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  1. C

    Blue, floppy comb and recurring lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea

    My 2-year-old ISA Brown, Nina, is sick. This is the third time she's been sick this spring, with symptoms flaring up every 4-6 weeks. She goes from her perky self to extremely lethargic, droopy tail, floppy comb, low appetite, excessive thirst, and watery diarrhea. The diarrhea has been going...
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    Baytril Powder 10% Dosing for Sick Chicken

    I have a sick bird in need of Baytril (enrofloxacin), and I need help determining the correct measurements. I purchased "Enrofloxacin 10% Powder." The packaging includes instructions for administering the drug in drinking water, but because my chicken is not drinking much and the taste of...
  3. C

    Broody or sick? Green poop and more… *pics*

    Thanks for reading. My hen ISA brown Nina is roughly 18 months old and showing some concerning symptoms. I thought she was broody, but now I’m thinking she’s sick… These behaviors made me think she was broody… Sitting on clutch of eggs, 6 days Not leaving nest Giant broody-looking poop Missing...
  4. C

    Worms? Tuberculosis? Other? What are these worm-like things? What’s going on here?!

    I’ve been trying for a while to get to the bottom of my hen’s health issue(s). I’m baffled. Symptoms in Buff Orpington hen (rescue, roughly 4-5 yrs old): Watery poop with white streaks or dark green mass (new symptom, past few days) Worms or worm-like matter in some of the watery poop (new...
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    Please help! Orange poop and possible vent gleet 6-week-old pullet

    Symptoms: My 7-week-old Salmon Faverolles pullet has has orange, runny poop for several weeks. I dismissed it as cecal poop but now see that it is always orange and runny, and sometimes foamy as well. Smells terrible, either same or worse than cecal poop. Possible vent gleet with dirty vent...
  6. C

    How to intentionally stop egg laying

    My hen is laying internally and I need to stop her from laying any more until I can get her to a vet. I’ve read that to stop laying, a hen should have no more than 10 hours of daylight, but I’m not sure how people accomplish this. To intentionally stop egg laying… Do you put the hen in a...
  7. C

    Deslorin hormonal implant treatment for internal layer?

    My older Buff Orpington is internally laying. This happened last summer and resolved itself over the darker winter months. It’s now happening again and much worse than before. Her abdomen is very swollen. My local vet did an ultrasound and identified round yolk-like shapes. She recommended I...
  8. C

    Help! Watery Diarrhea in Chicks

    For just over a week, my 5-week-old Giant Cochin chick has had very watery poops; before this, her poops were normal. Five days ago, I began Corid treatment for coccidiosis as a precaution, in addition to fresh Purina medicated feed which they’ve been eating since week one. Just today, my Golden...
  9. C

    Terramycin or Tylan for Chick Congestion

    Please help. My four 2-3 week old chicks are all sneezing, and the littlest one is severely congested with runny poop. I can hear her rasping and wheezing when she breathes, and it's gotten worse over the past three days. I worry she may not be able to breathe if this progresses. This illness...
  10. C

    Help! Brinsea Ecoglow Safety 600 too hot?

    I bought the Brinsea Ecoglow Safety 600 chick brooder and it arrived yesterday. The heat plate is much hotter than expected. I can't hold my fingers against it for more than a couple of seconds. Touching the plate reminds me of walking barefoot on very hot sand -- you can hardly stand to walk on...
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