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  1. Galaxyfalcon

    Sprained Duck leg

    Hello all, It's mating season so we've had our boys separated from our girls. Normally, we keep our youngest boy (Triton) with his girlfriend (Freya) since they get along really well and he doesn't bully her too much during this season. She recently had some hard egg times and suffered a...
  2. Galaxyfalcon

    Medicine Storage

    Hello all! Having a recent bound of trouble with a couple of ducks (one with a prolapse and one with soft shell eggs) so we've been going through our medicine cabinet and updating/refreshing our duck supplies. For some medicine like calcium gluconate, I noticed that it says to finish in one...
  3. Galaxyfalcon

    Is a female duck with a prolapsed vent a death sentence?

    On Friday I noticed one of our girls, Freya, had something happening on her behind. After inspecting, it looked like a prolapse. We live in a rural area, and our vet is closed on the weekend. Not only that, but the only avian vet in the region won't be back until Monday/Tuesday. We weren't sure...
  4. Galaxyfalcon

    Holes in duck feet

    Hello! I have a few ducks and noticed today while treating one of my girls for a bumble infection, that she has a hole in one of her foot webbing! It looks like an older wound, seems to have already healed over. I have an older duck, who also has a hole in her webbing, but it's smaller almost...
  5. Galaxyfalcon

    Any suggesting to help get a pair of my ducks to molt before winter?

    Hello! We have 7 ducks. 4 of them are "ducklings" and this is their first adult summer/fall. For the most part, all of our ducks have molted and are well underway with regrowing beautiful feathers for winter. Most of the girls have already stopped laying, and the boys have calmed down and...
  6. Galaxyfalcon

    Strange Bumblefoot - claw growing out of bumble?

    Hello all, This one's a new one for me. Our Jumbo Pekin has an on-and-off again relationship with bumbefoot because of his size and weight. I saw him limping a bit the other day and we took a look at his feet. On the outer toe of his left foot, he has a bumble but there's something strange...
  7. Galaxyfalcon

    Grain mite infested duck feed

    We recently opened a new bag of duck feed and the next morning the container was covered in 'dust' which seemed to moving and writhing. I realized it was grain mites and was trying to figure out what to do as I watched them spilling out from under the container lid and fall to the floor like...
  8. Galaxyfalcon

    Duck continues to lay soft shell eggs with extra calcium

    I've got a 3 year old girl who has recently been having some soft shell egg problems. I've been giving her 1mL of calcium gluconate over treats for about a week now, but the problem persists. She's getting layer pellets, scratch, has access to oyster shells, and gets vitamins and brewers yeast...
  9. Galaxyfalcon

    Full-shade duck proof plants

    We're trying to spruce up our duck habitat/yard with some plants and grass. We've got a giant willow tree that provides a lot of really nice shade in the hot months but unfortunately blocks a couple of sections of the yard from getting sunlight almost entirely. I've found the grass is doing very...
  10. Galaxyfalcon

    Duck laying soft shelled eggs

    Hi all, One of my girls who just turned 3 has recently been having some problems with soft shelled eggs (thin, like little water balloons almost). The girls are currently eating Purina duck feed with a bowl of oyster shells (she seems to be eating them) as well as peas, meal worms, and free...
  11. Galaxyfalcon

    Dosing Aspirin for a swollen middle toe

    One of my little ladies has been limping a bit the last couple of days. No signs of bumble. Today after work I was sitting with the ducks feeding them some peas and noticed how swollen her middle toe is. I'll take a picture when it's light out, but it's a bit too dark to get a good one now...
  12. Galaxyfalcon

    Ducks and the heat

    Hello! We recently had a burst of hot weather here, coming out of pretty cool spring. We went from days of about 60F earlier this week to about 90F today. The ducks are out in the lawn and I've noticed that a few of them look pretty hot. Sitting with eyes closed, a couple have heads extended...
  13. Galaxyfalcon

    Duck with puffy cheek

    Hello all, One of my boys (turning 1 in June, time goes so fast) has a weird puffy spot on his left cheek. I'm not sure what it is, but today is the 2nd day we've noticed it. It's not huge but definitely noticeable. It's soft and squishy to the touch, but doesn't feel too much different from...
  14. Galaxyfalcon

    Positioning ducks for treatment

    Hey all, We were doing regular inspections on our ducks and decided to do some little treatments for a few days on a pair of ducks that looked like they might have pre-bumblefoot or really light bumblefoot issues. I've gone back and forth on how to pick up and handle them, and it's always hard...
  15. Galaxyfalcon

    Friendly Drake duck in need of a good home — eastern WA State

    Hello everyone. We're looking for a new forever home for our friendly drake, Booster. We let our female duck have ducklings this last June, with the plan to send some of the ducks to live on my in-laws farm and a couple more spoken for by some friends' kids who do 4-H and like ducks a lot...
  16. Galaxyfalcon

    Quick question about winter storms and bath time

    So recently we have had some pretty nasty winter weather with temperatures down to 0°F. The ducks have mostly been staying in their covered duck run, and the storm has coincided with a sick duck we've been nursing inside with a friend for company. I'm wondering how often we should provide some...
  17. Galaxyfalcon

    Adult ducks nibbling pine shavings

    I've seen some discussion about ducklings eating pine shavings, but not full-grown adult ducks. I've got some ducks inside because it's really cold right now and one of them is sick/recovering from some health issues, and she has had problems eating. Today she's been nibbling at some pine...
  18. Galaxyfalcon

    HELP — Acute Duck Sickness (Lethargic, Sleepy, Separating from flock, shivering)

    Hello everyone, I posted earlier today here that I had an adult duck that had been really sleepy for a day or two. This afternoon things seem to have taken a turn for the worse, the duck is drinking a little bit but she's "hunched" even when sitting, sleepy/eyes closed, and completely lethargic...
  19. Galaxyfalcon

    Adult duck really sleepy

    Hey all, The last 2-3 days my oldest current duck, Herman (2 1/2 yrs old) has been really sleepy/lethargic, a lot more than usual. A couple of things to note: She lost her companion Momma Duck back in Spring and hasn't formed any super close bonds with her duckling girls (3 other girls...
  20. Galaxyfalcon

    Do duck re-establish the pecking order? Sudden case of bullying.

    Hi everyone, This week I've noticed that my duck on top of the pecking order, Neptune, a big pekin boy who is normally extremely gentle and sweet has been chasing and sometimes biting at the neck like how they'll do when they establish dominance. He's not bullying #2 or #3 but has started...
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