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  • Users: Sgsf
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  1. Sgsf

    Can't edit my thread? Why can't I edit my thread to update it?....I really want to update it.
  2. Sgsf

    Rooster shaking

    My rooster walks normal, eats/drinks, crows, and just does his own thing. No problems. But sometimes when I look out the window, it looks like he's shaking for several seconds. Then he just stops and acts normal again. Any ideas on this?
  3. Sgsf

    Chicken Death - not sure what caused it

    My little hen sadly passed away today, and I'm not sure what caused it. Could it possibly be the heat? They definitely had water near them, and she was broody the other day. She passed away by the water bowl, which as I mentioned, still had water in it. When I flipped her over on her back...
  4. Sgsf

    What is wrong with me chicken? :(

    This has literally put me to tears. I've had to much fun with my little "special". A rooster that never picked on anyone, but was always picked on and a very nice rooster. He always got special treatment. Just recently his sister passed a week ago, which was a very sad event. She had something...
  5. Sgsf

    Hen with crooked crop, crooked beak, and can barely walk?

    I believe she has inflated crop... My chicken just randomly stopped walking. I found her on the ground toppled over, sitting there with the hair on her next all the way up. I put her inside the coop, she fell over again. Third time she managed to stand up, and has remained standing and walk...
  6. Sgsf

    Chicken with a "clear" bubbly spot with little orange dots on top?

    I saw that one of my chicks had a "clear" (isn't really clear, but has a clear color) bubble (guess that's what it is?) with orange dots/specs on his/her skin right on top of her right wing, and I'm wondering what this could possibly be? I thought I was looking at a coming feather with orange...
  7. Sgsf

    How do I tell what gender my ducks are?

    My topic title basically states the question. I'm honestly confused at what gender they are, and they need some names.
  8. Sgsf

    [WARNING][GRAPHIC] I messed up bad...did I do the right thing? :/

    Please do not read this post if you are upset easily. Please do not read this post if you are upset easily. Please do not read this post if you are upset easily. Please do not read this post if you are upset easily. Please do not read this post if you are upset easily. There some eggs still in...
  9. Sgsf

    What To Do? Too Many Eggs.

    Four hens have been sitting on about 10 eggs on average per nest. Last time, a few months ago, they tried the same thing but all the eggs were pretty much bad. So I didn't think I'd get an army of little chicks. I have about 10 right now. And the mothers are getting up to feed the other little...
  10. Sgsf

    Chick too soon?

    This is my first time ever I've seen a chick actually in it's egg. Their was a big hole in the side of the egg, and the chicken was squeaking like any other chick, and it was breathing fine. It looked stuck to me, but I wasn't really sure. There was no hen sitting on top of the egg. But I'm not...
  11. Sgsf

    PLEASE HELP. I feel bad but very confused.

    I have a small rooster, like below average height, but he's very quick and flies good. He's been messing with my Silkies a lot, mating with them, and something just pecking their heads and pulling sometimes. The pulling and pecking I haven't seen much of lately. But he's been mating just them...
  12. Sgsf

    Favorite breed?

    What's your favorite breed of chicken? I'm looking for more, but not exactly sure what to get.
  13. Sgsf

    Pleeasde Helpp!@!!@!$#$!@ Hen Twisted Neck

    Her neck is literally facing the opposite direction. Her head is towards her back. Her eyes are still open, but can barely stand PLEASE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED AND HOW TO FIX, PLEASE? :'(
  14. Sgsf

    [LIST - Over 1,000 names!] Chicken names!

    Post your chicken names on this thread if you wish to have them added to the list! If you wish to view the list, go to the new article here: Thanks! edited by staff 2/4/13 Roosters Achilles Adel Alfredo...
  15. Sgsf

    I'd like you alls support on this.

    Recently, two of my roosters have been fighting, and my dad has purchased even more chickens for me to take care of (I'm not mad, I'm actually glad, because get got three new silkies with the two we currently have (grown up), and ducks!). We recently expanded the coop, but with this many...
  16. Sgsf

    Are silkies hard to get?

    I hear a lot of people have trouble getting silkies. Is this true? They are fantastic birds, though!
  17. Sgsf

    Hen with large bump on here chest?

    I just noticed today that one of my Cochin Bantams has a large chest, and drops a little lower than the hens out in my coop. I checked the other hens, they have some, but they are much smaller than the other hen. Is this is a disease or just something out of the ordinary (but safe)? She acts...
  18. Sgsf

    Not sure if I'm mean for laughing...

    Two of my roosters that were fighting (now separated) would fight in, I guess the "territory", of the Alpha Rooster. While they were fighting, he'd just walk up and start pecking both, and would always cause the fight to break up. After he broke up the fight, he'd just act as if everything was...
  19. Sgsf

    Two roosters starting to go at it?

    Just earlier today, two of my roosters (One Black Cochin Bantam, and Unknown (see picture)) started fighting. I separated one for a good hour or so, then released him back into the flock, but the two rooserts started going at it again. Roosters to Hens 3 : 9 (the 4th one is "special", so I...
  20. Sgsf

    Chick rolling out from mother?

    Well, this is the 2nd time my little Bantam Cochin started sitting on eggs. Last time all went well besides one little chicken passing away . And this time, a chick has already been lost. The first time she sat, it was 9 eggs. This time, 17 eggs. Some of hers, MAYBE Silkies, and EEs. But...
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