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  1. Chicken-poodle

    Is this molting? Or a disease?

    My girls are 10-11 months old. I didn't think they'd molt in the winter. They are a variety of breeds, but there are ones with downy fluffiness near their butts, one, my RIR, with broken feathers on her back, some with random baldness on their necks (but not necessarily symmetric), and some...
  2. Chicken-poodle

    Should I get a tractor for "day outings"?

    Have 8 hens in our 150 sf run with coop inside. If I want them to spend some time in the yard eating bugs and saving me feed money, how hard is it to get them to come to the tractor in the morning and go back to the run at night? I can't let them free range due to predators, they must be...
  3. Chicken-poodle

    Vertical 2x4 spacing

    My husband and I are building the run and we have a footprint of 15 x 10.5 feet. Yes, we don't know what we're doing. Now we need to figure out the verticals and buy the 2x4s. How should the 2x4's be spaced? For house construction, I think it's 16". Is 36" spacing too flimsy? I am trying...
  4. Chicken-poodle

    How far up does the hardware cloth need to go?

    We're building our run now, and I have read about the importance of hardware cloth along the bottom of the run (as well as an apron). Where we live in suburban VA, we have foxes, raccoons, possums, and probably skunks. I bought a dog pen to put on top of our foundation- the holes are 1.75 x...
  5. Chicken-poodle

    How do I splice hardware cloth?

    We're still constructing our run. We will use hardware cloth on the bottom 3 feet of the wall, and bury some into the ground. How do I attach pieces of hardware cloth to keep it secure, both above and below ground? Sew it together with wire? Zip ties? Do I need to overlap the pieces by a...
  6. Chicken-poodle

    Pine Tar as wood preservative?

    We have built a wood frame for the chicken run out of untreated fir, as I will be putting in an organic garden downhill. Now I am researching what to paint/protect the wood with. Pine Tar looks interesting- but a friend says it is toxic if on the skin. Is it safe for chickens? I see posts...
  7. Chicken-poodle

    Feeding chickens in compost bin

    I have this compost bin which is about 4 feet in diameter, and typically is 1/4 to 1/3 full at any point. Lately composting has been going very well, because I have a bunch of black soldier fly larvae eating and heating up the pile. I don't have my chickens yet (still building the run), but it...
  8. Chicken-poodle

    Foundation on steep slope

    This string is level, showing the large "foundation gap" we have to deal with for our run. I actually bought a dog pen for a run, but we need to put the foundation underneath. We have pavers (foreground, 6x9 inch, about 2 inches deep), and a few cinderblocks). We could build a wood frame, and...
  9. Chicken-poodle

    Would this dog kennel work for a run?

    I'm not handy, and have been pricing runs, and they are more than I want to spend. But, we have plenty of raccoons and foxes, so I must have security. I was thinking this dog kennel at Lowe's might work if I cover the bottom and lower walls (is 2' high enough?) with hardware cloth. Dimensions...
  10. Chicken-poodle

    flexible tubes for chicken tunnel

    Hi, I'm new. Thinking about coop and run design, and how to integrate chickens into a garden. I want to be able to move tunnels around my garden for chicken help as needed between rows of plants. So, flexibility of the tunnels is key. Can I use corrugated drain pipes like these for...
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