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  1. ZephyrCoveFarms

    Monster egg...

    About twice a week one of my hens lays a double yolk egg but this one is not long like the double yolks, it’s a perfect egg shape. I weighed an average egg at 2.75oz and this one was 3.75oz. My hand is not small!
  2. ZephyrCoveFarms

    Wry neck, B1 deficiency or something else?

    One of my Orpington hens was laying down looking strange so I went to stand her up and she walked off like normal then her neck got this crook in it. None of the others in my flock of over 50 are showing signs this issue. Now she’s standing and trying to hold her head up and keeps repeatedly...
  3. ZephyrCoveFarms

    What breed?

    I got this mystery chick a little over two months ago along with 49 others I have since had help identifying and would like to know what you guys and gals think she is. Such a little sweetie and she looks to be a bantam...she feathered out well before the others too if that helps. Thanks!
  4. ZephyrCoveFarms

    Blue Jersey Giants or...

    26 weeks old and I am starting to wonder if I have BJJ and some other breed. They were supposed to be BJJ...thanks!
  5. ZephyrCoveFarms


    I recently bought 50 chicks from TSC and know for sure I have 15 barred rocks and 9 light brahmas but I have some questionable feather footed chicks I would like to try to identify. They are all about a week old and I will be adding photos of them as I can take them. Thanks in advance for help...
  6. ZephyrCoveFarms

    Big run and coop build

    I got 64 chickens in early April and built them a 25x50’ run with knotted aviary netting over the top, 1/2” hardware cloth sides and an 8x20’ coop with 15 nest boxes. The run is almost complete and the coop is framed and has the nest boxes with dividers and the metal roof on. I finished the...
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