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  1. chickmamato7

    blue-grey colored matter in egg one day, soft shelled egg the next

    My Easter egger laid her first few eggs this week after an extended laying break due to respiratory illness... today I cracked one open to find weird grey/blue matter inside. My first reaction was to toss it in the garbage, so that is where the picture was taken, but you can still see the...
  2. chickmamato7

    So I finally found a vet with ties to Cornell that sees chickens... and then the state contacted me to test for AI!

    6 birds currently have respiratory symptoms (coughing, sneezing, wheezing, some have clear nasal discharge). Four of the six developed vent gleet and laid a soft shelled or thin shelled egg preceding the onset of symptoms. The sickest bird and first to become ill has a swollen eye, has foul...
  3. chickmamato7

    3 now down with respiratory symptoms-- I'm scared

    Started last weds after mite treatment. Bird 1 started honking & sneezing the next day, also developed crop issue & vent gleet. Thought she had aspirated some fluid & ordered Fishmox & Tylosin powder, but despite paying extra for 2-day shipping, neither is expected to arrive before Tues-Thurs...
  4. chickmamato7

    Need advice: vent gleet & respiratory symptoms

    I have a 1 year old Silkie hen with vent gleet, & respiratory symptoms. Back story: added some new flock members from 2 different NPIP breeders and acquired a mite infestation (the little black dot variety). One day after treatment with Pen & Poultry Spray & Gardstar Garden & Poultry Dust, I...
  5. chickmamato7

    updated pics of Silkie chicks at 10-12 weeks old

    Posting for pullet confirmation on the whites both look like pullets, but the 2nd one has some red showing on comb when crest is pulled back). Black also has me confused because it looks mostly like a pullet, but has gold/brown leakage at neckline. Thoughts?
  6. chickmamato7

    8 week old Silkie cockerels? Need breeder eyes

    These two have been driving me crazy! I know it's a bit early, and I am withholding judgement on the rest of this batch, but are these 2 looking like cockerels?
  7. chickmamato7

    Thoughts on the quality of this silkie roo for breeding

    He's a chocolate split and I have 1 chocolate showgirl to pair him with. A local breeder had to sell off her flock due to an unexpected move. I know nothing about genetics (yet!). I only got this trio because it came with 2 show girls and I couldn't resist. I'm worried about his feathering...
  8. chickmamato7

    What is this?

    One of my Polish hens has been releasing these on an fairly regular basis. She is almost a year old and the only one with laying issues. There is plenty of calcium available and my girls are fed 18% developer. Any thoughts? Should I be worried about her health or is this just a genetic anomaly...
  9. chickmamato7

    Should I clip these nails?

    My SLW has extra long nails. She is the only one in the flock that has nails like this. Should I clip them or add some rough surfaces to my sand-based run?
  10. chickmamato7

    My Pet Chicken Silkie Sexing

    Just have to give a positive review of My Pet Chicken for correctly sexing 3 out of 3 female Silkie bantams. My slowest to develop laid her 1st egg today and she was the one who kept me confused & guessing the longest. I was able to order just 3 bantums with the addition of one standard sized...
  11. chickmamato7

    Is this Silkie really a boy?

    Someone on a local group is giving 2 "male" Silkies away. This one looks like a pullet to me & I've always wanted a splash. Quote form post: "This years hatch. I thought they were girls but they’ve started scrapping so their poofs are looking sparse." I only have thses 2 pics to go on, but it...
  12. chickmamato7

    "Crevecoeur" Remorse

    I have 3 "Crevecoeur" hens from Murray McMurray (1 year old) that have been nothing but trouble since they started to lay. They used to be cute and spunky, but all three have been bald & ugly from about 6 months old. As soon as their feathers start to grow back, they get plucked bald again...
  13. chickmamato7

    galvanized wire leaches lead as it degrades

    I found this article posted on a local chicken FB page. Thought it was worth sharing.
  14. chickmamato7

    Predator poop ID

    Something has been leaving droppings around my coop. It looks like it could be a raccoon, but I'm not sure. There has been no digging or print evidence, just 3 poops left a few weeks apart, at opposite ends of the coop. Anyone recognize this poop? It's not easily seen in the pic, but the...
  15. chickmamato7

    5 week old chick suddenly being attacked by flock

    I have a 5 week old chick that was hatched by a broody (only surviving shipped egg). Mom was lowest in the pecking order, so not a very capable protector. Up until the last 2 days, the other flock members accepted the chick and all was peaceful. Yesterday another broody (2nd lowest in pecking...
  16. chickmamato7

    Bad mom... or is this normal?

    My broody 1 y/o creveceour hatched 1 chick that is now 7 days old. It's been quite an ordeal and way more stressful that I was expecting. She refused to come off the unhatched eggs, even after her chick fell from the nest box (twice) and was cold and loudly chirping from the ground. I removed...
  17. chickmamato7

    advice needed

    I have 3 eggs hatching under a broody hen in a nest box 4' off the ground. One chick is out and she's keeping it warm & safe in the back of the box. I think the others have pipped, but she won't let me see for sure. I can feel that they are moving and pecking the shell & I've heard them...
  18. chickmamato7

    setting fertile eggs under broody tonight-- need advice

    My broody Crevecoeur is getting some fertile eggs tonight, but I need to make a decision about relocating her outside the coop or leaving her be. She is very committed to some ceramic eggs right now and has been for over a week. I could not break her, so ordered some eggs which arrived today...
  19. chickmamato7

    Looking for Salmon Faverolle &/or Tolbunt Polish hatching eggs

    I'm looking for just a few of each egg type for a broody hen & need them soon. 1/2 dozen or less would do. Most breeders are on back order and I'm not sure I can trust the quality on ebay. Any ideas or information to share?
  20. chickmamato7

    Broody Creveceour

    One of my Crevecoeur's has gone broody and I'm tempted to spend $44 on some hatching eggs. Is this just wishful thinking and a waste of money, since Crevs rarely go broody and are known to be poor mothers? She is 9 months old and I have tried to break her broodiness, but she is persistent. This...
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