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  • Users: nolitaflat
  • Content: Threads
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  1. N

    Rooster puffed up, lethargic, watery white and yellow poop

    Hey all. I’ll preface this by saying one of my rooster’s flock mates, same age and from the same farm, just died last week of Marek’s and/or multiple organ lymphoma. Was told they were vaccinated when I got them but I was lied to. This morning my rooster was puffed up and lethargic. Tail down...
  2. N

    Sold as silkie chick.. interesting wing colors?

    This baby here was sold to me, along with 8 other siblings, as a silkie. Its siblings definitely are all silkies, but I noticed this one has some really interesting colors coming in on the wings… any idea what I’ve got here?
  3. N

    Stumped on sexing these two 7 week old lavender orps

    Hey all. So I’ve got two lavender orpingtons that I’m pretty stumped on. I know one is definitely a hen, but here’s my dilemma. The other one I was certain was a roo, because of the tiny tail and overall body posture. However they’re 7 and a half weeks old now and the combs are pretty much the...
  4. N

    Sold as a Brahma, clearly not lol… any ideas?

    This is my girl Kamikaze. She’s definitely earned the name and always dive bombing under the other girls since the first day we got her. She’s probably about 6-8 weeks old here? She’s very cuddly when I hold her, and loves to perch on my arm more than any of the others. I love my Kamikaze...
  5. N

    Large hard mass on rooster’s leg, wobbling

    My rooster is wobbling all over the place and struggling to walk. Still eating and drinking. He’s been having issues walking for a few days and I’ve been trying different home remedies.. I’ve put poultry cell in their water, I gently scrubbed his feet and applied petroleum jelly in case he had...
  6. N

    Limping but no signs of bumblefoot?

    Hey all. My poor wyandotte has been having a rough day. This morning I came up to their pen and noticed she was just sitting there, not moving. I opened the door to free range, brought their water out and gave them fresh water and then she came out to drink. She's favoring her right leg and...
  7. N

    Found eggs on Christmas Day!!

    Such an exciting day!! Went to check my girls’ coop to make sure it was still well insulated for the very cold night we’re getting and found 6 eggs in the back corner!! I’ve of course been checking their food and water in there, but I’ve been spending more time with them out in the pen or free...
  8. N

    Hiding fake egg and not laying yet?

    Hey all. So my hens, I’ve had them for 23 weeks. Neither of them (Easter Egger and Gold Laced Wyandotte) are laying, but my EE is submitting for the rooster and getting a lot calmer and friendlier around me. The other day I opened their coop (they don’t sleep in there anymore because they’re so...
  9. N

    How much longer until my girls start laying?

    Hi all. I’ve had my small flock for 17 weeks now. We didn’t know their exact ages, as the person we bought them for had the smaller ones ages 5wk-12wk together. Was curious if I attached pictures of anyone had any idea if their ages? That’s one thing I just haven’t been able to figure out yet...
  10. N

    My Henny Penny May be a rooster??

    Hi all, in definitely a newbie when it comes to chickens. I’ve had my small flock of three for about two months now. They were somewhere between 5 and 12 weeks old when we got them, and the seller (who had many chickens, ducks, and other birds, and coops so probably knew her stuff!) said they...
  11. N

    Three new family pets! My first flock!

    Hey all! I’ve been lurking this forum for a few weeks preparing to get my girls, now that I’ve had them a few days I thought I may as well join! We are brand new to this thing. I’ve wanted them for quite some time now, and a couple days ago for my birthday my mom made my dream come true! We...
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