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  • Users: dbtcowgirl
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  1. D

    These three are confusing me lol

    I've narrowed down most of my mystery hatch but the breeds on these three are escaping me
  2. D

    10 week Cochin gender?

    I'm unsure on these two fellas. 10 weeks old, forgive the bad pictures....they hate my guts 🤣
  3. D

    Puhlese!! Help us decide a direction?!?

    My boys and I are carefully building our flocks with the goal of selling hatching eggs and raising chicks in mind. We have spent countless hours building the following flocks. Searching for the best quality and representatives of the breeds. We have currently built good flocks of these chickens...
  4. D

    Fodder Inspection....

    "Well hello Henrietta, would you like to explore the 80 acres you are free to roam?" "No thank you servant lady, I would like to invite myself into your office and eat your fodder project"
  5. D

    10 weeks now, please tell me they are Cockrels

    I think these guys are both Cockrels but I'm not 100% sure 10-11 weeks. Easter Egger and what was supposed to be a Blue Laced Red Wyadotte but I'm not sure.
  6. D

    BCM vs Serama

    The size difference is so cute. The little Serama is almost 4 weeks old and the Black Copper Maran hatched last night.
  7. D

    Sweet Surprise, Long story but cute!

    Long story but sweet ending... Our friends have a young flock of guineas, they don't want babies and offered us their eggs. We were told they probably were not fertile due to the young age of the rooster but my boys and I took them home anyways. We have our " breeding pens" where we raise our...
  8. D

    Capon Controversy

    This question is for my own enlightenment. Whenever the subject of caponizing a male bird comes up I always see a lot of negative feelings towards the procedure. I don't have a feeling either way , I eat my extra roos and sleep just fine at night. However is a procedure that is temporarily...
  9. D

    Favorite Candler??

    I currently use this Magicfly egg candler and have been happy with it, the fact that it plugs in has pros and cons. I still can't see anything in my darker eggs however and wondered what everyone else's favorites are?
  10. D

    What the heck Hatch? Updated Photos!

    Just for fun I am posting an update on my "What the heck" hatch. As some of you know from my previous posts my oldest son was in an auto accident a few weeks ago and I was gone with him at the children's hospital for two weeks. While I was gone the good news is LOTS of my eggs hatched....the bad...
  11. D

    Resting Shipped Eggs?

    Whenever I get shipped eggs I always let them rest 24 hours before incubating. My old incubators had the eggs laying on their sides, my new cabinet style has them upright. So my question is can I put them in the incubator and just not turn them or should they still be kept at 55 for 24 hours...
  12. D

    What the heck did my mom bring me?

    My mother picked up a Crevecoeur hen that I bought from a local gentleman. While there he gifted her two extras of unknown breed and gender. Any ideas? They are small sized but at least one is laying eggs.
  13. D

    Pheasant Feathers?

    I have some pretty varieties of rare Pheasants and I was wondering if anyone else that raises them has any ideas for what to do with their feathers. They are beautiful and I would love to find a purpose for them. I always collect them as they molt but I end up with tons and I don't know what to...
  14. D

    My standard Wednesday...

    Two Hens, a Rooster, a Mini Zebu and a Camel walk out of a barn....there is no punchline to this joke my life is just weird lol. Happy Hump Day!!!
  15. D

    The Russian Invasion

    A few weeks ago I was given a couple of Russian Orloffs. After their quarantine period they blended in with the Farm Yard Flock really well but up until today have been really shy. Today they discovered the feed room where lots of good oats and sunflower seed fall on the floor. Not so shy...
  16. D

    Feather Duster Fatalities?

    I'm curious if anyone here uses a feather duster in their brooders for chicks? I personally have never but I have a friend that swears by them providing comfort to her chicks. I have also heard they are dangerous from another friend, that being said she never actually used one she was just...
  17. D

    Any Campine Lovers?

    We were gifted 4 really pretty campine pullets. I was just interested in anyone's experience with them or any information some fellow owners might have.
  18. D

    Looking for a way to cheer up my kiddo!

    After an auto accident on Thursday my oldest son and chief chicken wrangler is looking at a long recovery. He is thankfully on the mend and avoided life altering injuries but he does have a Traumatic Brain Injury and is facing a slow recovery to get back to himself. His absolute favorite aspect...
  19. D

    6 week old Surprise Chicks

    Any guesses on breed or gender of my 6 week old "Bonus" chicks Please forgive the bad pictures, my photographer is a 12 year old boy lol
  20. D

    Busting Outta Here!

    I had great plans of marking each chick with a leg band as they hatched so I could keep track. Well I left for less than an hour and NINE busted out, and nobody stayed in their assigned shells....Guess I will be back in a few weeks for a Guess The Breed & Gender thread 🤣
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