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  1. G

    Serama hen VERY sick!

    my serama hen is about 8 mo old. Last night she wasnt on her roost and looked really sick laying in a corner. Her comb is a normal color but she is lethargic and wont move. I checked to see if she might be egg bound but didnt feel an egg. Whatever is wrong with her is internal. There are no...
  2. G

    Will i have to kill this bird?

    A wild chicken has been hanging around my house. I caught her today and was checking her over and found this all over her chest area. Don't know what this is. She may have been attacked? I have other healthy birds and don't want to put them in any danger. If this is serious will I have to put...
  3. G

    Hen cant walk

    My Orpington hen started limping yestrday. Now she can barely walk and she is breathing heavy.I checked for bumble foot and scaly leg mites. She was fine .her foot doesn't feel broken or swollen all the vets are closed right now. Realy freaking out please help!
  4. G

    Emergency! Something wrong with hens leg

    One of my Orpington hens is limping for some reason! She was just fine this morning. But now she walks very slowly limping and favoring her right leg. Checked for a possible extream case of scaley leg mites or may be a broken bone. It doesn't look like anything is realy wrong and all the vets...
  5. G

    Wild Hen trouble!

    So I live in a realy rual area. And on Valentine's Day 2020 I found and captured a wild American game hen that had been wondering around my yard. I decided to keep her and immediately began the quarintine process. We bonded alot through that time. Then I bought a chicken leash and took her...
  6. G

    How can i tie up my chicken?

    I have an American Game who is aggressive and as of present , dangerous to my flock. Does anybody here tie up aggressive roosters? By tie up I mean have a rope (ect) to one foot and that rope tied to a tree or some other structure? Can you make something like that diy?
  7. G

    Single Game Hen In Quarintine !

    Around a month ago I found a wild game hen in my backyard. I have no idea where she came from or why she stayed. But she has stuck around and today I caught her and put her in a 2 an one half foot long by 1 and a half foot wide cage. I am quarinting her. Is that cage to small to keep her in for...
  8. G

    NPIP Questions for research paper

    HI my school said that we have to write a research paper on a topic of our choice. I have chosen to write about the NPIP. My English teacher said to talk to people who are familiar with my topic and can answer some of my questions. So why was the NPIP started? Is any one here apart of of the...
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    Hi I want to change my Avatar but it won't let me... Is it one of those special upgrades I have to pay for?
  10. G

    Heat Lamp Trouble

    I have a standard 250 watt red light heat lamp. I have moved my chicks out side and it is cold so I will need the lamp on especially tonight. Well I plugged it in and the bulb starts to fog up from the inside (the outside is clean ) and smells really funny. The "fog" it produces is so thick...
  11. G

    How can i tell if my chicken is fat?

    Wondering what the signs are for a over weight chicken. Are there any chicken exercise routines :)
  12. G

    Integrating Chicks?

    I have 3 silkie Chicks about 8 wks old . How long do I have to wait before I can put them in the coop with my other Orpingtons. And how would one go about doing that exactly? Know there is a whole process an everything to it ...
  13. G

    Stale chick feed!!!

    How can i tell if my chick feed is stale? I bought it from a feed store.... Just wondering.
  14. G

    Orpington Egg poll

    Hello Orpington lovers! I've made this quick little poll to give me an idea on when your Orpingtons started to lay eggs. Every vote is a contribution to my research:).
  15. G

    Egg laying Poll ( please check out!!!)

    :frowHi everyone! I've created a poll on when your pullets first come into lay. Thanks for clicking on it and please enter!!!:D:fl I will be posting results in 20 days so please come back then and check to see results:) Now one more thing before you begin: after you post your answer you MUST...
  16. G

    Happy 2020!!

    :frowI know this is a few hours early but excitement is growing !!!! A new year is about to begin and me and my flock want to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR ! May we all be safe, generous, kind, and keep loving our chickens :love. Happy 2020!
  17. G

    No Eggs !!!!

    :hitMy hens have been doing "the squat" for about 3 weeks. Still no eggs. It's winter season but living in the south it's not cold. There combs are huge! And red. Why no eggs! Are they really going to make me wait until spring (or are they just hidding eggs from me....)
  18. G

    Do chickens lay in Winter?

    Most say chickens don't lay in winter. I know a few whose pullets have come into lay during winter and are laying still. My Orpingtons show all the signs of being able and ready to lay eggs. It is winter here . What's up?
  19. G

    Clipping Chicks Wing!!!!!!

    Hi. My brooder is spacious but the walls arnt that high. Last night one of my chicks was trying to fly over the walls. She was successful . I raised the walls about 5 in higher but she just keeps scaling them! Will have to clip her wings her wing feathers are fully formed. How do I go about this...
  20. G

    Solved How do i get my articles posted on the main Web page?

    Worked hard on writing an article. Would like to see it on the main page. How can I do that?
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