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  1. GravityWaves

    The Story of Blossom and Frankie Blossom lost her mate Bud last August but found another gander to keep her company!
  2. GravityWaves

    Wild Duck ID

    My neighbor has a pond that usually attracts some migrating ducks for a rest and I've seen a few different kinds over the years. Back in mid-November I spotted one and I'm really not sure what kind it was. It had a black bill and feet/legs, dark brown head above the eye with a lighter stripe...
  3. GravityWaves

    Rooster with impacted/now sour crop.

    I got an EE rooster off my friend almost four years ago-before I had any other chickens. I took care of him and he had his own coop and he crowed and got goodies and everything...Fast forward to now and he's been with several different groups of hens and he's been separated from the girls since...
  4. GravityWaves

    Possible new low for Tractor Supply

    I had to go to town today so I stopped at Tractor Supply just to see what chicks they had. Only 1 tank: Cinnamon Queen pullets and straight run Black Sex Links. Wait, what? The CQ indeed looked correct but every single one of the BSL had a white dot on their head. All cockerels! I thought maybe...
  5. GravityWaves

    One reason I can't let my birds free range...

    The Blue Jays started screaming their heads off earlier when I was outside so I looked around the corner and saw that this Cooper's Hawk had captured a Dove in the driveway. It hauled it up in a pine tree in the yard and ate it.
  6. GravityWaves

    Dumped New Hampshire rooster?

    On my way home tonight I noticed there was a rooster that had been dumped in the bottoms. I took a picture and tried to see how close I could get (not very.) He ran off to some thicker cover so I let him be. He appears to be a New Hampshire and he is big. The feet and shanks are a yellow color...
  7. GravityWaves

    Weak Sapphire Olive Eggers from Hoovers or store bedding?

    I went to my closest Rural King Friday night and they had four stock tanks w/ a couple breeds each. The first had Speckled Sussex and Sapphire Olive Eggers on coffee ground bedding. The rest had wood shavings as bedding. I really wanted SOE so got a couple and an Americana(EE). By Sunday the SOE...
  8. GravityWaves

    Perseid Meteor Shower 2021-Tonight!

    Is anyone gonna be out tonight to see some meteors? It looks like I'm gonna luck out and have some clear skies so I'll take the telescope and be watching from a pretty dark sky. A new moon means there won't be any moonlight to blot out the dimmer ones, so up to ~100 meteors per hour could be...
  9. GravityWaves

    Barred Rock With Injured (Broken?) Pubic Bone

    After being pretty fortunate by not having any serious injuries or sickness to my birds over the last year, the title says it all. My Barred Rock is right at a year old. Most of my hens have started up again and laid at least a couple eggs since it warmed up over the last couple weeks and since...
  10. GravityWaves

    Albino/Leucistic Pigeon or Dove?

    Several years ago this white bird visited the bird feeders at my house. It stayed around for about a week before I found a mess of white feathers under one of the trees. :( It wasn't tame but it would let me get within ~15-20 feet before doing anything. I tried catching it to no avail and I...
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