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  • Users: Smileybans
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  1. Smileybans

    Impacted crop

    I have a hen that has a large mass of hay in her crop. Massaging doesn’t break it down because it’s hay. She has been off food and only has grit and water in her cage. But nothing seems to be helping. I can get the impaction to go down but she brings it right back into her crop. She’s making the...
  2. Smileybans

    What color?

    What color would this hen be? I had some people tell me she was dominant white. But she is more of a light blue color in person. These pictures really don’t do her justice. I also bred her with a barred male and the chicks came out the same color as her. Does dominant white make chicks blue...
  3. Smileybans

    Guineas fighting with chickens

    My Guinea free range. My chickens don’t. My chickens are penned up in different runs depending on their breeds. The guineas lately have been going to certain runs and standing at the fence to yell at the chickens on the other side. When the roosters come over they fight with each other. The...
  4. Smileybans

    Crevecoeur in winter climates?

    I live in NYS and am wondering if keeping this breed will be a huge problem. Everything I have been reading says they aren’t cold hardy. We get snow and lots of wind here. But I am going to put up plastic around their run as a wind barrier. I do every year and it seems to work for my other...
  5. Smileybans

    Easter Egger both boys?

    I thought they were both boys but now I’m questioning the white one. I’m trying to integrate them into my standards pen. Hence the cage.
  6. Smileybans

    Silkies and recessive white

    I have a mixed silkie pen consisting of two roosters, one buff and one black with silver leakage, the hens are buff, blue partridge and black. I keep getting white chicks from my buff rooster. No matter whose eggs I hatch out. I was told on FB that he would carry the recessive white gene and so...
  7. Smileybans

    Getting rid of worms in the run

    This may seem like a dumb question but I am treating my chickens for worms and don’t want them to get reinfected from the soil they’re on. I cannot move their run or their coop. The run is a 30x30. I treated everyone with valbazen and now want to treat the soil for any eggs that might be there...
  8. Smileybans

    Skunk smell inside coop

    I went down yesterday, Sunday, morning to let the girls out and I smelled skunk. Not unusual because they’re everywhere where I live. So I didn’t think much of it. When I opened the big coop it reeked like skunk. We had a cat get sprayed last week and it smelled just as strong as that. The smell...
  9. Smileybans

    Feed mills

    Does anyone know if feed mills sell a feed that is high protein that I can feed to my whole flock? Something like pruinas flock raiser? I contacted one near me and they told me I would need three different feeds. One for my laying hens, one for my chicks/ non laying hens and one for my...
  10. Smileybans

    Vaulted skull?

    Not my chick, not my hatch but from my eggs. All I know is it was hatched under a broody hen. I did not give her, the owner of the broody hen, any eggs from vaulted birds. She got olive eggs. Rooster is an EE leghorn cross and the hens are a variety of olive and blue egg layers. I’d like to know...
  11. Smileybans

    Urgent: two day chick umbilical bleed

    What can I use to stop it? She was a broody hatch. She is stressed so it’s bleeding more. I washed with antibacterial soap. I have these in my medicine cabinet
  12. Smileybans

    Necropsy photos: fat hen? Graphic photos

    She was fine yesterday. Found her in the coop this morning dead. She may have tried to jump to a roost that wasn’t there. I moved it last night before they went to bed. I have been messing about with their feed lately. Trying scraps and different combinations or FF and dry feed. They don’t free...
  13. Smileybans

    I’m starting to hate my rabbits because of Craigslist people… Rant

    As some of you know my two “male” rabbits had three litters of kits. I successfully re-homed two of those litters all while being called a breeder, monster, horrible person and so on. Well now I’m not even able to post about the third litter because these SJWs who think they’re saving these...
  14. Smileybans

    Incubator temps fluctuating drastically

    This is not the first time I’m using this incubator. This was my first incubator and I hate the thing. The two or three times I’ve used this I’ve had a 50% hatch rate in it. But this is the first time I’m using it with another thermometer. I can’t get the temps to be consistent. The temps in the...
  15. Smileybans

    Silkie chick coloring seems wrong

    This baby’s parents were supposed to be these two. Snuggle the showgirl and Baby the satin. They have been together with no other hens or roos for about six months. I just recently introduced a hen that lays soft eggs a couple weeks ago but Baby had already been sitting on her eggs then. My...
  16. Smileybans

    Who could the parents of this chick be?

    If this is better suited for genetics i will ask for it to moved. I wasn‘t really sure where to post this though. This chick was hatched out of my own flock after i removed the two chickens with visible cross beak. One a hen, who lays soft eggs, the other a cockerel, who i thought wasn’t mating...
  17. Smileybans

    Need Fermented Feed help

    I’ve been doing FF with all flock crumbles now for about three weeks. I feel like I’m going through feed faster but the math says I’m not. My husband knows the math and he’s not here to explain it right now otherwise I would write it down. My question is when do I stop giving the girls FF? By...
  18. Smileybans

    What bug is this?

    Found it under the nesting pad and between the wood when I opened the nesting box. I have permethrin dust under the nesting pads and they were still under there. I have a broody hen but I didn’t see any of these on her. I will be checking again at night.
  19. Smileybans

    Chronic soft egg

    I have a hen who hasn’t laid a hard shelled egg, consistently, in probably a year. I didn’t know who it was until I brought her inside and she occasionally lays an egg that sounds like a chalk board. So my guess is this one egg she lays every two months is high in calcium. It even has calcium...
  20. Smileybans

    TSC bantam breeds

    I know it’s super early to know for sure the breeds of these guys but I wanted to get some guesses on them. My TSC uses Hoover. This one I’m guessing is a golden sebright. Which stinks because I really didn’t want another one. I have no idea for this one. There’s also two of them. This...
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