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  • Users: CircusRing
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  1. C

    Sour crop - it’s been 5 days

    I have a hen with sour crop and vent gleet. We started to give her crop massages and canesten powder twice a day but she hasn’t improved much. I’m starting to really worry because her food intake has been nearly zero. We have been giving her acv water and even electrolyte water to make sure...
  2. C

    Mites - treated, how soon to see improvement?

    I have a hen who has been put through the wringer this year. She got sick in the spring, went on antibiotics, and has never been the same. Recently, she started acting very sick, flat deflated comb. We gave her some nutridrench, and noticed she is moulting, so assumed the moult was the...
  3. C

    Sour crop - how long until it clears up?

    I have a hen with sour crop. She started acting off 4 days ago. 3 days ago I began giving her apple cider vinegar water and massaging her crop. Then 2 days ago she was still very squishy so I helped her purge a lot of her crop contents. She seemed to perk up after that. But the next morning...
  4. C

    Lethargic Hen - salmonella?

    I have a hen who is very lethargic and not eating much. We brought her in the house to try to get her to come around. She sleeps most of the day and we have been syringe feeding her water. She will eat a little bit if we coax her. When she does poop it’s pretty green but normal-ish. I’m...
  5. C

    Feather loss and not re-growing

    Hi there, I have a hen who is bald on her back and sides. The major feather loss started last February and we assumed it was being over bred. But around the same time several of my birds lost a lot of feathers after an extreme cold snap. Many of my hens have since started to moult and their...
  6. C

    Are all foot cuts bumbles?

    I have a hen who has a scab on the bottom of her foot. She is not limping. And I just finished treating two other hens for bumblefoot (which took about a month). Is it possible for them to just have a scab and it not be bumblefoot?
  7. C

    Broken beak: how long to recover?

    My rooster cracked his beak on the hardware cloth yesterday. I put super glue on it right away, and he slept a good chunk of the day today. He is eating and drinking now and seems ok. Does anyone have experience with a cracked beak? How long is the recovery time? Will it heal up or regrow...
  8. C

    Aggressive boys at bed time

    Hi BYC community. I have a small flock of 12 birds, 3 of which are roosters. So that’s 3 girls for every boy. I know this is problematic. They are all 10 months old now and lately the boys have been dive bomb attacking the girls the closer it gets to bed time. They will even wait for a girl...
  9. C

    Help, bloody egg/vent?

    I have a hen who seems to be trying to pass a bloody egg or something. Does anyone know what is going on here and what I should do? She’s drinking water with vitamins added. She seems to be straining. We are building a separate place for her in the coop right now so she can get some space...
  10. C

    Sleepy or sick?

    As of yesterday our dominant rooster appears sleepier than normal. He keeps nodding off. The only recent change is as of last week our next door neighbor got two roosters and there has been an increased level of crowing. He looks healthy otherwise. Could this be a sick boy? Or just...
  11. C

    Thoughts about moisture in windows?

    Hi there, Now that the winter is here, sometimes we are getting moisture on our windows. The ceiling is fine and dry. We have three windows in our coop. Two are pictured here. Given the proximity to the birds, we added a bit of plexiglass to prevent a direct draft. The moisture on the...
  12. C

    Hen appears to be limping

    Hi folks, one of my hens was rather quiet today, sitting quite a bit and seeming to limp. We managed to catch her to see if she has bumblefoot or an injury. She doesn’t appear to have any obvious issues and was able to run away fine when we tried to catch her. Could this simply be a strain...
  13. C

    Cockerel can’t figure out how to roost

    I have a 14 week old cockerel who seems to have forgotten how to get up on the roosts. He slept on the lower “step up” perch once and can’t seem to figure out how to get up with everyone else anymore. He used to be able to. I’m thinking maybe we need to redesign the perches. Any design...
  14. C

    Circus Wagon!

    Hi everyone, After saying no to chickens for 19 years, I finally gave in this year. Learning more than I ever imagined. It’s a lot of work so far but rewarding. I am hoping it gets easier. But does life with animals ever get easier? Here is a pic of our Circus Wagon coop!
  15. C

    Injured Nictitating membrane , how long to heal?

    Hi everyone. Our 9 week old pullet injured her nictitating membrane on a piece of wire 6 days ago. We fixed that part of the run now. Took her to the vet and was prescribed an antibiotic ointment 2x a day for 7-10 days. We’ve kept her separated from the rest all week and today reintroduced...
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