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  1. D

    Duck eggs pipped but not hatching

    Hi, so I have 10 mallard duck eggs in my incubator right now. One of them externally pipped Thursday afternoon. It is now Saturday afternoon and in those two days are it has made are three pips in the egg. It is still moving but not quite as much as yesterday. Is it time to assist this guy...
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    Duck egg help

    Hi, so right now I am incubating several mallard duck eggs and I have a question about one of them. So, last night (day 15) I was candling them and when I was looking at one of them its veins were kind of moving around with the egg and then it looked like some little thing fell of the vein in...
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    Bobwhite quail egg help

    Hi, so I am incubating 15 bobwhite quail eggs and a few of them have been internally pipped for over 24 hours with no other progress. I have never incubated quail before so I'm not sure if this is normal or not?
  4. D

    Lockdown help!

    Hi, so I was just putting my mallard duck egg into lockdown. So it was out of the incubator for maybe 1.30 or 2 minutes. I knew it had already internally pipped this morning so I knew it was ready for lockdown this evening, but when I went to put it back in the incubator, I noticed an external...
  5. D

    Egg help.

    Hi, so I have one mallard duck egg left in my incubator after the others quit. It has been incubating the whole time pointy end down in an egg carton because of it's air sac issues. It is now on day 21 and looks great, but I was just wondering if it's fine to keep it in the egg carton for...
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    Turning egg while out of town?

    Hi, everyone. I am going out of town the day after tomorrow and will be gone until the next day until nighttime. I have one duck egg left that's alive, and it has been standing vertically in the incubator pointy end down due to its air sac issues. I’ve been turning it about 5 times a day, but...
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    Egg help.

    Hi, all. So I was just candling my eggs tonight(I only have two left) and one of the eggs that looked perfectly healthy yesterday looks dead. They have just reached the halfway point in incubation, but the one embryo just has stopped moving and has no veins. I'm so confused by this because it...
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    Early lockdown?

    Hi, so I have four duck eggs in my incubator that have about nine days left of incubation, but I have to leave for a two day trip once they have six days of incubating left. They started wiggling and rocking about a day or two ago so I'm not sure if it would be helpful anyway for them to have an...
  9. D

    One duck?

    So, my friend has one hooded merganser egg that has been incubating for a week and is looking really good. BUT she has no other ducks or animals to keep the duck company. Do you think that she needs a friend for him/her if it hatches?
  10. D

    Leaving on a two day trip...without my 25 day old duck eggs

    Hi, so I am leaving on a three days, two nights trip tomorrow yet I have 6 duck eggs in the incubator right now. Is it safe to leave them home alone?? Or should I have someone watch them??
  11. D

    Found an abandoned duck egg….can’t tell if it’s alive or not

    Hi, so I found an abandoned duck egg in the water at a lake but I am unsure if it is alive or not. If anyone could tell me if it was alive or not it would be really helpful! Thank you!
  12. D

    How to tell the gender of a five week old mallard duck???

    Hi, so I have a five week old mallard duck and I am very unsure about the gender. If any of y'all know how to tell a young mallard's gender, that would be great.
  13. D

    Pipped a day and a half ago... no progress.

    So, one of my ducks eggs externally pipped a day and a half ago with no progress. It is wiggling though... should I wait, or help it soon? Thanks.
  14. D

    Large air sacs! Will the eggs still hatch!?!

    I have two duck eggs in my incubator that have pretty large air sacs. They are on day 22 but seem to be doing alright, but I just read about some eggs that had large airs sacs and died. If anyone knows anything about this, I’d be very grateful.
  15. D

    HELP!! Duck eggs moving on early! Will they hatch early!?!?!?

    Hey, I have six duck eggs in my incubator that are due to hatch are on day 21 of incubation, but began wriggling around two days ago. Today they were wriggling like crazy! Does this mean they will hatch early!?!?!? Any advice will be helpful!!!!!
  16. D

    HELP!!!Wiggling duck eggs!!!!

    I have six duck eggs in my incubator. And they started wiggling two days ago. Today, they were wiggling like crazy. Does this mean they will hatch soon? Should I get ready for lockdown already ?
  17. D

    Help! My duck eggs are wiggling!

    My six duck eggs had 9/8 days left of incubation when I noticed them wiggling on day 10. Is this normal? Will they hatch early? Should I stop turning them? Any advice would be useful!
  18. D

    What to do for detached air sacs in eggs?

    Oh, okay. Btw do you know anything about what to do for detached air sacs in eggs?
  19. D

    Is my duck egg stuck?

    My duck egg has been trying to hatch for almost a day no with no progress but a small hole. The others have already hatched and are sitting on top of him. Is he shrink wrapped? Or is it because he pipped and started hatching upside down.
  20. D


    My duck egg has been zipping for a few hours with little progress and the other one is walking over it waiting for it. Should I help it.
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