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  1. Coop de Grille

    My husband rigged up a water system

    My husband tore down our outside pen and is rebuilding it. My coop itself is a 10x12 shed. On the right side of the coop we now have two outdoor pens. The one closest to the coop will have a roof over it. He's still building it, you can see it's open but it will be covered. Attached to the soon...
  2. Coop de Grille

    Ducks/Mating/Laying eggs

    I have a female Mallard named Fergie and a male Pekin named Travis. They were hatched around Feb 10th so they are a little over three months old. This is my first time having ducks, although I have had chickens for a few years. Will the male Pekin mate with the female Mallard? At what age should...
  3. Coop de Grille

    Help with duckie ID please!

    The two white ones are Pekin and the small, darker brown one is a Mallard. What is the lighter brown one in the front and the tall, thin one in the back? They were sold to us as Mallards and Pekins, but these two look different. Also, any clue on gender? I think the little Mallard is a female...
  4. Coop de Grille

    Help.. hole in egg.

    My eggs are due to hatch June 10th. I was just candling them and one of them has a hole in it on the side. The baby is developing, what do I do? Should I discard the egg now or let it and see what happens? Is there a way to close the hole?
  5. Coop de Grille

    What are these spots on the yolk??

    I cracked open this egg and noticed all these little circles on the yolk. It looks like it's been fertilized 20 times lol.. What could it be? I didn't eat it and haven't seen it again on any of my other eggs. It's kind of hard to see with the glare but there are little circles all over the yolk.
  6. Coop de Grille

    Gender confused rooster

    Why does my rooster insist on sitting on eggs? At first I thought he might be dust bathing but he is acting like a hen. He walks in a circle, pushes the eggs back under him with his beak and kicks around the shavings. It's definitely not dust bathing. Quick video clip of him tucking eggs...
  7. Coop de Grille

    GLW's... little roo's?

    I have six baby Golden Laced Wyandottes and I think all six are boys . I know four are definitely boys, but there are two that I am still holding out hope. Boy Boy Boy Boy Girl?? Same chick as above, different view Girl?? Any chance the last two can be girls?
  8. Coop de Grille

    Why are my EE's losing their muffs?

    All of my EE's are missing their muffs! I noticed it the other day with my roo and on closer examination almost all of my EE's have lost them. What is going on???? A lot of my hens are bald from the roosters' attentions, but it's not just the girls that have lost their muffs. This guy...
  9. Coop de Grille

    This is a strange one for me...

    I hatch my own eggs. I only have EE and Ameraucana roosters. My girls are Buff Orp, EE, Ameraucana, Barred Rock, Production Reds, Black and Blue Copper Marans. NONE of my chicks look like these two girls. They are sisters, hatched at the same time and look identical to each other, but nothing...
  10. Coop de Grille

    My first Doomsday baby has hatched!

    Eight more to go!
  11. Coop de Grille

    My dog just killed two of my chickens and seriously injured a third.

    The one that is injured has her back all ripped up under her wings. She is walking around but I put her in a dog cage to separate her from the rest of the flock. Is there anything I can do for her? What is the chance she can recover from her injury? I had my girls out free ranging and my...
  12. Coop de Grille

    Blue-kote and Rooster Booster are not working...

    What else can I try? My little Ameraucana roo has had his entire tail pecked off. I don't know what else to do for him. I don't want to remove him from the flock, he is already the lowest in the pecking order.
  13. Coop de Grille

    Blue-kote and Rooster Booster are not working...

    What else can I try? My little Ameraucana roo has had his entire tail pecked off. I don't know what else to do for him. I don't want to remove him from the flock, he is already the lowest in the pecking order. I just realized I put this in the wrong category. I will repost it in...
  14. Coop de Grille

    Icky eye! Warning... gross picture

    What is wrong with my hen???? I noticed today that her comb is all spotted black and white and her eye is just nasty with infection. What can I do for her?
  15. Coop de Grille

    Fertile eggs with a 12 week old roo???

    Do these eggs look fertile? I have not had a roo in with my girls since last year. Right now I have five little 12 week old roos, and I have seen one of them (the dominant one) mounting my hens. Is it possible for him to fertilize eggs at only 12 weeks old? He is an Easter Egger. Right above...
  16. Coop de Grille

    Could both legs be broke?

    I have a 12 week old EE cockerel that was fine yesterday and I'm pretty sure was ok when I opened up the coop this AM. I just noticed that he is laying down, and scooting around. He can't get up on his legs. I picked him up and don't see any injuries. Last night was their first night up on a...
  17. Coop de Grille

    Swing set to Coop conversion help

    My neighbor has an old wooden swing set that I am going to take and convert into a coop. I have a few chickens that are picked on by the general population in my current coop and I want to separate them from the mean girls. I need help though, I'm totally clueless on where to start. I'd love...
  18. Coop de Grille

    What would do this kind of damage? UPDATE POST #65!

    I have something stalking my chickens. My dog has been freaking out the last three nights at 2 am. She barks and stares at something by my chicken coop. I'm surrounded by woods so it could be anything. I have a security camera out by my babies so I can see them but I haven't been able to see...
  19. Coop de Grille

    Singing chickens?

    Egg production has been slowing down and after reading on this forum I figured it must be due to decreased daylight. I was going to put a white light out in the coop for a few hours but I already had Christmas lights up inside so I put them on. I forgot to turn them off before going to bed. I...
  20. Coop de Grille

    White Ameraucana.... males or females?

    I'm pretty sure I have one of each but want to pass it by the experts here and see what everyone else thinks. They were born Sept 1st and are pure white Ameraucanas. I think this one is the female And this one I believe is male LOL Look at that mug!
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