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  • Users: jaku
  • Content: Threads
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  1. jaku

    The Importance of Proper Feeding and Maintenance For Your Meaties

    My buddy and I wanted to squeeze one more batch of Cornish X's out of this year, so we split a batch of 40. Yesterday was butchering day. Keep in mind that the birds in the following photo are the SAME birds, hatched on the same day, same hatchery, etc. I drove to the hatchery, picked them...
  2. jaku

    What Might Be the Issue... and Would You Eat This Turkey?

    I have a batch of 18 week old Broad Breasted White turkeys that I'm getting ready to butcher. However, for the past several weeks, there is a hen that pretty much lays down all the time. She can stand, rarely does, and never walks around. There are no visible injuries, except on her head...
  3. jaku

    Just Have To Share This

    So, as many of you know, I sell killing cones on eBay. I have a small picture of my buddy with birds in the cone on my listing page. I got this message today: Q: Is really necessary/right for the last photo of you KILLING helpless animals?! Come on, If folks want to see this email them the...
  4. jaku


    So I'm going to be selling my brooder and building a new one. I'm thinking about an 8x10 shed type building, with about 48 sq. ft. for the broilers, then the remaining 32 sq. ft. for a small secondary brooder and/or storage. I'll probably put an automatic watering system in, a vent fan, and a...
  5. jaku

    My Spring, 2010 Birds and Setup (Pic Heavy)

    Here are a couple of pictures of my brooders and tractors. I just got my first batch of 80 Cornish X's, 6 layers, and 8 BB White turkeys. Also a couple of random pics. Brooder: My birds: Brooders for Turkeys and Layers: My Tractors (2' High for Cornish X's, 3' for...
  6. jaku


    I'm starting to think about my spring turkeys. I'm doing them for the first time. I'm putting 6 of the broad breasted whites in a 10x10x3' tractor. Do I need special turkey food, or will my 22% broiler feed work? Obviously, it would be a lot cheaper to feed them what I already buy in bulk.
  7. jaku

    Butchering Day- 75 Cornish X's! (Graphic, and Pic-Heavy)

    Woo-Hoo! No more chickens until spring- I even butchered the layers, so I'm FREE all winter! Here are pics of my butchering day this Saturday. We did 75 Cornish X's in about 7 hours, including filleting/cutting them up, which we found to be easier and faster than leaving them whole, since you...
  8. jaku

    How (not what) Do You Feed Larger Batches of Broilers

    I have two 3ft. trough-style feeders for my 75 birds. The problem is not only packed feeders, but the fact that my feeders empty in about 3 hours, which makes for a problem when I leave for work at 1:30 in the afternoon. I thought about a big range feeder, but with what I have now, I get 12...
  9. jaku

    Leg Hook for Catching Birds

    Has anyone used one of these? Does it work better than the sneak & pounce method? Anyone know where to get them online?
  10. jaku

    Turkey Housing

    I'm going to do a few turkeys next year- more than likely just the Broad Breasted Whites, so I bought "Storey's Guide to Raising Turkeys." It mentions a few brooder/housing options, but not moveable tractors. I'm wondering if there's any reason not to pasture raise them just like broiler...
  11. jaku

    Out of the Brooder at Two Weeks?

    I'm sick of the dander and smell in my garage, and I think my brooder is a little too small already for my 75 birds. They are two weeks old, and my plan is to put them into the 10x10 pen, with two heat lamps, covered entirely with a tarp. My thought is that between the two heat lamps and the...
  12. jaku

    Broiler Booster

    Has anyone put Broiler Booster (or any other vitamins,) right into the feed mix? I'm having 1000 pounds ground for me on Thursday, and I read on the packet that you can add it right to the food (rather than add it to every jug of water,) so I'm going to have them do it for me at the mill. Has...
  13. jaku

    Mods or Admins, Please Bring Back Frugal's Thread

    Moderation BYC staff spend a TON of time and energy to keep the forum running smoothly. How BYC staff moderate is never a topic for open discussion on the forum. If you have any questions or feedback on moderation it should be addressed to the Administrator or the specific moderator via email...
  14. jaku

    Electric Poultry Netting??

    Does this work pretty good? How does it compare to a tractor? As far as Cornish X's, how caked in poo would a 40' x 40' area be after 5 weeks with 50-100 of them? What happens when a bird touches the electrified part? I found it pretty cheap for a large area, but not sure how well it works.
  15. jaku

    Turkey Processing Cones (finally available!!)

    Hello, and thanks to everyone who have purchased my chicken cones. Many people have requested cones for turkeys and geese, and I've been working on the design, and am happy to say I finally have them available! Thank you to everyone who helped me out with the dimensions, and found others for...
  16. jaku

    Safe Fertilizer

    My lawn looks crappy- other than the spots where my chicken tractor has been. I want to use fertilizer on it, but obviously I need something that will be chicken safe. What should I look for, and what should I avoid. I'm looking for something that will work in a broadcast spreader.
  17. jaku

    Grain Trailer

    I'm thinking about building a grain trailer for my feed- something to hold 500-1000 pounds, so I didn't have bags sitting all over my garage, and didn't have to haul, load and unload bags. I was thinking about building a grain box out of 3/4 inch plywood and mounting it on a trailer frame...
  18. jaku

    Turkey Cones Coming Soon- Advise Please??

    I've been selling my killing cones for awhile now, and have gotten great feedback. Thank you to everyone who's purchased them! I've gotten a lot of interest in cones for turkey and geese, so I'm going to start offering them ASAP. However, I've never processed a turkey, so I don't know how big...
  19. jaku

    My Whizbang Inspired Scalder (but for much cheaper)

    I used to use a turkey fryer to scald. But, the temperature was impossible to regulate, with the lack of insulation in the pot, the fact that it would drop as soon as you put one chicken in, no temperature controls, etc. So, I bought the "Anyone can make a Whizbang Chicken Scalder," but found...
  20. jaku

    Tax Exempt

    How does one qualify and apply for an agricultural property tax exemption?
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