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  1. Patriot1672

    Best option for butchering older roosters?

    I have six Ameraucana/ Silkie roosters that are almost two years old. I’ve tried to sell them, practically giving them away. However, it seems everyone is in the same boat as me when it comes to having too many roosters. I realize now after reading more that I should’ve butchered these birds...
  2. Patriot1672

    Any advice on finding one of my hens nests out in the woods?

    So I had two Narragansett hens at the start of this spring. I thought they had both been laying in the same nesting box as they did last year and the year before. However, I was wrong. I began noticing about a week or so ago that one hen would disappear from around the time I let them out in the...
  3. Patriot1672

    My bodyguards

    I had bought turkey eggs online about a year and a half ago, ended up hatching 4(3 Toms/ 1 Hen). The toms seem to move around in a little herd together, always having their tails flared in every direction. However when I walk directly away from them, one particular Tom starts running at me with...
  4. Patriot1672

    My First Batch of Silkie Hybrid Chicks

    I had been housing three Americauna hens, 2 Asil hens, and a Silkie rooster in the same stall at night. One of the hens was determined to hatch some chicks out so we let it happen. I’m kinda excited to see what these will look like now. I was also wondering if anyone might have had a similar...
  5. Patriot1672

    What is this thing??

    So one of my turkeys got killed two nights ago. I would post the pic of how I found her, thinking that may help people figure out what the predator was, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed. Anyways my dad caught a rather bad photo of something yesterday evening. One of the only characteristics that...
  6. Patriot1672

    Eagle toting a possum for breakfast

    My dad had took this photo this morning at Fort Payne, Al. That’s probably one of the possums that’s got at my birds. It’s doing the lords work.
  7. Patriot1672

    Any Turkey Nesting Ideas?

    So I’ve got a sheltered “shed” area that I let my fowl stay in at night. My turkeys are slowly starting to lay eggs and I was trying to think of a good nesting box build to fix up. I was wanting to build it off the ground some, but was unsure of how high they would like it. Last spring they laid...
  8. Patriot1672

    What killed all my chickens?

    So I’ve had game chickens for about 8 years now and have only had to deal with coons, possums, and the occasional stray dog getting some of my birds. In those cases, it was rather easy to determine what got them. They’d usually only get one or two birds when they did attack, but you could see...
  9. Patriot1672

    Should I try to let Turkey hen adopt newborn poults?

    So I’ve recently hatched out 5 Narragansett poults. I had ordered them off eBay in hopes of hatching out at least one Tom, as last spring I hatched out five that turned out to be all hens. Two of the hens have been consistently fighting over rights to some of my game chicks that they adopted(...
  10. Patriot1672

    Turkey Poults Hatched Early

    So I’ve got six fertile Turkey eggs in my incubator. There was originally 10, however six only made it to this point. They weren’t due to hatch until the 20th. Do you think the other eggs will hatch within a day or so? I’m just a aware of how long I can leave the fully hatched chicks in there.
  11. Patriot1672

    Turkey raising chicks

    My nearly year old hens have became broody, and given that none of the four poults I bought turned out to be male I allowed them to lay on my game hen eggs this season.
  12. Patriot1672

    My Brown Chinese/ Toulouse cross gosling?

    So I had purchased eggs from eBay and the seller claimed that he had those two breeds along with buffs. I was told that it looks mostly like the cross that I had posted in the title. I was just wondering if the gosling would grow a knob or not. There doesn’t seem to be even the slightest bump as...
  13. Patriot1672

    What gender are these 5 month old turkeys?

    So I’ve asked before and everyone thought they were all females. Yet now I have three that seem to be in “heat”, with the 4th acting more protective and otherwise. I haven’t seen any mating but I haven’t been home a lot here lately. Any thoughts?
  14. Patriot1672

    Is the Valley Farms Hatchery a trustworthy website?

    I saw a link through backyard chickens website for this hatchery. Given that I figured it might be a good hatchery to order eggs from, however I have never heard of them before nor have I found discussions among others talking about ordering hatchlings from them.
  15. Patriot1672

    Would this hybrid still be sex linked?

    So instead of buying a couple more egg layer chicks this spring at Tractor Supply. I let my game hen hatch out a dozen eggs that my Golden Comets had laid. Now with my game chicks I can tell the gender as soon as they hatch since all the female chicks have the chipmunk stripes. I was curious if...
  16. Patriot1672

    The strange place my fowl decide to roost at during cold weather

    I usually let everyone free range from dusk until dawn. When night rolls around my rooster usually calls everyone in, besides the geese and turkeys, to the chicken run/shelter. There are several roost areas with heat lamps nearby, however they mainly decide to sit on top of one of my brooders...
  17. Patriot1672

    What Breed Of Goose Is This?

    I had purchased 3 early season goose eggs in early December from eBay. He said that any of the eggs could be pure bred or a hybrid of the following breeds he had; Brown Chinese, Toulouse, Buff, and Sebastopol. I’m assuming that it’s at least half Brown Chinese, but I’m not too sure as the bill...
  18. Patriot1672

    What Breed of Goose is this?

    I had purchased 3 early season goose eggs in early December from eBay. He said that any of the eggs could be pure bred or a hybrid of the following breeds he had; Brown Chinese, Toulouse, Buff, and Sebastopol. I’m assuming that it’s at least half Brown Chinese, but I’m not too sure as the bill...
  19. Patriot1672

    According to the pictures what gender are my turkeys?

    So I have four Narragansetts, and I was earlier told by someone that they thought I had 4 hens. I’ve read up and can tell that one of the 4 has larger caruncles than the others. I’m about positive that two are female given that there snood and heads are so much smaller. There are two others I’m...
  20. Patriot1672

    Looking for geese for sale near NorthEast Alabama

    I currently have one male who is 9 months old. I planned on buying some goslings this spring, however I would also purchase any grown birds sooner if they were available.
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