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  • Users: MommyGirl
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  1. MommyGirl


    Thinking about adding some silkies to my flock? I have all standard size chickens now though. How well do they do with bigger chickens? Are there other things I need to consider with silkies? I live in Georgia, so are they heat tolerant? What hatchery has decent quality? Any advice on them...
  2. MommyGirl

    Is 22 percent protein too much?

    Hello everyone! I usually feed flockraiser 20 percent to my flock but for the last 4 months at my tractor supply the flockraiser has been more than 6 months old so I started buying the nutrena meat bird food and it’s 22 percent protein. Is that ok atleast for awhile until they get some newer...
  3. MommyGirl

    Pressure wash coop?

    Is it ok to deep clean coop and pressure wash inside? Or is that a bad idea to introduce water inside a coop? Of course I would wait til the weather is warm but was just wondering cause it’s dusty! I know that’s part of chickens. I usually just scoop out all shaving and sweep and knock down as...
  4. MommyGirl

    Chicken smarts!

    Have you ever been outsmarted by your chickens? Well I have! My run is set up so that it’s a run on both side of the coop and smaller run behind coop like 3 runs connected with 2 gates. Now the gates are always left open connecting the runs all the way around the coop! Now take in mind that my...
  5. MommyGirl

    Never made an introduction🤣

    Hello from Georgia! Been a member for 3 1/2 years and never got around to introducing myself. Started my chicken journey in 2020 when my nest became empty. 🤣 ( kids all grown and moved out) I’m now addicted to all things chicken and spend my days with my chickens and on here with you guys! This...
  6. MommyGirl

    Chicken related gifts

    Just wanted to show my chicken related gift that my son and his girlfriend made for me this Christmas! Did any of y’all receive chicken related gifts?
  7. MommyGirl

    A Big Thanks to BYC!

    Merry Christmas to all! And just wanted to give a shout out of a thanks to everyone on BYC. I started my first flock of chickens in May of 2020. And I’m so thankful for this place and all of its caring and knowledgeable people from all over the world. Don’t know what I would have done without...
  8. MommyGirl

    Outdoor sleeping?

    Hey everyone! Do y’all think it’s ever too cold in Georgia for chickens to sleep outside in a covered run? Lowest temp in past 10 years was 11 degrees but average low is in the 20s.
  9. MommyGirl

    Leader of the flock? Pecking order?

    Hello everyone! I have a flock of 26 hens no roosters. I hear people all the time talk about their pecking order and Hen in charge. My question is how in the world do y’all figure out the order or even know who is top hen. Maybe I have too many to figure this out but I’ve been keeping chickens...
  10. MommyGirl

    Miracle 5 day shipped baby chicks!

    Hey all! Just wanted to introduce my little miracles! Ok so I had a broody hen that I wanted to give chicks to so I ordered them and they shipped last week on June 21st. I was expecting them to only take 2 days which is what is normal. Friday came no call from post office. I got a little worried...
  11. MommyGirl

    Adding baby chicks to a broody hen?

    Hey Everyone! I have a broody hen sitting on golf balls and I would like to add baby chicks under her so I was just looking for some tips on how to make this successful as I have never done this before! Thanks in advance
  12. MommyGirl

    Huge double yolk

    Just wanted to post this pic since it is the biggest double yolk I have ever gotten! Poor chicken 🤣
  13. MommyGirl

    Show me your English Orpingtons!

    Just a breed that I’m interested in maybe getting a couple. Would love to see everyone’s pics
  14. MommyGirl

    Feed Question?

    Hello all! I’ve seen people on here say to check feed for date made. But my question is how old is too old of feed? My tractor supply varies sometimes from a couple of months to 6 to 8 months sometimes. Is that too old?
  15. MommyGirl

    Chickens see at night?

    Ok I never knew chickens could see at night but I guess they can! I was wanting to start a bachelor pad but maybe I can’t now! So I waited til night and put both roosters on roost in separate run from the girls and left came back outside later and heard them fighting ran out with flashlight and...
  16. MommyGirl

    Rooster bachelor pad!

    Ok my question is if I start a bachelor pad for my roosters can I use just fencing in between them and the hens or do they need a separate pen away and out of sight of hens?
  17. MommyGirl

    What’s wrong with this egg?

    Not sure if anyone knows what’s wrong with this egg! Just started happening like a week now! It’s like a whole that looks like it’s been pecked but it hasn’t because it’s always in the exact same place on her egg. Has anyone seen anything like this? And can anything be done? Because I’ve just...
  18. MommyGirl

    Keeping 3 roosters. Is that possible?

    Hello everyone! Just have a question. I have 18 two year old hens. And I hatched 6 babies that are 10 weeks old now. 3 pullets and 3 cockerels I would like to try to keep all of them. Do you think it’s possible? I have almost 900 sq ft run! And 2 coops 96 sq feet total! Just looking for some advice
  19. MommyGirl

    SLW rooster cross with EE hens this is what it looks like!

    Just wanted to show these adorable 8 week old babies
  20. MommyGirl

    Chicken death!

    Hello everyone! I wanted to see if anyone has any idea why one of my hens died and do I need to be concerned for the rest of my flock or not? I’m at a lost on what could have happened to her. Yesterday I noticed she was kinda lazying around and her comb was kinda pale. Then this morning I found...
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