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  1. Dragonwolfmastr

    Advice, please - Legbars & EEs? Gender?

    Salutations! I bought six chicks at a hatchery/barn and they are now almost 6 weeks old. We were supposed to get 3 Crested Cream Legbars and 3 Easter Eggers, all female. However, I am now having trouble identifying both breed and gender. I believe #1, #2, and #4 are Legbars and the others are...
  2. Dragonwolfmastr

    Hen panting, weird poop - stress? please help!

    Hey, unfortunately I’m back in this section again. I have a hen with a few weird symptoms. I have done some research and can’t seem to connect them. 1) Columbian Wyandotte, 3.5-4 years old. She seems a normal weight— has always been chunky. 2) She is sometimes, not all the time...
  3. Dragonwolfmastr

    Am I correctly de-worming my chickens?

    Hello! I wanted to make sure I am using the correct method to deworm my chickens. One of our birds sadly passed away on Saturday due to worms. We think it was cecal or capillary worms, possibly gapeworms but we didn't think so. There were small, short (1cm?), rounded, light-colored worms...
  4. Dragonwolfmastr

    Hen keeps trilling and shaking herself

    Hiyo. I'm a little worried about my hen right now - she keeps making a worried trilling noise and vigorously puffing herself up and shaking herself. Sometimes she flaps her wings as well, and then rushes to catch up to the other hens. She's female, 1 1/2 years old, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte...
  5. Dragonwolfmastr

    Black and white spots on chicken comb

    :frowHi there, My gorgeous hen Rocky has some black and whitish spots on her comb. I thought it was dirt at first, but I tried to wipe it off with my finger and it seems like it's stuck on there. I also checked out some other articles like this, and they said it might be pecking scabs, but I'm...
  6. Dragonwolfmastr

    Dragon Roleplay ~ ☆Starry Skies☆ ~

    Please Read First A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum. B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages. C) I promise...
  7. Dragonwolfmastr

    FAQ for my Role Plays!

    Hello And Welcome! This is my FAQ thread for my role plays. Feel free to ask any questions you have. Look at the rules for my dragon role plays here. :plbb
  8. Dragonwolfmastr

    Dragon Role Play Information For My Future Role Plays

    THIS IS THE INFORMATION FOR SEVERAL ROLEPLAYS I WILL BE MAKING IN THE FUTURE. YOU ARE WELCOME TO USE THIS INFORMATION AND RULES IN A ROLEPLAY OF YOUR OWN WITH CREDIT TO ME. Inspired by @cluckmecoop7 ~ Thank you! You literally made my mind explode with your amazingness-- I love wolves too and...
  9. Dragonwolfmastr

    Chicken Check-Up: Help make sure my chickens are healthy!

    Hello there! It's just past the latest heat wave of the summer for us in Seattle, and I decided I'd like to perform a chicken check-up on my 5 hens to make sure they're all doing well and good! I would love y'all fellow chicken keepers to help too by offering suggestions, treatments, and such...
  10. Dragonwolfmastr

    How many chicks can a Silkie Bantam mother raise?

    Hi there fellow chicken keepers! I'm hoping to raise some chicks soon, and I have only 1 available mother: a Silkie Bantam. I've seen her incubate a clutch of 3 of her own eggs without my help, but I've also had her foster 4 chicks. Does anyone know what the limit is to the number of chicks she...
  11. Dragonwolfmastr

    If I give my rooster away before it starts crowing, is it still unlawful?

    Hi! I'm wondering about local rooster laws. I live in Seattle. I looked up the law about roosters and it just said "roosters are not permitted." Then I looked up why and it basically said, "Cause they make so much noise." But what if I give away a 6-8 week old rooster and it hasn't started...
  12. Dragonwolfmastr

    Moving chicks away from mama hen. Emotional support needed?

    Hi, I've got four chicks being raised by a Silkie. They seem to be attached to her and will cry out if they're not with her. We are going to sell 2 of them to a fellow chicken keeper. All of their housing needs are provided, but I was wondering if they need some kind of emotional support since...
  13. Dragonwolfmastr

    Chicks are sleepy during the day... any problems?

    Hi, just wondering about some tiredness from my four 6 week old chicks. They live in a 2.5' x 2.5' x 2.5' brooder and have pine shavings. We recently ran out of starter feed so the lady at the store said we could blend up some grower feed and that would work. They seem to actually be eating a...
  14. Dragonwolfmastr

    Hen died last night. Unknown cause of death. Any ideas?

    Our beautiful 41/2-year-old Ameraucana, Louise, died last night or early in the morning. I do not know what time. She was healthy and acting normal, grazing and eating and drinking just fine. She was hanging out with the other chickens, too. I came into the coop this morning and found her dead...
  15. Dragonwolfmastr

    Do my chickens have scaly leg mite?

    Hi, I just performed "chicken doctor" on my chickens. They all show signs of little bumps and crust on their legs, but they all have the same thing, and they've looked like this for all of the time I've seen their legs. So do they have scaly leg mite? And how do I treat it?
  16. Dragonwolfmastr

    Hi y'all from Seattle!

    1. I first got chickens about 3 years ago. I've been researching and studying them since. 2/3. I have 4 chickens right now- an Ameracauna, 2 Silkie Bantams, and a Colombian Wyandotte. 4. My favorite aspect of raising chickens are that you can always learn something new from books, websites like...
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