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  1. LaFemmeKatia

    Solved I have forgotten how to create a link

    Help. I want to make a like of my thread to send a new friend. I can’t remember how.
  2. LaFemmeKatia

    Solved Emojis

    I can’t get the emojis to work since the button to open them was moved to the left. What am I doing wrong?
  3. LaFemmeKatia

    Weird egg!

    My girls are just newly beginning to lay eggs and today I found this shell-less egg in the nest box. It has the membrane around it although it broke as you can see, but no shell. Both of the hens I suspect have laid normal eggs in the last week. Should I be worried about this?
  4. LaFemmeKatia

    Solved How to respond to two or more posters on thread in one post.

    I see people do this. I can’t figure it out.
  5. LaFemmeKatia

    My chick is limping and turning foot out.

    Okay, now I am in need of some medical advice. I have a five week old Light Brahma chick, and I just was out to the chick pen and discovered her limping, with her foot turning out to the side. I brought her in the house and checked her over, and her left lower leg is twisted out to the side...
  6. LaFemmeKatia

    How do I invite members to come and check out my personal thread?

    I started a thread about my new flock and I want to keep it going. How do I get readers? I’m fairly new here.
  7. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    So today I did a thing. I built a small covered run inside the big run, and attached it onto my four week old chicks’ crate. Now they have more freedom and lots of space to scratch and play. My big girls don’t know what to make of their new tenants, but hopefully they will become accustomed to...
  8. LaFemmeKatia

    Grubblies - are they a good snack?

    The ads for Grubblies, which are soldier fly larva, say that they are high in calcium. Are they safe to feed to non-laying chickens?
  9. LaFemmeKatia

    Chick Not Growing. Any Advice?

    I know this issue has been addressed on older threads, believe me, I have been reading them all! My baby chicks hatched on July 29, and arrived two days later via the mail. When they arrived, they were in excellent condition, and when I put them in their brooder they happily drank the...
  10. LaFemmeKatia

    Hurricane time!

    I’d like to hear from some of you seasoned chicken keepers about how you handle hurricanes, tornados, etc. We have only been here (Myrtle Beach area) for three years and we have had one good hurricane each of those years. (We came from Pennsylvania and our expertise was snow!) It looks like we...
  11. LaFemmeKatia

    Proud of my adorable new babies.

    I have added nine new babies to my flock.
  12. LaFemmeKatia


    So today I was at TSC for food for my menagerie. They had a whole new shipment of adorable chicks. They were allegedly all pullets, so I was interested. The signs said they were Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds, Amberlinks, and Red Comets, and Cinnamon Queens (?). I would have been interested in...
  13. LaFemmeKatia

    Solved Subtitles under signatures.

    I am searching on the site for a place that tells you how to put the cute little subtitles and also pet and family stats under your posts and signature, etc. can someone explain it or tell me where to find the instructions? Thank you. ❤️
  14. LaFemmeKatia

    Quick question: Chickens hanging out indoors too much?

    Do most of you close the door to the coop during the day when you have the chickens out, or leave it open so they can run in and out all day? My girls are 9 weeks old and although they do play outside in the run a little bit, it’s been hot out and they mostly hang out inside.
  15. LaFemmeKatia

    Are These Drakes or Not?

    I have assumed for like a year that my Muscovy ducks are drakes. But they don’t have those awesome huge caruncles that I see on other people’s Muscovies. Also, they make a soft little chortling noise when they are hanging out together and I understand males don’t do that. They are about 13...
  16. LaFemmeKatia

    I bought my ducklings a pool

    They love it! Totally enjoyed their pool party.
  17. LaFemmeKatia

    What About Going Away?

    I am new at being a chicken mom, and I am finding that my chickens are very time consuming. So my question is, will I ever be able to go away? Like for a week? Or even a weekend? How many times a day will my chicken-sitter have to come? It seems to me that I am fussing with them a lot! Can...
  18. LaFemmeKatia

    Messy ducklings

    Does anyone have a suggestion for how I can keep my ducklings from getting their drinking water all over their pen? I am using a “drinker” waterer that holds a quart of water. They drink out of it but for some reason they get more water in their shavings than in their mouth. Their pen is always...
  19. LaFemmeKatia

    Looking for good source niacin for ducks.

    Is this product a good supplement for my ducks and ducklings? I have the ducklings on DuMor 20% chick starter. I want them to be getting enough B vitamins, especially Niacin.
  20. LaFemmeKatia

    I give up! What kind of chicken is this?????

    I have four chicks, all purchased at TSC. The light colored ones were bought first, on May 14, and they are supposed to be “Buff Orpington”. My profile picture is their baby picture. The darker one probably is a BO because she is the appropriate color and shape, but then there is the...
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