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  1. tuesdays chicks

    my hatch in little giant (pics added)

    To the best of my knowledge I started with 17 eggs day 7 went to candle 16 eggs mysterious vanishing egg oh well no one ownes up to making it disapear have 16 more eggs candle to see who is developing 3 no development out with them, down to 13 day 18 candle remove 1, 2 moved to side looked like...
  2. tuesdays chicks

    I have pippage ... but

    I got pipping and peeping but 1 actually the biggest chunk of shell off is in the wrong side of egg not in the aircell and membrane still intact, is there anything I should do for this chick? will he drown?
  3. tuesdays chicks

    candling question day 8

    ok can someone tell me whats up? candled day 8 and 1 egg looked like the pics in day 12 or 14 is that a bad egg or just a quick developer?
  4. tuesdays chicks

    genetic question colors

    what do you get when you put a white ee roo over a splash hen?
  5. tuesdays chicks

    egg bound does the production line get backed up?

    Hi here is what I think may have happened.... I was concerned that my bantam brahma hadn't laid for about a week, so I lifted her up and started feeling around her tummy to see if there was possibly a bound egg (not that I know what I'm feeling for) and I just felt below the vent area there was...
  6. tuesdays chicks

    vanishing eggs

    I"ve been thinking something has been sneaking away with the smaller bantam eggs or eating them when we're not looking or that maybe I have an egg eater, but yesterday Dh collected 3 eggs locked the girls up left the eggs sitting on a chair to go do something else and forgot abut the eggs, he...
  7. tuesdays chicks

    ee pullet laying double yolk

    I have 2 ee pullets that recently started laying at 17 weeks old, 1 seems to have a few chinks in her production line at 1st she was laying an egg and a soft egg now she seems to be laying double yolks every egg they started laying regular eggs 10 days ago, I've opened 5 healthy double yolks...
  8. tuesdays chicks

    fertility of cockerel

    Hi all my 2 10 week old boys have been trying to mount my bantam brahma, is it possible they could be ready? they are an ee and a production red ee I think, the brahma is in molt I think and not laying and not having any of it, I was just wondering if they are still to young anyway if they did...
  9. tuesdays chicks

    when and who to process

    Hi all, The jumbo browns are 8 weeks now,have 11 all together 4 are definate males, is it time to process? or should I give it a couple more weeks or should I breed these and wait for next batch? I have them in a group pen, or would I be better processing and just keeping 1 male and 4 or 5...
  10. tuesdays chicks

    Hawk attacks

    Hawks have been getting at my birds, it got its beak through the 1/2" hardware clothe and scalped 1 of my quail, thats after it killed 1 of my chickens from the outside of the chicken run (chicken was inside the run), do quail stand still when a predator comes? this has been the worst weekend...
  11. tuesdays chicks

    what chickens still laying?

    Just wondering what kind of chickens are still laying without artificial light? My Buff Orpington just stopped 3 days ago, My bantam brahma is still laying, at least she was yesterday, too early to tell today, and my other 2 bantams stopped because of harmones in october,
  12. tuesdays chicks

    2 weeks old

    the babies are 2 weeks old and they are flying, roosting on the coop door, these are the outdoor chicks and the indoor chicks wing feathers aren't as developed, I haven't figured out if it's the environment or breed that has decided the development since they are 2 different breeds, I just find...
  13. tuesdays chicks

    Um nobody get mad at me please....

    I know my quail are only under 3 weeks old, and before anyone chews my head off I didn't order them or ask for them I was given the eggs along with the chicken eggs I wanted to hatch, and yes they are very pretty little birds, but they are sooooo messy and maybe its because they are all in a...
  14. tuesdays chicks

    I have a predator

    something has been trying to dig into my chicken run, I've designed it knowingly, so I am secure in the fact it or they wont get in, last night I decided to put a rat trap out, figure if nothing else it will scare the begeesus out of what ever is digging, but I guess it didn't scare it too much...
  15. tuesdays chicks

    how long after molt and broody.... (dutch bantam)

    do hens/pullet start laying again? will my mom bird start laying sfter the chicks are a certain age? and the broody that stopped being broody and started molting straight away, it appears that she stopped molting already I figured I would put her breed in the title so that anyone with experience...
  16. tuesdays chicks

    chick sneezing

    I came home from work today, did all the chicken checks, picked up my 2 babies from the indoor brooder, to give them some loving as you do and 1 keeps sneezing, checked the eyes normal poop all seems normal except for a runny nose, its 10:30 at night so please don't tell me I need to run to the...
  17. tuesdays chicks

    question about adding chicks to flock

    I'm not ready to do it, or maybe its better to say the chicks aren't ready yet, i was just thinking about how in the world I'm going to do it, ok 1st I got momma taking care of 4 chicks and their fine at moment in their own little coop and run, but I also have the 2 chicks she rejected, would I...
  18. tuesdays chicks

    momma turned friendly

    my momma pullet who was always standoffish, has become friendlier since she started raising the chicks I thought she would get more aggressive when the chicks hatched but she actually lets me pet her now when I go out to feed them, and I noticed my outdoor chicks are feathering quicker then my...
  19. tuesdays chicks

    color of this chick

    is it a gold or fawn I hope the pic is clear enough, man is it hard to get a pic if your not holding in your hand.
  20. tuesdays chicks

    funny baby

    I went out to the girls to give fresh water and the last feed for the night, I brought the water for momma and her chicks and they were all excited because they scratched dirt all in the last water, I knelt down to observe for a few minutes as you do, and 3 of the chicks and momma were drinking...
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