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    Chicken can't stand

    My silkie Muffin had lice and mites. I am not sure how long he had them before I noticed. He was off balance and limping on his left leg. He is now not able to stand or walk. He can kick both legs and put weight on his left one. He won't push at all with his right one and doesn't move his toes...
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    Chickens have mites-Limping Chicken

    My chickens have mites and lice. I ordered Elector PSP, but it won't get here until Saturday. None of my local stores have it. I feel like a bad mom cuz Im not sure how long they had them before I notices. I have been giving them some egg for protein and iron. Any other suggestions? Also, my...
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    Chickens have mites!

    My chickens have mites. What have you guys had the best luck with for treatment? Do I gut the coop out first or do I treat the chickens first? Im somewhat new to chickens and this is my first mite problem.
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    Best thing for water over the winter

    What is the best thing to use for water over the winter? We currently have a plastic waterer and I dont want it to crack from freezing?
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    Silkie Roo shakes head, tilts head, and loses balance while shaking

    My Silkie Roo is shaking his head and tilting it to one side a little bit this morning and if he shakes his body, he loses balance. What could be wrong? He seems and looks normal otherwise.
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    What should I feed?

    I have a mixed flock of chickens: 1 1 1/2 year old Easter Egger Hen, 2 7 month old Barnyard Mix Pullets, 2 7 month old Silkie Pullets, 3 7 month old Satin Pullets, and 2 7 month old Silkie Roos. What is the best diet to feed them? I have read that Silkie's need at least 20% protein and am...
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    Rooster can't stand or walk

    I have a rooster that is about 26 weeks old. I believe he is some kind of silver laced wyandotte mix. Just yesterday we found him laying in the pen. He is unable to stand or walk. If we try to stand him up, he falls back and his feet are stretched out in front of him. When he is laying down he...
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    Chicken is making a weird noise

    My 1 1/2 year old EE is making a weird sound. Any idea what could be wrong? She hasn't laid an egg in about a week, but I know this is the time of year they slow down and rest.
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    Chicken Boots

    I have a silkie that has had deformed feet since hatch. She gets around fine and is perfactly happy, she just walks a little goofy. The way she walks causes issues with the bottom of her feet, bruising and sores. Has anyone ever made or bought permanant booties for their chickens? Her name is...
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    Silkie with scaly leg mites

    My silkie has been acting tired and not standing or walking. She has now stopped eating herself, but will swallow nicely if I put it in her mouth. Do you guys think she this coyld be caused by scaly leg mites? I included a picture of her feet.
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    Mareks and St Johns Wort

    My silkie has what seems like it may be Meraks. She no longer eats on her own and is very lethargic and cant stand or walk. I saw a couple people have used St Johns Wort in the past. Has anyone had success with this?
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    Does this poop look normal?

    This is my Silkie's poop. She currently can't walk or stand. I don't know what is wrong with my girl.
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    Does Corid hurt if it isn't Coccidiosis

    Someone said my pullet may have coccidiosis, but we aren't sure. Will giving her Corid hurt her if she doesn't have it.
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    Silkie can't stand or walk

    I have a 4 month old silkie pullet. A few days ago, she was laying around more than usual and when she walked, she walked low to the ground. The next day, when she tried to walk, she stumbled backwards and fell on her face. She can't stand up or even hold herself upright while laying down. She...
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    Silkie stumbles backward and falls over

    I have a 4 month old silkie pullet. A few days ago, she was laying around more than usual and when she walked, she walked low to the ground. The next day, when she tried to walk, she stumbled backwards and fell on her face. She can't stand up or even hold herself upright while laying down. She...
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