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  1. J

    Is this too early to move Cornish Cross to tractor?

    I have 34 Cornish Cross that are 4 1/2 weeks old. They are out growing the brooder, but I don’t know if I need to expand the brooder or move them to the tractor. I can still put a lamp on them while in the tractor if necessary as it will be close enough to the house. For the next week...
  2. J

    Possible baby chick dying- he’s gone

    Just went to check on him again and he died in the last hour or so. Now the question is: Is there anything to learn from cutting him open? If he was diseased, I don’t want it getting to the rest of them. Thx And yeah, makes me sad even though in about a month he was going to be processed. My...
  3. J

    Ever get "no seeums" with your baby chicks?

    We just got a shipment of baby chicks in today. I set the brooder- 6' x 6' x 2' plywood box up on the back patio on Sunday. Put the bedding in Monday. Heat lamps went on Wednesday morning to check temp. Today we put 56 baby chicks in there and every time I go out, I get bit by no seeums...
  4. J

    Breaking an aggressive cockerel / rooster

    I have a cockerel that is about six months old. He is a Black Jersey Giant and absolutely beautiful. We actually enjoy having him around more than we thought we would. Well, one day I was carrying the water feeder out and he attacked me around the legs. At which point I dropped the water and...
  5. J

    Extra small eggs for more than a week

    I got some Black Jersey Giants in the first of February. The two hens have started laying about a week ago, but the eggs are very small. Not sure I'd call them "fairy" eggs, but close. I integrated them with the main flock at about 10 weeks or so. They are now bigger than the ISA Brown hens and...
  6. J

    Adding a second coop

    Chicken math has struck again. We're at nine birds now with a 4x6 coop attached to a 6x16 run that is surrounded by 164' of poultry netting. The actual run is just a place to hold the feeder and waterer and a couple of perches for the girls to get away from the bonus rooster we got(he's on the...
  7. J

    Downside to adding a rooster? (and a dumb question)

    I have six ISA Browns and wanted to add some dual purpose breeds to the mix so I ordered five Black Jersey Giants from Hoover's last January. Unfortunately, only three of them survived the first couple of days. That said, one of them is obviously a rooster. Crows every morning, completely...
  8. J

    Chickens do more good than harm in a garden?

    Being in Zone 10, our main growing season is coming to an end. I have a section that has corn, bean and melons that will likely be done in about a month. I may plant a cover crop or I may just mow it all off and cover it with wood chips. Another option is to allow the chickens in there after I...
  9. J

    Brooder Build Sanity Check

    I've had laying hens for about three years now. We've always bought them locally at about the 18 week mark. I'm now thinking to add meat birds and since I was ordering chicks, I ordered four more hens because....why not? Right now I have a decent sized coop that will accommodate 12 fine, but...
  10. J

    Liquid filled crop?

    I noticed one of my hens (approx 1.5-1.75 year old ISA Brown) was acting a bit lethargic. She looked fat and healthy, but moving slow. I noticed some tapeworms in the poop recently so gave them Equimax 10 days ago and today was time for the second dose. This evening she wasn't coming out of the...
  11. J

    Solid, rubbery, deformed egg

    I have 11 laying hens that came in three batches: Three in March 2020 Four in March/April 2021 Four this Spring All are ISA Browns. I get eight eggs a day from them. Once in a while it will be nine, but generally eight. I had a bout of roundworm with some of them in June/July and treated with...
  12. J

    Chickens not stopped by electric netting

    I picked up four additional hens from the local chicken whisperer, and have integrated them in with the flock. There’s still some occasional chasing going on, but I think it’s settling down. The coop itself is 4x6 with 12 linear feet of perch space, the attached run where food and one water is...
  13. J

    Some VERY large eggs with weird shell markings

    I have seven ISLA browns between 1 and 2 years old laying like good little hens. eta: Three were hatched in spring of 2020 and four this past spring. No idea which hen laid these. All is good, then I noticed a large egg one morning. Basically jumbo when normally they are large. Then I got a...
  14. J

    Will chickens fly over 42" poultry netting?

    Lately my birds have indicated that they really would like some time out on the grass. When I come to the coop they crowd around the door and try to peck at the grass just outside. I'm thinking to get one of those kits that has 164' of 42" electrified poultry netting-possibly with or without a...
  15. J

    Separating to stop Pecking and Plucking

    I have an issue with pecking and plucking in my flock of four ISLA Red (or is it brown? New to this about nine months ago). Per suggestions on here I expanded the coop and run. I now have a 24 sqft coop with three perches, each at least four feet long and a 72 sqft run for the four birds. I put...
  16. J

    Losing feathers from the backend

    I have four hens, no roosters. They are approximately one year old. They are in a tractor that until recently I moved every day. I've given up on that due to one of the hens would always dig a hole to lay in. I was having an issue with dirt getting tracked on the eggs and was suggested to put...
  17. J

    Dirty Eggs, Looks like tracks from dirty feet

    I have four hens in a 4x8 tractor with a 4x4 “upstairs coop“. I had been moving every day, but no matter what I did, they would dig a hole so now that part of my lawn looks like the moon. Whether I moved it every day or have it in the same spot like now, the eggs are generally dirty with what...
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