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  • Users: impr3
  • Content: Threads
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  1. I

    No internal pip day 23

    Only 1/18 shipped eggs made it to lockdown. Now we're at the end of day 22/start of day 23 and still no internal pip... I don't see movement, but it definitely grew between day 18 and now so hopefully still alive. When would you consider opening the aircell end of it still hasn't internally...
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    Deliberately sloped deep litter coop for easy clean out?

    I've noticed several folks on this forum mentioning deliberately building their coops on a slope to make a low-labor flow-through deep litter system (ie. add litter at the top of the hill, harvest from the bottom, let the chickens turn it to move everything down the hill). Sadly, my searching...
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    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I know, May is months away... But I just ordered hatching eggs and am far too excited! I love reading through the hatch-a-long threads here and am looking forward to joining in on one. Hopefully everyone's ok with me jumping the gun on getting this thread started :). The eggs will be shipped...
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    Open Air Coop - Hot Dry Summers, Cool Wet Winters

    We're currently in the planning phase for an open air coop/run combo on our rural Northern California homestead. I've spent the last week reading through every open air coop and Woods coop thread I can find on BYC and am so grateful for the amazing examples and tips everyone has shared! That...
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    Best Free Range/Flying Duck Breed

    Short version: We are looking for egg laying or dual purpose duck breeds that are good for free ranging in a very rural area with moderate predator population density. Specifically, we would like them to be able to fly a little - consistently achieving a height of 2+ feet off the ground in order...
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    Feeding chicken to your chickens?

    In reading stock recipes on this forum, I've come across several folks saying that they give the strained stock contents (bones, giblets, veg scraps) to their chickens after they're done cooking with them. On the one hand, I'm a big fan of not wasting anything and would love for my chickens to...
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    Manual cervical dislocation, easier than expected

    I killed my first two chickens this weekend using manual cervical dislocation and found it extremely easy and relatively foolproof. As I was researching, something that I would have loved to read but couldn't find was input from people who are new to this method. The descriptions from folks that...
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    6 week old mixed breeds + lav orps

    I have 7 mixed breeds and 3 lavender orps, all now 6 weeks old. Several are clearly roosters at this point, so I was hoping they might all be identifiable to a more trained eye. Thus I'm seeking out the expertise of those on here :) . I'd love y'all's input on my guesses. In most cases, the...
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    Ready for freezing temps?

    I have 10 nearly 5 week old (33 days) chicks who have been completely off supplemental heat for about a week now in an unheated room with a window open to try to get them ready for moving out to the coop. I pretty much have to move them to the coop tomorrow for reasons detailed below, but the...
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    4 wk Australorps x Ameraucana = roo?

    So, I thought 4 weeks is to early to know sex, but this little one is looking very convincingly male with large pink comb and red wattles. Am I jumping the gun in labeling him a he? Based on behavior I had been guessing this one was a she as (s)he's the most submissive of the whole brood. Sorry...
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    Chick sexing by behavior, accuracy?

    I have 10 three week old chicks, mostly barnyard mix. I know it's early to be able to sex them by appearance, particularly given they are all different mixes so I can't really compare one to another. However, they do have clear little personalities. I'm wondering how accurate behavior is for...
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    Fermenting tomatoes

    I've been experimenting with ferments over the past year, mostly sauerkraut, and it's all been tasty. However, this is by far the best! It's my first time fermenting tomatoes and I think I'm in love. Just ate three of them mixed with pasta and miscellaneous fresh veggies, no sauce at all and it...
  13. I

    Chick with bald patch over crop

    It's not really a bald patch, but I couldn't think of a better brief description for the title. It looks more partially plucked with the remaining fluff damp/sweaty (except I know chickens don't sweat). (S)he's 13 days old and I first noticed this yesterday. At first I figured (s)he had just...
  14. I

    Mystery chick ID matching game

    So, I have just hatched 7 mystery chicks mixed in with 3 pure bred Lavender Orpingtons (10 chicks total). For fun, I am trying to figure out the breed of each chick and would love any input folks feel like offering (or feel free to just enjoy watching me struggle :) :pop). I have pictures of...
  15. I

    Day olds not drinking water

    I have 10 chicks that I hatched yesterday (a few are closer to 2 days old as they hatched the day before) none of whom are drinking. I dipped all their beaks when I moved them to the brooder but I'm worried I didn't do it right as only 3 or 4 of them visibly swallowed afterwards. Since then I've...
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    The Apocalypse Hatch...

    My first attempt at hatching and, in the spirit of 2020, the world has decided to make it as complicated as possible... First came the heat. We don't have AC and Saturday the house was the same temp my incubator is supposed to be (and it took opening it several times to prevent it from getting...
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