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  • Users: Ashb0429
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  1. Ashb0429


    Hatchery Mixed bantam bin chick - as a chick I thought I had picked up a buff polish chick (see pics below, he is the very back left white/yellow chick in the group shot…) Very early on knew it was a cockerel but was surprised at the absence of buff coloring. He now resembles a Tolbunt Polish...
  2. Ashb0429

    Turkey Behavior

    I recently picked up a turkey poult in my latest impulse chick buy. (Most of you know what I mean - siren’s call of feed store chicks was too strong and you give in… happens at least once a year for most of us. The rest of you are Zen masters if you can resist.) I added 1 poult to my box of...
  3. Ashb0429

    Dead Hen

    I found one of my 10 month old laying hens dead in the coop this AM. Late last night my brother was in the coop (trying to eradicate a rodent problem) around 11 pm and said she seemed very lethargic. She passed sometime during the night. I’ve noticed I’ve got a few with dirty butts so obviously...
  4. Ashb0429

    She did it!!

    After a few failures (eggs pushed out and cracked, one accidentally stepped on etc...) my Silkie hen hatched out “her” first baby! I’m so proud of her. She is the family favorite and this only endears her even more. Any tips would be appreciated. I’ve moved mama and baby to a brooder as I fear...
  5. Ashb0429

    Must Have List

    So I know we are barely in to fall but I know I’m not the only one who is already thinking about their must have chick list for next year! What breeds are on your list and why? Mine So Far Are: Porcelain D’Uccles - We have one and she has been an excellent pet for the kids. Considering having a...
  6. Ashb0429

    Material for Run Floor

    It’s time for me to do some maintenance on the run floor. It’s been a wet summer here in South Florida and I’d like to do a refresh on the muck that has become the coop floor. I saw on a Carolina Coops video that they use a composted mulch like material but every thing I can find is chemically...
  7. Ashb0429


    I’ve got a family of mice that have moved in under the coop and chewed a hole through the floor boards. What have you found works best for mouse control? Have any of you found cats helpful for maintenance after getting rid of the problem?
  8. Ashb0429

    Picky Mama

    So I have a Silkie girl who has gone broody as silkies tend to do. She is only sitting on two real eggs and two ceramic eggs at the moment. I’ve offered her four other eggs and she will accept the cochin eggs but on two different occasions has rejected the Orpington eggs. Maybe she is in feud...
  9. Ashb0429

    Near Miss

    Talk about a roller coaster of an evening - to preface this story, my chickens free range in the front acre of my property. I was aware we had resident hawks when we moved in a year ago but have not seen them for 3-4 months prior to our teenage chicks graduating from the house brooder to the...
  10. Ashb0429

    IKEA Nesting Boxes

    That’s right. IKEA makes nesting boxes. Ok, not really. However they DO make a very popular piece of furniture that doubles quite nicely as a nesting box. This started as shoe storage for me, later became a TV stand and now has found its final home as a nesting box. I’m pretty happy with it...
  11. Ashb0429

    The Moment We All Wait For...

    I found our first egg today! Keyword is found* this is probably not the first egg ever laid as I didn’t get the nesting boxes installed until this weekend and the oldest girls hit 5 months two weeks ago. As best I can tell by size and color it’s one of my bantam girls, probably my buff Brahma...
  12. Ashb0429

    Newly Addicted

    Hello All! I’ve enjoyed the facebook group version. Of Backyard Chickens for months. We are raising our first flock of 12.... which by my chicken math is 25. Looking forward to discuss this amazing hobby I didn’t know I’d end up loving so much.
  13. Ashb0429

    Deciding Who Should Go

    Hello All! Succesfully have our first flock out in the coop for several months. They’re a straight run of mixed bantams and LF including Buff Cochin and Blue Andulsians, Speckled Sussex, Silkies and D’uccles. Quite the mix bag. Sadly we did not fair well in the pullet vs cockerel lotto and have...
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