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  1. EmilyAlamano

    Managing flock, mycoplasma and bringing in new roosters

    Our flock has what our vet says seems like mycoplasma but it hasn’t been confirmed by testing post mortem. He gave us Tylan and we put whole flock on it for 6 days, but moving forward we don’t want to continue giving antibiotics to our flock now that we understand it can lead to spiraling flock...
  2. EmilyAlamano

    Help! 15 hens and just a few eggs a day

    We are trying to figure out why our egg production has gone down so dramatically these last couple months, could it be that we added a rooster or pigs? Here’s lots of details - 15 hens, 1-7 eggs a day usually less than 5 Age: 10 of them are 2.5yrs old, 5 of them are 6 mo old Location: Pacific...
  3. EmilyAlamano

    Guinea hog and chickens in same area?

    Hi all, we have a flock of 15 hens plus a rooster that have about a 1/4 acre run. We are getting two Guinea hogs (not Guinea pigs) and am wondering if anyone has this breed coexisting in same area as their chickens and how it’s going. I know some pigs will eat a live chicken and I want to avoid...
  4. EmilyAlamano

    Automatic door for my hen house?

    We want to get an automatic door for our coop so that our girls are safe and tucked away when the sun goes down, we get home from work after dark and want them to be safe from the coyotes. Ideally we have one that runs on a timer we could set for 7am and 5:30pm, and then as the seasons change...
  5. EmilyAlamano

    Concerned about what killed our hen

    We had to put our sweetest hen, Peggy, out of her misery tonight because she was suffering and would have died soon. How can we find out what made her get sick? We live outside of portland and are unable to take her to an expensive vet, is there another way you guys know of that could examine...
  6. EmilyAlamano

    Please help - hen wheezing and coughing

    We are new to raising chickens and live outside of portland Oregon. My hen Peggy is 8 months old and a couple days ago I noticed her sneezing, coughing, wheezing and shaking. I added garlic and acv to the water and up until today was letting her stay outside with the other hens because she has...
  7. EmilyAlamano

    What breed is this beautiful hen?

    Got two hens that both look like this. Born April 2020 and they’re smaller than my other hens born at the same time. They’re shy, loud, and can fly over our 7 ft fence. I’m interested in the breed so I can learn about their temperament and egg production. Thanks!
  8. EmilyAlamano

    Is this mold on the chicken feed?

    I have been fermenting scratch and peck feed the past 4 months and am unsure if the white stuff on top of the feed is mold or is harmful to their health. It smells normal (like beer kind of, that fermented barley smell). Please see photos attached.
  9. EmilyAlamano

    Instagram account for pets

    Hello, I have soo many photos of my animals that I don’t know what to do with them all! So I started an instagram (chickendoghouse). I would love to know the account names of anyone else that has Instagram for their animals! -Emily
  10. EmilyAlamano

    Happy to join the community!

    Hi, I’m Emily, I live outside of Portland, Oregon and have 5 pullets a little over a month old now. It’s my first time raising chickens. So happy to be here, there’s so much valuable info! -Emily
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