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  1. K

    Bought as Golden Comet pullet(chick)…

    My daughters bought three ISA brown and one golden comet checks from TSC at Easter. By this time, September, I am going to presume that they are going on five months old. I think they have started laying eggs, they are the only dark brown egg breed I have. However, the one that is the golden...
  2. K

    Is this a red broiler breed?

    My cousin ended up with some random breeds from a farm store—can’t have a rooster in city limits, so I adopted him. what is this little dude? He’s 4 months old. His feathers are white & reddish, with what seems like laced feathers and white tail.
  3. K

    Moving across 4 days adventure

    We moved from CA to SD after military retirement. Put my 11 chickens into 4 dog crates for travel in the back of our covered pickup. Put 3 big hens w/1 Silkie rooster. 4 other hens together. 1 new rooster alone in a crate. 2 baby Silkie (3 months old) in a small crate. Watered them every stop...
  4. K

    Christmas chicks.

    That’s right folks, what better Christmas gift for those techno/gamer/animal loving teenage girls but two baby Silkie’s!! A white smooth Silkie named Opal and blue Silkie named Fern. I love the old-fashioned names they gave them. They snuggled under my flannel and took a nap. I love the little...
  5. K

    Found a great article about a free range
  6. K

    Introducing new chicks

    Time to introduce the new baby chick do the rest of the chicken coop. We named her Ash because she is gray and born during the fire season. She is a Yokohama(hen)/Black Cochin Frizzle(rooster) mix. I have seen many ideas on how to introduce new chicks and chickens to the rest of the flock. The...
  7. K

    First egg...dry spell

    Hey there! In our mixed flock, our 23 week old Barred Plymouth rock pullet, TommyGirl, was the first to lay an egg on Wednesday (9/16). Her second egg was two days later in the nest box… Now there is a dry spell. No more eggs from her or any of the others. They are just at starting out, so I am...
  8. K

    New silkie chick

    We just picked up our fourth baby chick. because we live in town, we can only have a few. We are getting different breeds to have a very unique flock. Meet Winnie! She’s a blue Silkie...she has been following around our (3wk old) Silver Phoenix. We held our Barham hen that is six wks old and...
  9. K

    New Silver Phoenix toe question

    What is this? Is it Ok? Is it bad? New 2wk old silver Phoenix hen with weird toes(helix)... don’t want to pick it off or try to clean it off if I shouldn’t. just got her this morning from a farm.
  10. K

    New BYC member from IB, CA

    Greetings everyone! I am retired military and spent most of my career in California. When I retired, we have been living in imperial Beach California for a little over six years. We are pretty much the last city on the West Coast before you hit Mexico. I don’t see us leaving anytime soon so...
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