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  • Users: SarahIrl
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  1. SarahIrl

    24/24 detached air cells, let's see how this goes!

    I'm joining in Mahonri's Easter hatch, and I ordered 24 lovely rare brahma eggs. Rare in the fact that I cannot get these colours from people near me, and if I could I would want a seperate breeding line anyway. So, 8 each of Lemon Pyle, Darks and Pearl Partridge. Candled on arrival and every...
  2. SarahIrl

    Serama - Europe style!

    I have a few, with more 'cooking' in the incubator, just wondered what you all think of these chicks? (they heading for 3 months old) Girl: (please excuse the diatom powder dosed up the walls, it's mite season here) Girl; girl; hen; hen; roosters tail feathers (broken, 2 days before showing...
  3. SarahIrl

    Dozy hubby :/

    OK, he decided to cut the hedges last night, very commendable. So, he plugged extension lead in where my incubator is plugged in. He unplugged heater, not turner, didn't tell me and I just realised. Say 24 hours ago. They were sat Saturday. Any point in carrying on or shall I chuck them all out...
  4. SarahIrl

    Would you believe I am done hatching for the year....

    Am putting the incubators and brood lamps away. Honest.
  5. SarahIrl

    Consistently early duckling hatches

    I hatched out some ducks for Mahonri's infamous easter hatch and am now hatching a whole load more. I got 20 eggs, 19 fertile and developed to now, I set them on 23rd of May. So, by rights, I should set them for hatching on 19th, which is Sunday, and hatch on 21st (I know there are no...
  6. SarahIrl

    Brahma chicks - ideas?

    Ok, I have a gold brahma (partridge) running with grey brahma hens. I am getting black and yellow and brown and yellow downed chicks, which are male and which are female?
  7. SarahIrl

    Improving brahma fertility

    My lovely Leafy (below) is having a few problems getting his accuracy right. He's very active, but only running at 65-70% fertility. He's fed on high protein pellets, access to fresh grass, mite and lice free, regularly wormed, so he's a fine specimen. How do I get him to do his job better? I...
  8. SarahIrl

    Trouble incubating goose eggs

    Ok, two seperate attempts - one last year around July. 0/8 hatched. One pipped, but died in shell. This year: set March 22. One pipped and hatched early hours of day 28. Two more pipped during day 28, got very stuck and had to be semi helped out (I enlarged pip and wet membranes, they did the...
  9. SarahIrl

    Urgent help needed - inner membrane seperating

    Urgent! My duck eggs are 24 hours in lockdown and as I have no idea of the time they will take, quickly candled a couple this eveniing. The air cells seem to be massive, one is from end to end of the egg. It is obviously serperating from the shell membrane. Ducks are all still live, plenty of...
  10. SarahIrl

    Getting broody off nest to eat

    OK, first time broody, on eggs, won't get off nest to eat or drink. I turfed her out this morning and she went a bit ballistic first she stayed down, brooding the floor, then trying to run back to regular run, then diving for broody house, but eventually did what she needed to do and went back...
  11. SarahIrl

    Incubating goose and duck eggs together

    Can it be done if I set the duck eggs two days later so I'm looking at around day 30 for both hatching from goose eggs going in? I'm not worried about brooding them together, that won't be too much of an issue, I am hatching them for someone else. I had a nightmare with goose eggs last year, but...
  12. SarahIrl

    Serama hatching, advice please!

    OK, hatching serama for the first tim e(have hatched plenty in the past with great results so know what to do) - any experienced serama breeders out there with advice?
  13. SarahIrl

    Need to know Brahma genetic colour...

    Can somebody please give me an idea of the right colour I can use for this bird in a colour calculator? Know VERY little about genetics and am trying to decide whether to add him to my flock of blue brahma hens... Thanks, Sarah
  14. SarahIrl

    HALF pipping wrong end.. why? Final result & pics

    Out of 19 eggs in bator, 8 have hatched, four upside down. I lay them on their sides to incubate and lockdown blunt end up. Never had one upside down before, but ave had to tip up four of eight chicks now so they can get out. Last one only had a leg out frantically trying to right itself. When I...
  15. SarahIrl

    My very first Serama

    Picked from 3 on sale, on lovely white rooster who was a perfect shape except his comb was all wrong, and one neither I nor the seller could decide was a roo or pullet... here she is, named Chin by my daughter She's probably a class C judging by the others there, and '09 hatch. She's very...
  16. SarahIrl

    Orpingtons for next year...

    Here's my six week old chicks, I have a related trio, see hen #2 peeking out at the the back on left
  17. SarahIrl

    Buff orps - pullets or roos?

    I have two identical to the one on the right (see the head to the left behind them), and I think the one on the left is a roo - any hints? They are six weeks old...
  18. SarahIrl

    Feather pecking in 4 week olds

    I have removed the offending chick and put him (it is a him) in with my bantam rooster for some lesons in ettiquette. However, I have some now rather bald looking chicks. As both new feathers and established ones were lost (two tails gone and one has lost top wing feathers) can I expectthe to...
  19. SarahIrl

    Swollen eye breathing normal no discharge

    Breathing is perfect, rooster was fine this morning at 6.30 am and when I got home at 7pm his left eye is swollen shut. Skin looks normal in colour, can't see any leaking fluid or pus or mucous from nostrils. Have isolated him, but am unsure how to go on next? Am making a manuka oney and oj mix...
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