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  • Users: OhDangBro
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  1. O

    Chickens one eye closed.

    Hey all, my two year old hen has been keeping her one eye mostly closed. This just started today. I’ve attached pictures if anyone has any suggestions. So far she seems to be eating and drinking fine. Hungry enough to steal a bug from another chickens mouth. She seems a tiny bit lethargic and...
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    Chicken doing weird gasping only while sleeping.

    Hey everyone, I recently noticed my chicken doing a weird gasping or panting thing at night while she's sleeping, and I'm a bit concerned about it. I have a camera installed in the coop to check the doors and saw her doing it a couple of nights ago, and now I'm seeing it again. What's strange...
  3. O

    Chicken gasping while trying to sleep?

    Hey everyone, I need some advice regarding my chicken. She's been doing this weird panting and gasping for air thing and it only started tonight. She's about a year old, and the only thing different today was that I gave them some hard corn kernels before bed and they free-ranged a lot. All the...
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    Dark Brahma heat behavior.

    Hey everyone, I have a dark Brahma chicken who seems to be struggling with the heat. She's currently sleeping in the coop and panting heavily. We've had some cooler temperatures recently, but tonight it's around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This is my first Brahma, so I'm not sure if this is normal...
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    Is it okay for my chicken to sleep like this?

    My one chicken(Easter egger/1.5 years old) sleeps standing up on and off. I’m wondering if this is okay. Some days she seems to sleep later than the other chickens. She seems normal and healthy though she hasn’t laid an egg in a couple months, I think due to her going through a pretty heavy molt.
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    Strange looking egg…

    Hey all, I got a strange egg today from one of my chickens. She’s a two year old isa brown (or that’s what I was told). She normally lays very big dark brown eggs. Her feathers have been a little “molt-ish lately”, wondering if this could be a disease, calcium deficiency or what? I looked at...
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    Chicken walking unbalanced? Leaning a little.

    Hey all, I have a 2ish year old ROR named Gwen. She is the recent surviver of a fox attack. I thought the fox had got her and taken her away but she showed back up two days later. When she came back she could stand but not well and would seem to fall a lot. I got her rehydrated, got her to eat...
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    When should I worry after a fox attack about a chicken not laying an egg?

    I recently had one of my ladies get picked up by a fox. I was able to get her back and she's generally okay. My question is she is normally an every day egg layer. At what point should I be worried about her not laying? Is there a certain amount of days that I should be worried about? My other...
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    Wing hanging down a little after fox attack?

    I had a fox grab one of my chickens yesterday who I did get back. She lost a little bit of feathers but one of her wings is now hanging down a little. I’m wondering if this is a sprain/broken or just part of the shock. Any suggestions/ideas would be much appreciated.
  10. O

    Easter egger rooster or hen?

    Hey all, I got two baby chicks who are supposed to be hens. This is my first Easter egger so i was wondering if anyone can help me and tell me if they think the Easter egger is a roo or a hen.
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    My chickens are trying to lay two eggs a day, the second egg is soft and can get stuck.

    Hey All, I have four chickens, 3 isa browns and one ror. The three isa's are all related and lay everyday. Some days they try to lay a second egg but it ends up soft and getting stuck. I guess they get egg bound? They eventually do get the second soft shell out but I'm wondering if anyone has...
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    What is wrong with this egg? Is my chicken okay?

    Hey all, Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this egg? It is still very hard, extremely light in color but has like splotches of hard parts? Some back info: My chickens are about one year old, all the chickens seem very healthy, it has been a rough winter here and up until a couple days ago...
  13. O

    What is wrong with this egg? Is my chicken okay?

    Hey all, So I found a very weird egg recently. I have attached pictures if anyone could help. This egg is a lot lighter and has weird splotches(?). It is still hard, I'm just unsure why it looks like this. Some background information is: My chickens are about one year old, we just went through...
  14. O

    Soft egg that gets stuck?

    Hey guys, This is my first post and I have a question/concern with one of my hens. She has had an issue of laying a soft egg that doesn't fully come out twice now. Meaning the soft shell(which is squishy, you can move/mold it without it cracking) gets stuck and hangs out of her vent? Has...
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