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  1. ChloeSilkie08

    ISO SILKIES! Arkansas or Missouri

    Hello! I’m ISO GROWN silkies for sale. I lost my whole flock and I want to get back into breeding again and hatching chicks. I don’t care the colors or anything like that I just need 3-4 hens and one rooster. ONLY silkies please. I am near the northern Arkansas and southern Missouri. Please...
  2. ChloeSilkie08

    Helping chick out of egg shell

    When do you guys decide to interfere with a chick hatching? I have one that pipped last night and hasn’t hatched yet. I know this is normal but it hasn’t been chirping or moving like all it’s siblings did. I’m afraid it’s week or something. I can see the beak moving but not doing anything.
  3. ChloeSilkie08

    What colors are these silkies?

    I’m so confused what these are. Idk if these were “fathered” by my paint, recessive white, or splash rooster but I have these hens: Black Buff Recessive White Weird red pyle color Splash Paint
  4. ChloeSilkie08

    Breeding Paint Silkies and Their Genetics

    Hello everyone! I haven’t been on here in awhile so excuse me if I missed something, but I just got 5 paints for breeding. I have 1 rooster and 4 hens at the moment. I do not know what their lineage is but I can ask the breeder if need be. What I need to know is what will happen when I breed my...
  5. ChloeSilkie08

    Paint silkie?

    I’m so confused. I just got this chick from eggs I assumed to be from my laying flock but it’s white with black spots. I only have black copper marans roosters. I’m wondering if somehow I put a silkie egg underneath my hen? I have a recessive white silkie roo but I don’t know how that would...
  6. ChloeSilkie08

    Silkie Coloring Question

    I have a silver partridge rooster that I posted for sale. Now I'm rethinking it. I love the silver gene and was planning on just hatching more out and keeping the one that ends up a hen. BUT, what happens if I breed silver partridge to silver partridge? I thought about keeping the roo and then...
  7. ChloeSilkie08

    Silkie Roosters in Northern Arkansas

    I have 2 silkies roosters for sale around the Harrison, Arkansas area. They are $10 a piece. 1 is a silver partridge and the other is a red pyle. I have had great fertility with them and they are very sweet (the silver in particular). I haven't ever been attacked or even had them be mean to me...
  8. ChloeSilkie08

    ISO Marans Rooster in Arkansas or Missouri

    I'm in need of a Marans rooster ASAP in Northern Arkansas or Southern Missouri. I need one that is preferably purebred and is around 4 months of age or never been with hens. I want to be sure that he doesn't beat up my old rooster because they will be put together. Please message me with...
  9. ChloeSilkie08

    Water Levels in Magicfly 10 Egg Incubator for Lockdown

    How much water do I put in the Magicfly 10 egg incubator for lockdown? Do I fill it completely up on both places or just on the edge, just in the middle?
  10. ChloeSilkie08

    Selling silkie chicks in Northern Arkansas

    I've got 8 silkie chicks available and they are due to hatch next week! They have the possibility to be a PLETHORA of colors. $8 each and can meet in Harrison or Omaha, Arkansas or Branson, Missouri in 3 weeks. I can message you pictures of parent stock if you want.
  11. ChloeSilkie08

    ISO Olive Eggers in Missouri or Arkansas

    I'm searching for Olive Eggers in/around Northern Arkansas or Southern Missouri. Either hatching eggs or chicks but they MUST lay an olive egg when older. Will take hens but ABSOLUTELY no roos. Please message me with your prices, where you are, and pictures if they are hatched. I would also take...
  12. ChloeSilkie08

    Incubator has uneven temperatures

    I got the Magicfly 10 Egg semi-automatic incubator for Christmas and I've finally figured out why my hatch was bad. The temps are uneven in the incubator! I found a thermometer that would fit in my incubator and put it in different spots and all were .5 to a whole degree different. How do you...
  13. ChloeSilkie08

    I think my silkie has botulism

    What do you do when your chicken has botulism? I have a silkie that is sadly showing the signs of it. I'm terrified for the others that I have. Will they all die? What should I do? It's a complete ice storm where we are and I can't get outside a lot to check on them throughout the day.
  14. ChloeSilkie08

    Chicken with broken neck or wry neck

    I have a silkie that I noticed last night who's neck is turned awkwardly and she can't move it. We are in an ice storm currently and it's SO slick in their run. I'm afraid a roo was chasing her and she slipped and broke her neck. I've got the ability to separate her from the flock if need be but...
  15. ChloeSilkie08

    Hatching eggs available for shipping!

    I've got silkies and blue marans and black copper marans hatching eggs available! Minimum of 6 eggs and you can mix and match whatever you want! Barnyard mixes are available as well but only a few of the hens are laying at the moment. Please message for prices and any questions you may have...
  16. ChloeSilkie08

    NorthWoods Poultry Hatching Eggs

    I was thinking about ordering hatching eggs from Northwoods Poultry and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with them? I know that the eggs would be in the mail for only 2 or 3 days. I want to order their paint silkie eggs because I can't find them anywhere else.
  17. ChloeSilkie08

    WANTING Silkie Hatching Eggs

    I am wanting some silkie hatching eggs. Any colors except black, white, splash, and blue will do. I'm specifically looking for paint, lavender, red pyle, partridge, and such. I don't mind if they have to be shipped. MUST be purebred silkies or as pure as you know. Please message me if you have...
  18. ChloeSilkie08

    Ebay Hatching Egg Questions

    I have been searching for some specific colored silkies and I found several sellers on Ebay willing to ship eggs. I have several questions 1. What should I be aware of? 2. Does anyone have any breeders they trust on Ebay? 3. What are red flags? 4. How do I choose the best seller? 5. Should I...
  19. ChloeSilkie08

    ISO Frizzle Chickens in Arkansas

    I'm looking for Frizzle, sizzle, or frazzle chickens in/around Northern Arkansas. NO roos will take hens, straight run chicks, juvenile, etc. Please message me with pictures and prices.
  20. ChloeSilkie08

    Black Copper Marans Hatch-A-Long

    I put 7 Black Copper Marans in the incubator yesterday! They are due to hatch the DAY BEFORE Valentine's Day! Let's hope we have some late hatchers so we get some Valentine babies!
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