: Not me!!! WhoWouldLikeA-Oklahoma? Just say if you want the last item then ask who would like whatever... AWAY!!! WhoWouldLikeA-cookie?
  14. CalebtheChicken

    For all those who love snipe hunting...

    Here's what your looking for... Don't forget your wade boots.
  15. CalebtheChicken

    The quest to Z-102!!!

    Ok ok, here's the rules: You say a letter in order of the alphabet and a number counting by 2's, for example: First poster: A-2 second poster: B-4 third poster: C-6 and so on. We go to Z-102!!! AWAY!!! A-2
  16. CalebtheChicken

    Buffin tame bird.

    Dis is Buffin, My only tame bird out of 29! All my roos pick on her, so she comes to me for protection She jumps and pecks my pants when she wants picked up and looks at my eye when she wants on my shoulder. Anyway here she is. Look a car!!! Chicken Vs. Puppy. Arrr me a pirate!
  17. CalebtheChicken

    Some mystery roosters.

    These are my younger roosters, they are all mixes except for the Cochin. I have guesses on most of them. First is 5toes, he has five toes, a few feathers on his legs, white ear lobes, and a crest. My guess is Silkie with some kind of game. Second is Elvis the banty Cochin. I originally...
  18. CalebtheChicken

    Favorite kind of pet thread anyone?

    *if there is already a thread like this tell me* Simple rules- Just say what kind of animal is your favorite pet is. I'll add more tabs as needed. PLEASE PICK ONE KIND OF ANIMAL I'll keep tabs on favorites here: Cats-2 Dogs-7 Fish-0 Caged birds-0 Poultry-3 Lizards-0 Snakes-2 Frogs & Toads-0...
  19. CalebtheChicken

    Getting meaties from cousin, best way to trim down?

    He said he'd give me a CX and Turken, he raised them for meat. What is the best way to trim them down to a healthy weight? Exercise? Minimal feeding?
  20. CalebtheChicken

    Elvis is eating his girls' feathers!

    When I first saw it I thought he was just trying to mate them, but the other day I saw him run up to a hen, grab her neck feathers, rip them out, drop them and stare at them, then EAT them. He doesn't target a sertain girl, just random attacks. They free range alot, and when they don't they are...
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