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  1. F

    Mink-proofing the hen house door

    So night before last we lost 3 of our 7 remaining chickens, including Bob our rooster. We lost another one just a week ago and based upon the fact that only one bird was taken through a space about 8 inches across where the poultry wire was ripped out, I thought we had a raccoon problem. I...
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    Young Rooster and establishing dominance around humans

    We have a young rooster (21 weeks) who is feeling pretty good about himself. He has 8 hens in his flock and free range almost every day, and the hens began laying about a week ago. No issues at all up until about 3 or 4 weeks ago when he decided he was going to challenge humans. I was the...
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    Do young roosters eventually quiet down with the crowing?

    We have 21-wk-old Barred Rocks and one is a roo. When I ordered the chicks I paid the little extra to have them sexed, but looks like that 1% chance of getting a boy was my lucky number. Once we realized there was a roo in the mix, I debated about whether or not to keep him. We live in a...
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    New Member from Maryland

    Hey Folks! I've been browsing through this great website for the past few months and finally got around to joining up. Template Q/A follows: (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes/No. We had chickens for several years when I was growing up on an old dairy farm...
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