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  • Users: Sphinx
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  1. Sphinx

    Super weird egg!

    Ive been keeping chickens more than ten years and this is a first for me. This was in my coop today. Two totally normal eggs. One egg that had a sandpaper texture (had that happen but not often) and then the other nightmare. Some of my hens are quite geriatric, (like 8-9 years old) but none...
  2. Sphinx

    My Hatch cam is live!

    I have a batch of silkies hatching today. One has already hatched. One is zipping right now (8:49am MDT) and two more are pipped. There's a total of 8 (though the hatched chick is off to the brooder)...
  3. Sphinx

    Skunk problem

    A couple years ago, I had a problem with rats holing up under my shed. My shed is connected to my henhouse, and the chicken run winds around it. I set out poison after trying everything else, and it quickly took care of the problem. Recently, I noticed the holes re-appearing under the edge...
  4. Sphinx

    Lavender? Blue?

    One of my friends tagged me on facebook, asking what breed this chick is. I haven't the foggiest idea. She says it's large fowl and very docile. I guessed maybe lavender ameraucana or lavender orpington, but I have no idea.
  5. Sphinx

    Hatching Geese

    I consider myself really competent at hatching chickens. I'm really good at it (maybe too good? nah, no such thing) I have one goose egg. Eggs weren't handled properly (I don't think- I got 6 and only 1 developed, and my friend got 24 and had ZERO develop). Anyway, this one egg has...
  6. Sphinx

    My Hatch Cam is LIVE!

    I am hatching 6 golden cuckoo marans and one Olive Egger (mom was a legbar/fbcm cross). They aren't due til tomorrow. However, I have a total of three pips, and am hearing lots of chirping.
  7. Sphinx

    What do you think of this Barred Rock?

    A friend of mine called me in a panic a few days ago. A chicken had wandered into his yard. He doesn't keep chickens. None of his neighbors keep chickens. His daughters named it "Phil" and wanted to adopt it, but he just didn't feel ready for that kind of commitment and gave it to me. I didn't...
  8. Sphinx

    My Hatch Cam is LIVE!

    You didn't have anything better to do today and tomorrow, right? I have five french black copper marans eggs in there. Pretty sure one of them is a quitter, but since it's so hard to candle these guys, I gave it the benefit of the doubt. Of the remaining four, three are pipped. The fourth...
  9. Sphinx

    Hatch Cam LIVE!!

    Hatching Icelandics. One is zipping out now!
  10. Sphinx

    Two Sultan Roos

    At least, I'm fairly certain they are roos. They are approximately 4 months old now. My friend is holding out hope they're pullets, but I'm pretty sure I'm right and she's wrong. What do you think? She got them from a feed store, and they were sold as Sultans. I'm thinking they're not the best...
  11. Sphinx

    Video of my hen laying an egg

    When I went out to check on my chickens today, I noticed my easter egger was just about to lay an egg. I whipped out the camera phone and was trying to get the video started. She didn't like me being so close, so she walked away a little, but I was able to get the egg coming out. So, if...
  12. Sphinx

    Hatch Cam is Live!!!

    I set 21 eggs in a Farm Innovations styrofoam incubator that the local school district purchased for school hatches. They liked the work I've been doing with my brinsea, but I only have one incubator. We set them on Wednesday, April 24. We struggled with some low temps in the beginning, and we...
  13. Sphinx

    My Hatch Cam is LIVE! In the incubator are 5 crested cream legbars, 1 french black copper marans, and one olive egger (mom is a lav ameraucana/fbcm mix, and dad is a legbar). 6 of the eggs are pipped. Only one not to pip is one of the legbars.
  14. Sphinx

    Who is my daddy?

    I hatched this egg about 4 days ago. I only have two chickens that lay white eggs- a silver penciled hamburg and a golden laced polish. When it popped out with this coloring, I figured the hamburg laid it, don't you think? Where I'm confused now is who the rooster could be. She is penned with...
  15. Sphinx

    Will a pellet/BB gun kill a rat?

    So, we have developed quite a rat problem. I would see the occasional mouse/rat before, but our neighbor has moved in some cows, and feeds them sileage (?) and other stuff, and ever since, the rats have gotten worse and worse. I can't control the neighbors' cow feeding, and I really think...
  16. Sphinx

    Miracle or Tragedy in the making...

    My friend had a hen go broody, so I gave her some eggs to put under her to hatch. They were set on Sunday evening, Feb 23, so they're due tomorrow night. Yesterday, we were getting a second, small coop set up for the broody so that when her babies hatch, they'll be safe from the other hens. As...
  17. Sphinx

    A new kind of sex link?

    Has anyone tried crossing legbars with anything and gotten an interesting result? I was hoping my legbar rooster was the dominant roo, but as I've watched more and more, I really don't think he gets any action, and that my french black copper marans roo gets all the ladies. A friend hatched some...
  18. Sphinx

    Riddle me this

    For the first couple of weeks, I brood my chicks in a long aquarium. I put the light at one end so that if they get too warm, they can go to the other end. This way, they don't overheat. I keep my water at the cool end to 1- encourage them to explore the length of the tank and 2- minimize...
  19. Sphinx

    My hatch cam is now live! I set eggs around 7 or 8pm on Friday, December 28th. They were all laid by my Cream Legbar, Indy. I have three roosters in the pen- a white legbar rooster (shown behind Indy), a black copper marans rooster, and a golden laced polish rooster. I'm...
  20. Sphinx

    Humidity Question with Brinsea Mini Advance

    I've been using this incubator for over a year and have had fantastic luck with my hatches. I put my eggs in lockdown last night and filled up both reservoirs as instructed. But, I have a ton of condensation on the plastic. I never have condensation until chicks start coming out, so I was...
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